Chapter 24 : The Earth's gift

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Bryan POV:

Inpu and I were sleeping when this happened. "BRYAAAN! HELLO, CAN I TALK WITH YOU?" "Who in Egypt is yelling your name at this time of day?" "I don't know Inpu. It sounds like Xylo though. I'll go check, you make sure the kids are still asleep." "Alright, there goes us sleeping for the night." Inpu yawned as stretched and walked to the kid's room. I went in the opposite direction towards the entrance of the mansion. Xylo was at the bridge outside muttering to himself. I walked up to him and he looked up from his muttering. "Oh hey Bryan, how are you?" "Tired. Mind explaining why you came up to me at 3 o'clock in the morning?" Xylo gave me a sheepish smile and laughed nervously. "Ohhh, heh, whoops. I forgot what time it was but I felt it couldn't wait." I raised an eyebrow and gave him my death glare. "Well whatever it is, it better be important because if it isn't I am going to kill you out of spite because I am exhausted." Xylo backed up a step and said, "Please don't. But this is important." Xylo then muttered under his breath, "Gods, I forgot how bad you can get when you're woken up early." "I heard that." He whimpered and took another step back. "Now then son of Hades, spill." "What do you know about Gaea?" "What?" "You know, Gaea, the earth itself, Zeratino's and Xiphos's mom?" "I know who Gaea is, but why do you want to know what I know?" "The mischief squad is planning on doing something possibly stupid today and Xiphos wanted information about his mom that wasn't something everybody would know. Also, how much do you and Inpu know about death in general? Like what pantheons give off specific vibes?" "Alright, come inside and fill me in."

After explaining everything:

Inpu came into my office mid-conversation and once Xylo told him why he was there, Inpu immediately went looking at my books. "This is interesting, I may not be a part of the Greek pantheon, but I do know quite a bit about it. From what I know, Gaea is the eldest being in existence currently. She isn't considered a god or an embodiment by anything in any of the pantheons. The humans considered her a motherly figure, a god like the others, but I don't think the gods even know what Gaea truly is." "No wonder Demeter, Athena, and my father didn't wish to cause trouble with Zeratino and Xiphos." I stood there silently as I held the Seductive sword. Its movement and glowing had gotten to the point where I learned to hold it when I slept. I then said, "That's the elephant in the room. What are Zeratino and Xiphos, they aren't demigods, nor are they titans or giants. So what are they?" Xylo and Inpu looked at each other, then the sword, and then at me. Inpu spoke, "We don't know their magic half but we do know that they are human." Xylo and I nodded. But there was something still bothering me. "Xylo" "Yeah Bryan?" "Why did you want to know what certain pantheons do to give off death energies?" Xylo sighed, "I keep on smelling death and feeling this chill over and over. I also get this feeling of being watched but as soon as I look it's gone." After hearing that everything went silent. All I could hear was ringing and where I was kept changing. My office kept on changing to a battlefield filled with ash and the smell of death. Inpu and Xylo were on the ground dead in one place and the other, they were fine standing and talking with one another. I shut my eyes and wrapped myself in my wings. (Make it stop, make it stop, please make it stop. Please. Don't worry Bryan. The earth's life force will soon set you free, and you'll die. JUST LEAVE EVERYONE ALONE!) "BRYAN!" I gasped and I found myself on the ground. I groaned in pain as I grabbed the Seductive sword before it flew off again. "Careful hon, what happened to you?" "Yeah, you started shivering and you were hiding in your wings. You also passed out." "I-I" I took a deep breath to gather myself and calm down. "I don't know. Xylo, the second you said what happened whenever you sensed death, I think I saw a vision." Inpu's and Xylo's eyes widened. I started to shiver and I dropped the sword. When it hit the ground, I heard the shadows whisper. I turned to look and I saw a blurred being that glowed with a green aura. I got up to face them and I sternly said, "Who are you?" "Dear, who are you looking at? There's no one there." Said Inpu, something was wrong. (I'm not the only person seeing this, right?) "Inpu, you don't see them?" Asked Xylo in confusion. "No, I don't Xylo. What's going on?" I stood up and approached the being, they then turned from a blur to a woman. She had a dress that was made from an array of flower petals with hair that flowed and was the color of ash tree bark. Her skin was the color of soil while her eyes were ever-changing like seasons. I gasped in awe as she smiled. When she spoke, she spoke in greek, and her voice was kind and soft.

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