Chapter 14 : Return of Lightning and Thunder

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Mario POV:

It's been a few years so I decided that it would be alright if I came by the camp. Kaykrae stayed behind with our son since 1, we didn't know how the camp was after 6 years or so, 2, she just flat out didn't want to come, and 3, I didn't like the idea of a 5 year old coming to this camp full of crazy people. I knew that because no matter what year it is, there will always be some sort of crazy person running about. I heard some yelling but it was near the activity area so I guessed that people were competing or something. "Wow, this place hasn't changed a bit." "Haha, can't catch me OW!" I felt someone ram into me and thought (Well then, new campers sound pretty rowdy. Should check on him though.) "Hey, watch where you're going, kid. Umm you okay?" Two of the other campers looked shocked to see me while two of them were confused. But the next thing the one on the ground said had shocked me. "U-uh I-I'm fine, Son of Zeus." He then covered his mouth with one hand and then got up. (Okay then, he knows who I am. Not completely surprising considering I'm wearing Greek attire and lightning is coursing around my arms. But why does he as well as the other two look like they just saw a ghost.) "Umm who are you five and are you three alright?" The man with black wings got down from the vine. (Man he's tall. Is he a giant?!) "My name is Xiphos and we're all campers from last year that decided to come back. That's Kat," He said, pointing at a redhead with jeans and a black T-shirt with a red rose. "Which she's a human that got here by accident. Those two" He pointed at the girl still on the vine and the boy with the one that bumped into me. "Are siblings Xo and Drannus. Blindfold here is Zeratino, my younger brother." "Heh um hi, s-sorry f-f-for running into you." "It's fine, but who are your demigod parents? And how did Kat get here?" Xiphos then looked at Kat and said, "Mind taking this from here. I meant to go find Xylo around this time." "Alright, I can do that. Just make sure to come back soon. Have no idea if a certain someone may have a panic attack or not." "I'll see you around um, what's your name?" "Mario." "Thanks. See you guys around." He waved to the other 3 and then flew off. (Huh, guess that answers the question about whether or not Xylo's still around.) "So mind explaining, Kat was it." "I will, just first, promise you won't attack anyone or freak out once I tell you this information." "Why, what's going to make me freak?" "Just promise, and you may need to sit down for this. Xo, Drannus, why don't you take Zerry and continue with the camp activities we were doing." "Alright tiger lily." "Will do. Come on Zerry, let's go." "Coming." Once they were gone we sat down at a bench. "So you promise." "I promise but what's so bad that you had to get me to sit down and everything?" "A lot. Just let me explain."

After explaining. I ain't typing an entire backstory combined with events from last year.

Kat POV:

Mario sat there quietly after I finished explaining. This was a lot even if you were there for it. If you weren't there for quite a bit of it, have fun wrapping your head around it. Which was exactly what he was trying to do. "So let me get this straight. SR wasn't just a sentient sword and is also one of the ONLY TWO SONS OF GAEA THAT HAVE MORTAL BlOOD?!" "That's a bit of it, yes." "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN SILVER TONGUE!" "XO I AM GOING TO KILL YOU, GET BACK HERE!" "DRANNUS, PLEASE STOP. DON'T SEND HER DOWN TO THE UNDERWORLD ALREADY!" "THIS WOMAN HERE HAS BEEN ALIVE FOR MILLENNIA, SHE CAN PROBABLY GO DOWN NOW !" "Well then, let's just let that resolve itself in 20 minutes." "Is this normal Kat?" "From what I've seen and heard, yes." We watched as Zeratino restrained Drannus from attacking Xo with brambly vines. "I don't think I've seen children of Demeter make that much brambles. And I've seen her kids. They put up a pretty good fight." "Yeah, well this is a son of Gaea. Not Demeter. So what are you going to do now?" "I think," He paused for a moment. "I think that I'm going to let this play out. I've been involved with this stuff already. Looks like I'm going into the core of it." "So you'll come to Atlantis?" "Yeah, I mean, not like I probably have a choice. Plus, I wanna see Bryan." "You knew him?" "Yeah, my first year was his. Went to his wedding too. We were good friends once I knew the real him. And besides, if this has my father as well as Hera involved, I want to help. I made Hera swear to never hurt or get involved with demigod lives again, but I'm worried that it may not protect him." He pointed towards Zeratino. And now that I thought about, even though he is technically a demigod, the gods may not see it that way unless we're talking with Hades, Demeter, or Athena. Maybe a couple of the others have different opinions now but, Zeus and Hera's haven't changed and they're the King and Queen. They could possibly order the others to do something that they may not want to do. "Yeah you're right. So I will see you in a week or around camp?" "Yeah, and if I don't see Bryan or anyone else from when I was here I'll see them at the meeting. So see you around and tell the others that I'll help in any way I can. Bye." Mario left and I was happy that it went better than I expected. I think Zeratino may be surprised about how it went but, at least we have more friends instead of enemies. I heard something so I turned around but whatever was there, was gone.

??? POV:

"Don't worry Kat. You'll still have an enemy on your list. One that will make everyone and thing suffer, as much as you fear."

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