Chapter 1 : Judgmental Surprises

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Zeratino's POV:

So when I went into the afterlife I was not completely, but partially expecting that some god or gods just wouldn't let me rest in peace. So when the judges wanted to speak to me right before I went to rest, I wasn't surprised. 3 identical beings with black cloaks and masks made of pure gold with just 2 pitch black holes, and a frown across the mask. I was wondering what they wanted me for but I had a hunch. (Were they mad that I was just going to be in an undead slumber for the rest of eternity? Not even going to bother trying to go to any of the 4 parts of the underworld. It may be 3 since Elysium is most likely out of the option.) "So the Seductive Rose is finally dead I see. And has also taken the form of a child nonetheless" Said one of the judges with a tone that even with the mask on I could tell he was scowling. I looked down and wondered why the one was so upset by my look. It was how I looked right before Hera destroyed my human form when I was 16 somewhere in Greece from back when Helios was still in charge of the sun chariot. I looked ordinary. (Is he upset that I don't look like a prince or something)Wearing a white chiton with no sandals and a rose on the strap around my shoulder, I had white skin, with slightly long and bouncy, curly light brown hair, as well as pale green eyes that gave me the nickname pistachio when I was younger. I didn't care much about what he said about my appearance, it was what he called me. I wasn't the Seductive Rose, not anymore at least. So being the person I am or was, I decided to correct him. I started to say"It's Zeratino actu-" "WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO SPEAK SON OF GAEA." Another one of the 3 judges yelled, which I would guess has a temper and does not want me to speak at the moment, interrupted me. He startled me by yelling and calling me the son of Gaea. It caught me off guard because no one had called me that in years. The reasoning for that title, long story short, Gaea had 2 children with a mortal and the gods didn't know until the fates told them through a prophecy a few years after I was born. Let me tell you, they were furious, and when I mean they, I mean Zeus and Hera. Because this so-called "prophecy" that hasn't happened and possibly never will, stated that between me and my older brother Xiphos, either one of us or both of us would rule Olympus. It was that and Zeus as well as the rest of the gods minus Athena, Demeter, and maybe Hades, were by the looks of it, completely appalled that Gaea had children with a mortal. Not sure why they found it shocking that Gaea, who is a god, like all of them, had 2 kids with a mortal. Considering that they were gods and they were having children all the time with mortals it shouldn't have been so surprising. If I were them, I wouldn't have been so surprised. But that's maybe my own biased opinion since she is my mom. Most gods are weird and entitled anyway. "Should we send him to the Fields of Asphodel?" Said the first judge. "I say punishment" Suggested the second. "Asphodel" "Punishment!" "Asphodel!" Ohhh boy. When the judges start arguing, they take a while to stop. Me and possibly many other souls may be waiting for a century and if we are lucky just a decade to be judged. (Wait a second) I just realized something. The third judge hadn't spoken at all. Which was partially making me have multiple things go through my head. (Is he going to be the tie-breaker between the other two or is he just watching to see this play out? What if he suggests sending me into Tartarus?) Right before I said something that may have escalated the situation by accident. He then stood up straighter than the other 2, looking even more intimidating than he already is, and spoke with a voice that sent chills up my ghostly spine. "Silence. You two squabble like children I swear. I will just say this and my decision will be final. The boy after all he has been put through throughout the millennia has a right for a few of the things that he has done. Yes, there are things that the boy has done that are unforgivable, but this child does not deserve to wander the fields of Asphodel unable to remember himself nor be put through pain in the Fields of Punishment that may lead him further down a darker path even worse than the gods forged for him." Then before the other judges could say anything to protest, the third judge pointed his arm toward me and granted me the ability to enter Elysium. "Oh, m-my gods. Th-th-thank for this" I stuttered because I was trying so hard to not break down into tears. I was shocked that he thought I out of all people deserved Elysium. The third judge chuckled. "Do not thank me, thank Hades for having more brain cells than Zeus." Oh, my Tartarus. When I get into Elysium I am going to worship that god so much he may regret helping me at all. A portal opened behind me leading into my version of paradise. I looked at the judge and bowed to him to show my respect while he nodded back and I turned back around. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, and smiled, reopening my eyes and stepped through into Elysium.  

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