Chapter 16 : A meeting of Awkwardness

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Xylo POV:

Well then, that's one way to say hi to the world. Bryan went to his seat beside Brinley and then Inpu went to his seat by the table. Everyone was in complete shock except for the ones that already knew. (Man, sucks that Dranne can't come down here because of the water. He would know what to say to break the silence here. Guess I'll have to do it.) But right before I did, someone that I didn't even see walk in with the group stood from his seat and said. "This is an awkward silence now isn't it? Hello everyone, I wasn't here last year so just about all of you probably don't know me unless you were here for the first 2 years, but I'm one of the original campers. My name is Mario and I'm the son of Zeus. And also, hey Bryan, how's being back from the dead?" "I've been back for about 11 months now. Been pretty good." (Well then, that's 2 demigods that have shown up and broken the entire group. Wonder how they'll react to Zeratino and the others.) So this meeting is already tense and we haven't even started talking about what should be talked about. I decided to fix the group and break the second round of awkward silence. "Hello everyone, um you all know me but, why don't we break this very awkward silence and talk about what was supposed to be talked about." Mitch shook his head and said, "Yeah, your right Xylo. Now, this meeting is happening because a Prophecy has started up and may involve all pantheons again." Everyone groaned, understandably. The last prophecy involving all pantheons sucked. "Now, now, everyone calm down, right now I don't even know what the prophecy is and that is why I've brought you all to Atlantis to speak about." "So you want everyone to figure this out? Last time, we had multiple horrid things happen because we all worked together for the last prophecy." Said Kabia. Everyone murmured and nodded in agreement. "Okay, but does anyone know what this prophecy is called or what it's about." "It's called The Chaos Prophecy. And it involves Greek, Norse, and Egyptian pantheons." "Um, who said that?" Asked Momiji. Most of us were confused unless you were the ones with the Oracle and who met our "new" campers. Zeratino then stood up with confidence and his wings appeared. He flew upward and landed on the table. Everyone was in shock. Mitch then spoke, "Who are you? You were in the front of the group and you're a greek demigod, correct?" "I am, but I am not." He took off his blindfold to reveal purple and pink cracks along with his green eyes filled with ice. Momiji then asked, "If you're a demigod but you aren't, what are you? And why do I sense Amaterasu on you?" "My name is Zeratino. I am the younger son of Gaea and my brother Xiphos is the eldest. But many of you know me as someone else. But before I say, know that I am nothing like that now and I am truly sorry for what I've done." Mitch looked to his guards and signed to them that they did not need to get violent and if things did, then he would take care of it. "Who were you Son of Gaea? And why should we trust you?" "You can't trust me. Not until I've earned it from all of you." He paused. I realized why he had the blindfold, the bracelet wasn't the only thing keeping his corruption under control, the blindfold had some level of magical control. "But, for what you've all known me as. I was the Seductive Rose. Hera's pet and assassin of Greek demigods. To answer your question about Amaterasu, Set escaped the mirror of Amaterasu last year and then gave it to me. Even after I died I kept the essence of the mirror. The Seductive Rose was nothing but a savage dog that was let loose to wreak havoc for its master. And note that if you relate me to any of that, I will make sure the earth swallows you whole and leaves you alive to suffer there alone. I am only here because of the fates along with hope and doom as well as the fact that the prophecy needs me alive for now for the good of this world." Zeratino's form flickered to SR and back to human. You could feel Gaea's magic surround the room. No one said anything. Zeratino bowed, put his blindfold back on, walked off the table, and started to head towards his seat. "Wait." Said Mitch. "What is the Chaos Prophecy?" "You want to know what it is? It's a curse. It's the reason so many demigods are dead." Zeratino sat back with Drannus and the others. Momiji broke the once again awkward silence. "So now that we are done with that new information, I can not help but ask, who are the others with Zeratino other than Kat?" Kat stood up to ask, "May I take this from here?" "Alright, sure Kat." Said Mitch. In all honesty, I think he's just observing everyone here so that way he can properly judge the situation. "Alright, so I'm going to introduce myself. My name's Kat and I am a human. The tall person next to me is Xiphos. I think most of you met him last year as the big purple giant." "Yeah, and right now like Zeratino was before, I'm hiding my wings." "Thank you for the information Xiphos, but let me continue. The female next to me is Xo. She is the host of Elphis, embodiment of Hope and her brother Drannus is the host of Moros, embodiment of Doom." Everyone became even more shocked by that information. I just took the meeting from there at that point. "Okay so basically to sum everything up, we haven't seen big bads from the other timelines in ages and for those of you who didn't know, we had versions of demigods coming into this timeline to kill everyone. Bryan's back from the dead, son of Zeus Mario is back, and we have hope, doom, and Gaea's 2 half-blood sons that also happened to be demonic swords a little while back. Oh, and we have a prophecy that the Egyptian, Norse, and Greek pantheons are involved in. Did I miss anything?" Inpu then spoke up. "No, I think that's about it. Also, should the next meetings that we may have just involve those pantheons, or" "I believe they should. If they don't involve other pantheons, we will try to help, but we should be advised to keep our distance. Time and fate is not something to be meddled with. If our help is needed we will come, but we can not help on our own intuition." Said Ashara. Mitch then said, "Agreed if that is everything, then I will just say, no attacking Zeratino or Drannus and stay safe everyone. Meeting Adjourned." We all left in quiet murmurs. "Xylo." "Who? Oh, hey Mario. Nice to see you again. How's Kaykrae?" "She's doing good. The meeting was tense." "Yeah, how was seeing Zeratino and Bryan?" "I saw Zeratino a week ago and heard about Bryan so I was given enough time to wrap my head around what happened last year and everything." "Great." "I will say though, it was a little scary seeing Zeratino like that." "Yeah I have a hunch for that and it may be the fact that he took off the blindfold as well as him being really close to the sword." "I heard about that from Kat that you guys were bringing the sword. I feel glad that no one said anything about it though." "Why?" "Zeratino being in the same room as his sword does not sound like a good idea now does it? Plus, we don't know if it corrupts people still." "Valid reasons, but Bryan's had that thing for ages. I think everyone should be fine other than Zeratino if it gets within 5 yards of him." "Alrighty then, I need to head back home so I'll see you at the next meeting or if I'm in camp I'll see you around?" "Yep, see you around." Mario left and I was the only one left here. Death is always alone. "What the!? Who said that?!" But the death-like energy was gone, and for the 4th time, I was stuck with awkward silence. "OH COME ON! WHY IS THERE ALWAYS AWKWARD SILENCE WHEN I'M IN THE ROOM!? Gahh"  

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