Chapter 27 : Self-Support

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Drannus POV:

We were lucky that Ricarro decided to take his and Momiji's kids on a day out. "You need a place to do this and you ask to use my shrine. Sure, just do it down at the entrance and not actually in the shrine. And if any part of my shrine is destroyed, you will be fixing it." Elphis appeared and a burst of magic appeared, surrounding the shrine. "There we are, now your shrine should be safe. But Drannus, Xoseme, we are running out of time. Come, the Rosadils here won't be in this spot for long." Elphis went down the stairs to the bottom of the shrine. Xo and I ran down to keep up and follow. Xo had then asked, "What do you mean, the Rosadils won't be here for long." Once we reached the bottom Elphis answered, "This is one of the best spots for Drannus because he's been here enough to have a spiritual connection, sadly, this area is covered in Asian magic. So the Rosadils are going to have a hard time blooming." I looked around and saw one of the Rosadil's wilt, we needed to hurry, "Alright Elphis, what do me and Xo have to do?" Elphis slightly glowed and said, "Make a ring of flowers, then you need to stand in the middle of it once it's complete Drannus." Xo approached a patch of Rosadils and began to pick them, "Well what are we waiting for, let's make this circle." I joined Xo in picking the flowers and once we had enough, we started to make the ring. Once it was completed, we both stood up. Elphis had disappeared in that timeframe, she then appeared between us and the Rosadils glowed with a purple hue. I stepped back slightly, I felt afraid and worried. Everyone and things began to fade into darkness and all I could hear was the ringing sound of silence. Covering my ears, I closed my eyes, it hurt. (I'm sorry, just stop this, all of this.) I felt a hand touch my left shoulder and I uncovered my ears and opened my eyes in surprise, "Silver tongue?" I looked over to see Xo, she had a look of empathy and worry. She asked, "Drannus, you okay? Are you sure you're ready for this?" I looked at the ring of Rosadils and said, "I, I don't think I am. But I'm willing to try." I looked at Elphis, she slowly nodded her head and turned toward the ring. I took a deep breath and slowly walked to the ring. The closer I got, the brighter they glowed. I was right outside the ring, the glowing flowers felt so strange, yet comforting. I looked back at Xo and she gave a reassuring smile, I smiled nervously back.  boom! A bright green beam entered the sky from the direction of the camp. Elphis looked surprised and worried, she said, "That's Moros and the Sons of Gaea, it seems they started. Drannus, you need to enter the ring. QUICKLY!" I shook myself out of my shock and turned back to the ring of Rosadils, (Alright Drannus, everyone's counting on you to do this. It's now, or never.) I stepped into the ring and the Rosadils glowed not just with a purple hue, but a gold one as well. Elphis began to speak in old greek, and a beam of golden light blasted up into the sky from me. Shackles appeared around my wrists and they felt like magma burning into me. Voices began to appear from memories, I covered my ears to ignore them and tried to not focus on the constant pounding in my head. The voices, all filled with joy, anger, sadness, and hatred started to get louder and louder. "DRANNUUUS! I'm Zeratino, and you are? I'm fine and strong, don't tell Zerry. You're naive Drannus. Drannus, you are my son, and as your mother, I will never hate you. You need to be strong for the people my boy, your sister is already failing this family, don't you fail us as well. BIG BROTHER DRANNUS, I wove you. You're an idiot for a politician. Drannus, I know I'm not smart, but trust my brother, please. YOU MISTAKE OF A CHILD, WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO BACK OUT OF EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE? If you won't take my deal, I'll take you by force, say hello to the fates for me." All these voices, my parents, Xo, Zeratino, Xiphos, Moros. They were so strong, so loud, I couldn't think straight. All the voices from memories of joy hurt harder than the ones of sorrow. (Please, be quiet. I'm sorry, I can't do this, I can't do any of this. I'm sorry mom, dad, I failed you both, I can't help Xo, I can't help Zeratino or Xiphos, I can't help anyone. I'm so sorry.) "Drannus?" I opened my eyes in shock, there was a gold wind surrounding me from all around, and right in front of me, was Zeratino. It was him, but back before everything happened. He looked at me in confusion, "Drannus, you shouldn't care what Xo, Xiphos, and the world think of you, you should care about what you think about yourself. Stop listening to your dad, he's an idiot." I kept on staring at him, dumbfounded, "AND YOU'RE AN IDIOT TOO FOR LISTENING TO WHAT HE THINKS!" I heard the sound of a chain snap as tears fell from my face. I realized something as Zeratino gave his mischievous grin and faded back into the gold wind. (I chained myself, didn't I? This is all me.) The wind swirled around faster than before, and more memories of encouragement came. "You may be naive, but you're the best brother I could ever have.  Drannus, if you like my brother, DO YOUR BEST!  My son, you are a beacon of hope, I don't believe what your father says, and neither should you." I stepped forward as the sound of chains breaking became more frequent, and the winds dispersed. Xo was right in front of me, staring in shock, as was Elphis. In confusion, I asked, "What, is something wrong?" Xo pointed at me and said, "You were in that for 20 minutes, and y-your wings." I looked at my wings and gasped. They weren't just black, my wings were edged in gold and white feathers. I exclaimed, "WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED?!" Elphis approached and examined my wings, "It seems that because the chains were broken you have access to light magiks as well as dark. That is rare, but Zeratino exists so it's not impossible." My eyes widened and I looked in the direction of where the beam of green light came from, "Don't worry Drannus. The son of Gaea is fine, I can feel his magiks even stronger than before." I looked down and back at Xo and asked, "What now?" Xo thought for a few moments until she said, "I don't know, but we have a ball to prepare for, don't we? We still need outfits, and from what Elphis said, Zeratino, Xiphos, and Moros are probably done by now. We can go see them and have a day out in the human world maybe." Xo looked at Elphis looking for her approval and Elphis nodded. She faded into the breeze, leaving me and Xo. "So big brother, shall I lead the way?" I blinked and stared in surprise. But shook my head and smiled, then said, "Sure, let's go find our friends."

??? POV:

DAMN IT! Well then, that knocks one piece I could use off of the board. I was hoping to be able to use Drannus and maybe Zeratino, guess not. Zeratino's still on the board though, he's valuable. And I'm making sure to keep him.  

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