Chapter 10 : Old enemies and friends

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Bryan POV:

It's been a day since the Oracle showed up. Cal is doing everything he can to make sure he makes the right time choices, Dranne is helping patrol camp, Xylo is off somewhere, and I've been with Inpu watching over the sword. Ever since I freed Zeratino and let him rest, his sword stopped glowing with power and dulled to a dark magenta. As if even though the swords abilities relied on him instead of the other way around. But recently it's started to glow. I'm getting worried. I was brushing Inpu's tails when I felt this rush of energy from the sword. He felt it too, I could tell. "Kid's. Me and Inpu are going out, please don't make the house a mess with the horses this time around." "O-Okay" "Okay, bye dad." "Bye Brydad, bye Dadpu." After that I grabbed the sword and Inpu was waiting for me at the garden entrance. "You ready dear?" "Ready." We were traveling by Inpu's magic to get there since it was the fastest way and the easiest. We teleported to the entrance and there was a group of people. Xylo, and one more face that I recognized.

Zeratino POV:

20 minutes earlier -

After me and Beastly woke up, we headed towards camp and the door opened with someone waiting. That someone was Xylo. I was freaked so I immediately hid behind Xiphos. I felt like a coward but I just couldn't see him out of all the people here. Suddenly, "Been awhile since I last saw some of you, the other's I can guess because of information from Hades. Don't worry Zeratino I already know, I'm not going to do anything rash." (Wait, he already knows. Oh my Tartarus, I'm stupid he just said information from Hades of course he knows.) I came from behind Xiphos and I felt as if any second I would die and be right up and on Hera and Zeus's doorstep. "Been awhile huh. Last time I saw you, you were completely different and I made an attempt to kill you. What's with the blindfold?" "Personal reasons, son of Hades. I see that you know who we all are, I would guess." "Yep." "So then, you know why we are all here?" "Yep. A prophecy where either you and Xiphos or just one of you 2 will rule Olympus. Oh, hey Kat. How's dealing with magic and stuff?" "I got a job at a Greek mythology museum which I told them I may be away for who knows how long. And to make sure that they knew that I wasn't dead Xiphos made magical letters to get sent once a week or so. But I am good otherwise from these 3," She said pointing at me Beastly and Drannus. "Showing up on my doorstep drenched from the rain that we had yesterday saying that we needed to go because a prophecy was starting up." "Yeah, the Oracle popped out of her area and spoke the 'Chaos Prophecy'. Then I went down to the underworld since SOMEONE left." That last comment was pointed towards me which I just blushed from embarrassment. "Heh heh, yeah sorry about that. I got forced/convinced by Drannus and Beastly." He raised an eyebrow at me saying Beastly which just as he did she started to explain. "Beastly is a nickname that I came up for myself along with Big guy for Xiphos, Mr. Sunshine for Drannus, and Rosey for Zeratino when we were kids before." She stopped which I couldn't blame her. We've all been through a lot. I then sensed something in a certain direction and then I saw them, son of Anubis, Inpu and, Bryan, the son of Aphrodite. They were shocked as well as me. "Hey you 2, got some explaining about why you didn't tell me what the Seductive Rose actually was." Bryan and Inpu had walked closer to us to speak to us properly and when they reached us Inpu said "Xylo, that was information that we didn't think needed to be known at that moment." Inpu was right about that. Since I died and the things that I did already happened why should they of had to explain. But after he said that I put my hands on the sides of my head covering my ears. Everything had suddenly gotten so loud and it hurt so much. I couldn't scream yet I wanted to from the pain. Xiphos put his hands on my shoulders and tried to speak to me but I couldn't hear. It wasn't until Bryan started to walk away that everything got quieter and I could stop covering my ears. My head stopped hurting too. "Rosey you alright?!" "I.....I'm fine Beastly just, what was that?" "Your body started have purple and pink cracks appearing and I may know the cause. Just know thatI am extremely sorry, I didn't realize that would happen." "Dear you didn't know he was here and I don't think he would have known either." "Know what?" I asked knowing they were clearly talking about me. Bryan then pulled out the item I hoped to never see again. "Your........your old sword." I was shocked and I knew one thing and that was to have that thing never come near me "Keep that damned, cursed sword away from me." "That's the plan but, Xylo." "Wait why are you, oh yeah. There goes that idea. Wait there may be another." "Another idea? What is happening?" "Sorry Drannus, you guys are really out of the loop." "Tell us what's happening."

5 minutes later, after telling them -

So let me get this straight. You want us to come to the Atlantis meeting but you also want the sword there so Bryan can keep tabs on it so you're going to have Bryan and Inpu at one side with the sword while the rest of us are on the other?! ARE YOU CRAZY!? ME AND ZERRY CAN'T GO, THEY WILL TRY TO KILL ME AND ZERRY NO MATTER WHAT!" "They won't try to kill you both Drannus you're being a drama queen." "Says you Xo. You don't have to worry since you're goddamn hope." (Well then, that got her quiet.) I knew Beastly so if this got her to be quiet now, she will have revenge later. Inpu decided to break the silence. "I know that this is risky but we don't exactly have a choice. I have to be there, Bryan has to be there so that way no one freaks out from seeing him later and we can't trust the sword home with the kids. You 5 should be there because, let's face it, people need to know you exist there instead of later and think you're an enemy or something." This was a risky plan and if Bryan has the sword with him then he just needs to be about 5 yards away to not do anything that may risk the corruption activating. "I can't believe I'm saying this but, I'm in. Under the condition that we get a place to sleep. Sunset is coming and we aren't flying back." "Alright, as the Greek counselor I will take you to your cabins." "I guess I'll see you around son of Aphrodite?" "See you around Zeratino." After we were shown which cabins we were staying in, we all crashed for the night. (Wonder what Morpheus is going to make me dream of tonight.)

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