Chapter 36 : The Heaven's Inconveinient Visit

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Bryan POV:

"ROSEY, WAIT!" Zeratino ran out the room in panic and Xo chased after him. Leaving Kat, Inpu, and I in the office. I glared at Inpu and he flinched while starting to shake. He knew how angry I was and how I could practically send someone to the underworld with my glares. One of the few times he did see me that mad was when Nad ate our wedding cake. I really wasn't someone you wanted to piss off, still not. I calmly asked with hints of anger slowly rising in my tone, "So when were you planning on saying something? Because this is obviously something you clearly wouldn't be able to keep forever." I finished speaking and I ended up yelling the last sentence. Crossing my arms and repeatedly tapping my foot against the ground, I silently waited for an answer. Kat lifted her hand to her face and slightly scratched her chin. She was still staring at the ground and avoiding my glare whilst she said, "I just found this out about an hour ago, so please, give me a break. I started running over here the second Xiphos and I got back." Inpu, still shaking, nervously said, "D-Dear, please. Calm down, I swear, we were going to say something. Just had no idea how yet. Kat came in and told me about this literally right before you came back with the others." I took a deep breath which slightly calmed me down. But I was still fuming. I covered my face with both of my hands and slowly dragged them down. I then ran my fingers through my hair and let my hands rest on the back of my neck. My head began to hurt and I massaged my temples slightly before clapping my hands together and motioning them towards Inpu. I spoke softly and slowly so I didn't lose my temper again and my headache stayed on the down low. "Alright, darling. I want please...find Xylo......or someone to help out with the book. I want people to know about this, but I don't want every single person in the camp knowing because that will cause a panic. Just tell specific people so they'll be on guard and we'll have numbers that we will definitely need. And, Kat." She looked at me and hummed slightly, "Yeah, Bryan?" "Help me find Zeratino and Xo. Because who knows where they went. And I want to make sure Zeratino's okay." Kat nodded and followed me outside the mansion. The headaches slowly got worse when we got outside. But I was able to hide them easily. We walked into the garden and standing on the bridge was Xo. She was looking around the sky in all directions. Kat and I both approached her and Kat asked, "Where's Zerry?" Xo's eyes glanced in all directions before she looked at the both of us. She frantically said, "I-I don't know. He flew off before I saw what direction he was heading. Would either of you know where he would go?" Kat shook her head and I looked past the forest. Xo looked at me in confusion, "Bryan?" I ignored her and narrowed my eyes. Everything started to become hazy. I lost balance and Kat grabbed me to stay stable. Xo gasped. I looked down and saw as my body began turning into smoke. My head felt like it was on fire. I grabbed my head and screamed in agony. Kat's hand went through my shoulder and Xo yelled out something I couldn't make out, but I knew she yelled something. One moment I was on the bridge, the next, I was in the sky and above the clouds. And instead of seeing Xo and Kat, in front of me was what looked like a god. He had sunset-like eyes and his hair and beard was the exact shade of brown my hair was before I dyed it. The god wore a sky blue robe, and he had wings made of white clouds. The god looked at me in confusion. He asked in a deep and stoic voice, "What are you wearing?" I looked down at my t-shirt, vest, and jeans. (Who is he? And has he never seen modern human attire.) I carefully answered his question and asked a couple of questions of my own. "Um, I'm wearing one of the modern-day human styles. And, who are you? Have you not seen this before?" The god flapped his wings and pushed himself toward me. He examined me. He then circled me and said, "So, you're the half-blood Child of Aphrodite that's strong enough to host my soul? You are quite different from the rest. Brighter, more determined, you have more to lose than just your life." The god ran his fingers through the feathers of my left wing. I flapped my wings slightly and moved away from the god. I then pushed my magic through and into my right hand to create a light shield in front of me. I cautiously asked, "Who are you? And what exactly are you talking about?" The god raised an eyebrow and looked annoyed. His wings turned slightly gray. He spoke in an irritated tone, "Apparently Aphrodite didn't say anything to you. But since you clearly don't know who I am. My name is Ouranos, you must be Bryan. Aphrodite's recent son. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." I put the light shield away. I was stunned, (Ouranos, that's Ouranos himself?) Ouranos gazed at me with a kind and father-like stare. It was the same one I gave to the triplets. He walked up to me and brought his hand to the side of my face. Moving his hand down my cheek and under my chin, he asked softly, "What did my fifth son say to you?" I swallowed and said, "I'm surprised you consider him yours. Didn't you hate your children?" Ouranos laughed, "Hate them? Why do you find this surprising? Is it wrong to be afraid to lose your domain?" I slapped away his hand and backed away. I responded, "It's not wrong to be afraid of losing something. But sending your children to Tartarus when you have no reason to be afraid of them. That's beyond cruel. You didn't even know they could steal your domain if they even would. You could have been known as one of the greatest primordial and instead of just being feared, you could have been loved. You should have raised your children and passed on your power once you believed they were ready. Now, few books speak of you, and the ones that do aren't accurate because of what you've done. So, what do you want with me, God of the Heavens?" I finished with a mocking tone and Ouranos grinned and laughed. His laugh was similar to Iapetus's. But at least Iapetus was friendly and I could tell whether or not things would get violent. (Damn it, I can't tell with him. But I don't completely care to, I need to get back and find Zeratino. Not deal with this asshole.) Ouranos's laughing stopped and he spoke sincerely, "Bryan, you are special indeed. Ever since I died I have been waiting for my essence to gather enough to form a physical form and I've also been waiting for a child of Aphrodite to host my soul. It's odd how you're involved with the Chaos Prophecy and ended up being my host as well. Don't you think?" Ouranos's cloud-like wings went from the tinted gray and started to fade into black. His wings started to seem as though lightning was trying to strike through them. Ouranos stood behind me and rested his hands on both of my shoulders. I couldn't move, his hands were cold as ice. I felt myself freeze in shock. The only thing I could do was ask, "So what? You want to possess me?" Ouranos leaned down and whispered into my ear, "Oh no, quite the opposite. I want you, to earn your soul." Ouranos's grip on my shoulders tightened slightly as I tried to move away. "Bryan, don't leave just yet. I want you to answer my question. What did my fifth son, Iapetus tell you? Here's a hint if you don't remember. It's what you are." I choked, the conversation Iapetus, Zeratino, and I ran through my head, (You are what remains, you'll be the last and the first.) I began to shake as I felt Ouranos slowly drag his hand down my cheek. His voice went from calm and kind, to dark and hateful, "It's so interesting, isn't it? You use to look almost exactly like me. The only things you still have from me......are my eyes. Aphrodite's existence was risky. But her children, it all depended on how they used their abilities. You are one of the last remaining pieces of me. The only reason you have access to me is because of that soul crystal of yours, and the way you've trained yourself." Ouranos laughed before continuing. His tone became more and more like a lying snake. "You are correct, it was quite cowardly of me to treat my children like that, but it's been over millennia. So please, trust my judgement. And if you prove to me you are worthy of my blood other than survival. I believe, the heavens will be quite merciful toward you and Gaea's half-bloods. But, if my soul is threatened, then I will take control, whether you want me, or not. I'm so happy that you are finally strong enough to speak with me. Because for us, the game has finally begun." Ouranos laughed, sounding more maniacal and insane. I finally got the strength to move and broke away from his grip. I then threw a beam of magik that went right through him. Ouranos seemed unfazed and conceited as he spoke, "I may have a physical form right now, but that doesn't mean it's destructible, I'm like a ghost Bryan. You can't get rid of me, no matter how hard you try." I glanced around the area, running strategies through my head. Unfortunately, only one thing came to mind that could work. (This might not work, but what other choice do I have?) I stared right at Ouranos and smiled, he looked back. He seemed quite puzzled, unable to tell what would happen next. My wings were angled to let the breeze keep me in the air. So instead of letting my wings catch the wind, I folded my wings in, and began falling to the ground. Falling and falling, farther and farther, until I neared the ground. Right before I hit the surface, I shut my eyes and felt myself being shaken. I opened my eyes and instead of the field I was falling into, I was back on the bridge. Kat stood next to me, her hands on both of my shoulders while Xo stood in front of me. Xo asked, "You okay Bryan. You've been staring off into space for the past five minutes?" I stood there, stunned and confused. (Do they not remember what just happened?) I was shaken out of my thoughts when my right wing was being touched and I looked over to see Kat running her fingers along my edge feathers. She didn't say a single word. I flapped my wings slightly and looked down at my hands. (What did just happen?) Tap tap. Kat tapped my shoulder and spoke softly, "Hey, don't space off on us again. Did," She paused and took a shaky breath, "Did you see something? I may not know everything about gods. But I can tell something god related just happened in these five minutes you've been spaced out. Didn't it?" I stared at Kat for a few seconds before looking down and nodding slightly. I took a moment to process the situation before saying, "I'll explain later. This is something that I probably am going to regret if I don't talk about, but I wanna find Zeratino first. And once I know he's alright, or about as close to alright as he's going to be. Then I can be a problem to worry about. But let's just say, someone chose to visit at a very inconvenient time." (Then Ouranos can be worried about.) I continued, "Either way, let's find Zeratino." Kat nodded and spoke, "Alright, that sounds good to me. Just don't keep the truth away from us for too long, kay. Right Xo?" Xo gave her same easy, mischievous grin, "Agreed. But I am glad that you are acknowledging that whoever this is, is a problem to be dealt with. But, you never did answer my question, did you have any idea where Rosey would go?" I thought for a moment staring into the woods. I said, "I may have an idea. Kat?" She hummed. "You may want to make sure you stay close to Xo and I when we get there. Also, hold on to me tightly, we're going flying."  

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