Chapter Twenty-Three

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It seemed like four hours that Stevie and her friends were waiting until Al finally came back.

"One of the scientists found out a way to make a chamber using a spare crystal to contact Kate." He said. "It's like a VR chamber, but not exactly. Mainly, it'll have a gemstone at the center." Al's gaze darkened. "I don't think I'll have to warn you of the dangers that'll happen if you touch it. That is, if you are telling the truth."

"Thanks, Al." Jordie said.

Al glanced away. "Yeah, whatever."

Stevie, Jordie, and May stepped into the room. Stevie edged away from the crystal, which was glowing faintly in the center.

"Is everybody ready?" Al called from outside the room.

Stevie nodded.

Al nodded. "I'll keep the door open, so if you need to step out and take a break, feel free."

Stevie wasn't sure if she trusted Al to keep the door open, but she thanked him anyway.

And they began.

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