Chapter 17 : Hope's and Doom's Deal

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Drannus POV:

That was one of the tensest moments I have ever seen. In all honesty, I was waiting for someone to yell grab the guards and arrest me and Zeratino during and after the meeting. I guess the king's word is the law and I don't think anyone wanted to go near the guy that just threatened to pretty much throw them into Tartarus. I was also waiting to hear pin drops as well but I don't think that works quite well underwater. We headed back and everyone was keeping their distance from us. Except for Cal, though Bryan and Inpu didn't have a choice and I have no idea where in hell Xylo went. Once we reached camp I went to practice my battle skills because even though I'm good with magic, I'm not good with regular sparring, at all. "Drrraaannnuuus." "Uh, WHO'S THERE?!" I couldn't sense anything other than myself. "That voice, uh MOROS?" "Hello, Drannus." He appeared behind me and scared me when I turned around. "What do you want?" "What's with the tone Drannus? Don't be so mad with me" "Why shouldn't I be mad? You corrupted and changed me." "Careful now, don't want to spread doom, do you? Also, your eyes are changing and dark magic is appearing on your hands." I looked at my hands and then cast a mirror spell creating a reflection. "Shit. Alright, what do you want Moros?" "You want the truth?" "YES!" "Because my dear boy, I wish to help you. Doom cannot be caused without a world that has people believing in it." "Wait, you want me to keep causing doom? No way, I am done being your puppet and I am done hurting people." "Drannus, my boy. There is a reason doom exists. Do you know what that reason is?" "To hurt others." "Well, yes, but no. Come on Drannus, your smart, use that head of yours. Why, does doom, EXIST?" I thought to myself. (Why does doom exist? When I was Embodiment of Doom before I started remembering things again all I did was cause doom for entertainment. But I also liked watching the demigods and humans grow.) "We cause doom to entertain ourselves with how the mortals react." "Yes, continue, you're getting close" "We cause doom to help people grow and get stronger so we can stop ourselves from disappearing and when the mortals get stronger because of the doom that we create, they become heroes that everyone knows." "There you go, we cause doom to yes, entertain ourselves, but to also help mortals grow. The doom we've created throughout the centuries has helped mortals grow and look at them today, they don't have magic but they have TECHNOLOGY! It's amazing what they've created without the god's help." Moros had shocked me with what he was saying. Last time I talked to him he offered me a deal to "fix things" and I didn't take the deal so he pulled me off a cliff, drowned me, and then resurrected me as him. "Okay so you want to help me, but what do you want in return?" "What do I want, I want you to free the past. The prophecy cannot move forward unless the chains of the past are broken. You are still chained, along with your boyfriend" "Wha, BOYFRIEND, don't tell me that you're joining my sister on this." "Oh, I'm on Elphis's and your sister's side, for once. But we're getting off track, my deal is that I will help you with this prophecy and Zeratino while in return, you break your shackles created by the sorrowed past. So then, do we, have a deal?" He held out his hand waiting for me to give him mine. I knew this wasn't a good idea, making deals with Moros is like making deals with the devil. I would know because of the deals I made with people who ended up dying. If I shook his hand then I would bind myself until the deal is complete. But what would Moros do if I don't take the deal? The only reason I became what I was the way I did was that I didn't take his deal to fix whatever he wanted to fix. I still wonder what would've happened if I did take the deal. But I knew that Moros would keep his end no matter how horrible he is, unlike Hera. "Alright Moros, deal." "Perfect, now that wasn't so hard. Although, I would watch your back if I were you. Something's here that not even I am willing to fight. Only Zeratino can fight it and he will have trouble which is why I am going to help him. Tell him that I will visit in a couple of days to help him. Make sure that Xiphos is there to help as well." "Should I be there to or" "No, you must break yours at the same time as I help him. In 2 days, the daffodils will grow with the roses, I think you remember why. So, therefore, it's the perfect time for you both to break the chains. But either way, I would make sure you tell him because you two must be separate, and I am hoping that Elphis will help." I forgot how Rosadils were created. They only bloom once every 10 years for one week, but when they do, they are beautiful. "So that's why you want to do it in 2 days." "Yes, because that is when the bond between you 4 is strongest. Therefore making our chances of succeeding higher." "So, I'll see in 2 days or whatever?" "Mmhmm. Don't worry, I'm not a lying backstabber like Hera, I swear on the River Styx, that everything I am saying is true, and I will help you as long as you make sure you succeed." "Never thought I'd be saying this but, thank you Moros and adios." "Ta taaa, and au revoir." Moros left me feeling confused and worried. But also feeling happy that he is on our side. For now, at least.  

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