Chapter 9 : Truth

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Xylo POV:

I flew Shadow towards my father's palace. I saw my brother and I said hi how are you, and then went to find dad. He was over right by the fields of punishment watching over things making sure that no one escaped, the usual. I didn't realize that he knew I was there until he turned around and said, "Hello my son, what brings you here to talk with me?" "How would you know that I wanted to talk?" "I took a guess because you normally don't come down to see me." "Well your guess is correct. I wanted to talk because a few days ago a strong greek energy left the underworld and so far you haven't done anything about it. To add on to that, the Oracle showed up talking about some prophecy about chaos and whatever." He looked shocked and I could tell that he knew what I was talking about. "Xylo, the prophecy you speak of is called the Chaos Prophecy. It was created around the time that Helios was still in charge of the sun." "The prophecy is old okay. But what exactly does this have to do with the damn escapee that you still haven't done anything about or by the looks of it told anyone about." He looked at me with a sorrowful face. He hesitated but he still spoke. "The 'escapee' was allowed to leave by me. I gave him the permission which therefore hides him from the gods and most demigods. Your brother already knows why I did this which is why he's not doing anything and still watching over the underworld." "Okay why?" He looked like he was going to regret something. What that was I didn't know until he told me. "My son, for you to understand, I must tell you a story.  An old ancient one that has been made sure no one knows of it's existence at that.  Ages ago Gaea had 2 sons with a mortal. An older one and a younger one. We didn't know until the Chaos Prophecy was spoken by the fates a few years after the younger one had been born. When hearing about this we knew that Elphis and Moros had some level of involvement but they were in the box so we didn't worry immediately. Or at least, me, Athena, and Demeter didn't." "Why, what was going on and GAEA HAD SONS WITH A MORTAL!" "Careful, I can't have the whole underworld hear you. And yes, she did. When hearing the prophecy all of us knew that Zeus wouldn't be the leader of Olympus, nor would Hera. They were both outraged. Hera had gone down to the human realm to try and stop this prophecy by trying to attack Gaea and her children. She failed and left, not before she left a curse on the younger boy." "What were their names?" "Xiphos and Zeratino which those names will make better sense to you later. Continuing on, a couple years had past and Xiphos was 12 while Zeratino was 7. Me, Athena, and Demeter were trying to convince Hera and Zeus that they shouldn't mess with fate and we could postpone it instead of killing them since we weren't in control of Olympus for too long and we could have the time that the Titans had and then pass it down." "It looks like you 3 failed at convincing them, the complete messing with fate one at least since it sounds like it was postponed." I said, raising an eyebrow. "We did. Most of the gods went down and attacked the home, setting it on fire. They couldn't find the children but Hera was able to curse the Xiphos with a slow sickness." "What was the curse on Zeratino?" "A curse that was stopped temporarily due to an enchanted bracelet. Anyways, Gaea didn't want to have her husband in Tartarus because that was where Zeus was going to send them along with the boys once they had found them." "Okaay, so did they go to Tartarus?" "No. Gaea created an earthquake and brought her husband into the earth with her. She then went into slumber knowing her children were safe for that moment. It took 9 years for the sickness to take hold of Xiphos which had given Hera the ability to find them. Instead of sending them into Tartarus, Hera wanted to give them a punishment that would hurt them more." "What punishment is worse than god damn Tartarus? Tartarus is worse than death. What were they even being punished for" "They were being punished for existing which I will never understand because then all demigods would have to be punished. But the punishment was to be her eternal servants." I looked at him shocked. I realized that it was a punishment worse than Tartarus depending on what she did to them to make sure they stayed her servants. "What the hell did she do?" "Hera had given Zeratino a deal. Which was to give her the bracelet that was holding back the curse and in return she would help Xiphos. Zeratino never truly knew why he kept it, but he did because Gaea had told him to never take it off. He gave her the bracelet. But she didn't keep her end of the deal. She put the same curse onto Xiphos and then added something onto Zeratino's." "What did she add?" He looked at me. I knew that look, it was the look everyone gave me when I already knew the answer. I just couldn't think of it at that moment. I knew a Xiphos, he was the Seductive Rose's brother. I then started to put 2 and 2 together. "Zeratino's the Seductive Rose and the Xiphos in the story is the Xiphos I know. Aren't they?" Hades nodded. I was in shock. The Seductive Rose and Xiphos were human at one point. And they were possibly going to rule Olympus. "You let SR leave. That's who left.  And you let him leave because a prophecy that had been put off for millennia had finally started?!" "Xylo, I let him leave because the corruption isn't affecting him anymore, not as much. He also plays a role that must be filled by him.  He also has a way to stop it while in the human realm so that way he doesn't do something he regrets." It took me a couple minutes to think things through and realize that multiple of the things happening made levels of more sense. Bryan's and Inpu's behavior about the Seductive Rose and such, why the Oracle showed up, heck, why the fate guy Cael had shown up. "Xylo, I know this is hard for you to possibly understand but know I did this for the good of our timeline and everyone in it including you." That's dad's way of saying I care about you but I understood things so much better and realized that if we were to speak about this at the Atlantis meeting. There is going to be a lot of fighting. "Thanks dad. I needed the information and, now that I have it, I can understand SR, Xiphos, and a lot of the other people that I've met so much better now. So I am going to guess that they will show back up at camp?" "Yep, and Drannus as well as Elphis are going to be there but they won't hurt you. They're with Xiphos and Zeratino." "Got it, welp I will see you later, hopefully I won't die and come down here forever." "Don't keep your hopes up too high." "I won't. Anyways, thanks for the information, it was, surprisingly nice talking to you and seeing Brick. I will be on my way." I summoned Shadow and then started heading towards the portal that led towards the overworld. (Looks like I need to talk to some friends and prepare for some guests.)

Hello everyone, am very sorry for not posting I lost motivation for awhile and today was the day it decided to come back.  I won't be posting for another couple of days because I am going on a trip and won't be back until Thursday afternoon.  I do hope that you all like my story since so far a lot of people, in my opinion a lot of people are reading it.  I hope that you are excited for the next chapter and tell me your theories.  What will happen when Xylo talks Zeratino and everyone else?  What do you guys think will happen at the Atlantis meeting?  Thank you for reading.  

Edit August 9th 2022: I may have slightly changed parts to fix small grammer mistakes and such.  

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