Chapter 37 : Finding Zeratino

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Kat POV:

(I officially hate today. Glad I'm not sick anymore. But Xiphos is possessed by the book......And now Zeratino's missing. Where exactly is Bryan headed?) Bryan held on to me tightly as Xo flew behind us. Something I noticed during our flight was how Bryan flies versus how Xiphos flies. Bryan's more of a glider than Xiphos, so this flight was smoother than I'm used to. I looked down and saw we were flying over a large lake. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw what looked like an abandoned greek temple. It was covered in vines and almost hidden in the mountains with how much the stone had eroded. I looked up at Bryan and he was staring straight ahead of us. It was almost impossible to read his expression. I asked, "Bryan, where exactly are we going?" He glanced down at me for a moment before looking ahead of us again. "That floating island." I was confused for a second before I looked forward and saw an island floating thousands of feet above the ground. Other than the fact that it was floating, the island was easy to spot because of its purple color versus the green, gray, and blue mountains, fields, and lakes. Xo flew a bit faster to be next to us and asked, "What is that place?" Bryan replied, "The first place I went after........." He stopped speaking and looked down. Bryan shook his head and continued speaking, "After my corruption was physically noticeable besides my personality. I didn't even know this place existed until I came here. But something was telling me to come here as a safe spot to calm myself. After thinking about it, I assumed it was Zeratino telling me to come here. Plus it was one of the first places that came to mind for where Zeratino might go, since... you know. The places he created don't exist anymore." I nodded and said, "Yeah, when you killed him last year, the place began falling apart. I wouldn't be surprised if any debris after crumbling faded away because the magiks keeping it in existence was dead." We reached the island and landed safely. I admired the life around me. The grass was purple, and so was the small pond. While the tree trunks were green and the leaves were dark cyan. Xo stepped forward and placed her hand on her hip, "Huh, this place is surprisingly barren. And it feels like the size of the Egyptian camp." Bryan looked over and then glanced toward the sky while moving his right hand to the back of his head. "Uh, the barren bit might have been me. There were some slime creatures and let's say they were something I tested my new magiks on. But I don't remember the island itself being this big. It was about the size of a classroom before." Xo seemed like she wasn't surprised as she spoke, "This island's obviously magik. Who knows maybe you getting rid of the creatures let it grow. But let's focus on finding Rosey, we have a lot of ground to cover." We walked around the island, all at different paces. Bryan flew in the sky hoping that view might help, while Xo and I walked around the trees. After searching in silence for about a minute, Xo asked, "How did you adjust so quickly to the mythological world?" "Um, what do you mean?" I asked, a little confused and trying to process the out of nowhere question. She sighed and looked at me. Xo's expression was sorrowful and it was then I could tell how she was really feeling, "Here's a better question...............Kat, you did something last year that helped Zeratino. And you also treated your situation like it was a normal Tuesday, why? And how?" "I-" I began to respond, but not before I stopped and stared at the ground. After a moment, I continued answering her question. "I guess I was so freaked out by Xiphos and the first few demigods I met that nothing else started to surprise me. Zeratino had kinda scared me at first. But when Xiphos flew off and had been gone for hours. I could tell Zerry cared about Xiphos. I guess I waited it out, knowing maybe since he didn't kill me yet, showed there was some good in there. Just had to find it. But, Xo?" She hummed slightly. "You seemed to know everything Zeratino has gone through. But you were in the box the whole time, right? You couldn't have seen it." Xo's eyes widened slightly, she looked down at one of the tree saplings trying to grow. She sighed and said, "You are right......I didn't see all of it. But I wasn't in the box until about 6 centuries after Zeratino and Xiphos were put under servitude. I had to hide because I hadn't completely learned how to use Elphis's abilities or act like her yet. During that timeframe, I ran into Zeratino after Xiphos was taken. Since Xiphos wasn't corrupted, Demeter took him. She didn't want anything to do with Zeratino at the point he was at, and it hurt him a lot. Someone who is of Nature rejected him." Xo paused and took a shaky breath. Her eyes started to look glassy and on the verge of tears. Xo continued, "So I comforted him. Helped him deal with the blood on his hands, you know?" She paused again and I started to speak. But she ended up continuing before I could say anything. "Because I was still around, I guess I helped postponed his corruption, even though his physical appearance had already changed. He was still somewhat there mentally. I was able to give him hope since I was there and help keep his sanity. But then I got trapped in the box and I couldn't help him anymore. When I finally got out, there was nothing I could do......he was already gone. I could only hope that for all of us, he would be freed from his bind of insanity and madness, and he could rest. And that's all I can do now, hope Xiphos is going to be okay. And hope we find Zeratino and he gets what he needs." Xo wiped her eyes and began walking away. (There really is more to these four than what meets the eye.) I started to follow Xo when I tripped and fell. "OW!" She turned around and gasped when she saw me on the ground. "KAT! Are you okay?" "Fine, I'm fine." I said while grimacing and holding my right ankle. "Just hurt my ankle. But what did I trip on?" We looked down at the ground, and right by my leg was a vine. I reached for it and once I did, it slithered back a few inches. Xo knelt down and examined the vine. She moved her hand over the vine and it glowed a slight gold. "It's Rosey's. We need to find where this vine goes." Xo said. I looked up at the sky and asked, "Shouldn't we grab Bryan before following it?" Right as I said that, Bryan landed behind Xo and asked, "Did you two find something? You've been here for a while." Xo and I looked at each other before looking down at the vine. Bryan looked puzzled before he glanced at the vine and his eyes widened. He nodded and gave a look of understanding. Bryan helped me up and we began walking in the direction the vine came. After close to five minutes, we came to a tree. And at that base was Zeratino. He sat there with his head on his knees and his arms wrapped around his legs. The grass around him was withered dead and vines were crawling up his legs. Holding him to the ground. While dark pink cracks were covering his wrists and ankles like chains. Lying on the ground to his right was his bracelet. (Guess he took it off to ignore specific emotions.) Bryan walked over to Zeratino and sat down on his left. Bryan wrapped an arm around Zeratino and spoke softly and quietly, trying to not alarm him. "Zer, it's us. Bryan, Xo, and Kat. Can you talk to us?" Zeratino slightly lifted his head and stared at Xo and me before looking over at Bryan. Zeratino's eyes were red with tears. He asked, "What do you all want?" His voice cracked and you could hear the grief in his voice. Xo raised her right heel and dug the ball of her foot into the ground. Crossing her arms, Xo said, "It is not obvious?" Yet her tone wasn't sarcastic. It was quiet and soft, along with her expression. Like Elphis herself was speaking. (I forget how her tone and expressions change from her own to Elphis's sometimes.) Zeratino stared at Xo for a moment, and it was then I could get a good look at him. Other than his face being wet with tears, surrounding his eyes were the same cracks on his wrists and ankles. Zeratino rested his head against the top of his knees again and Bryan rubbed his back. Being careful with his wings. Zeratino shook and sobbed while having slight hiccups from crying so much. Bryan continued moving his hand up and down Zeratino's back while soothing him. "Shhhhh, it's okay. You're okay. Xiphos is going to be okay as well." It was muffled, but we heard Zeratino say, "You...hic...D-Don't know.........hic......that. sniff" Zeratino lifted his head and used his right arm to wipe away new tears. He continued speaking, "I-I'm gonna...hic......L-lose h-h-him......sniff...Again. And the-then......then. I'll be alone again. A-And...hic......I...hic....Don't wanna be alone again." Zeratino threw both of his hands over his face and uncontrollably sobbed into them. The cracks on him got worse and spread even more. While the vines on the ground tugged on Zeratino even more. I felt like I should have done something to help......and comfort him. Yet something was telling me to stay where I was and let Bryan take care of things. Bryan lifted his other arm and used it to bring Zeratino close to his chest. Bryan then continued to soothe him and speak, "Zer, you aren't alone. All of us here," Bryan paused and looked at Xo and me before continuing, "Are going to help you through this. If something worse than what is happening to Xiphos now does happen. We will do everything in our power to keep him and you safe. And that is an oath I will take to my grave." Zeratino's sobs seemed to have calmed down, and his hiccups were down to almost nothing. Xo walked over and placed a hand on Zeratino's shoulder. Zeratino looked up and turned around to look at Xo. She sternly said, "And I'm not leaving you alone again. We're gonna stay with you. And the second you start being stupid. I'll tell you and punch you like I'm about to do now." Zeratino was confused before Xo lightly punched his arm. In a tired and unsurprised tone, Zeratino said, "Oh. Ow." "You know that didn't hurt. I'll punch harder if you ever believe you're going to be alone again. Besides, you are going to be stuck with your fellow agent of mischief until the sun explodes." Xo retorted. I smiled and shook my head, (She has such an interesting way to say she cares.) Zeratino looked stunned before he smiled and pushed himself away from Bryan to hug Xo. I could see him gripping her hoodie. Zeratino whispered, "Thank you." Bryan, Xo, and Zeratino all sat at the base of the tree. I knew it would be a bit before we left, so I walked to a clearing on the island. Looking up at the sunset in the sky, I said to myself, "That's one more happy ending, though." I looked at my hands, thinking about what Xo said. (Helped him deal with the blood on his hands, you know? But how much more blood will be spilled over this prophecy? How much more blood will spill with nothing but cowardice, greed, hatred, and fear to blame?)  

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