Chapter 40 : The Last Day

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Drannus POV:

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Drannus POV:

The Next Day

"D-Drannus? Are you and Moros good?" Said Kat nervously. Xo was standing off to the side after the two both explained to Moros and me -if he was listening- what happened the day before. I hoped to wake up ready to say hello to everyone and talk about the ball. Nope, Moros and I wake up to Xo banging on my cabin door, and Kat looking sleep deprived. (WHAT!? HOW DARE THAT BOOK TAMPER WITH SOMEONE THAT'S NOT FROM THEIR PANTHEON! Not from the same timeline is a better way to put it. We messed with everyone from every pantheon, remember? I'm an embodiment, you are an embodiment host. There's a difference? YES! That thing is an artifact that believes it's better than us. Besides, we have to mess with other pantheons to keep doom in place, it's our job. What's not our job is timeline business. Unless we need to be involved with a prophecy. Right. Like now. Yes, like now. That book has no right to do any of what it's doing.) I sighed and facepalmed myself while I shook my head. "That explains so much." Kat hummed slightly. I had been sitting at a table silently, thinking and processing the last......probably 10 minutes. I looked up at her and said, "Sorry, I've been sensing something around camp for a while. But because it always disappeared after a second, I ignored it. Let me guess, that was the book?" Kat nodded and Xo said, "Yep. I didn't sense anything so it probably was either only accessible to you, or it was trying to get you like it did Xiphos." Trying to ignore Moros's exclamations of anger and disbelief, I stood up and said, "It's probably the second option. But.........I need some fresh air. I'll see you two in a few minutes." Kat gave a look of worry, "O-Okay. Um, be sure to come back." As I walked away, I gave a thumbs up. I walked outside the Mess Hall and took a deep breath. I exhaled out and exclaimed, "Oh gods. That was a lot." (It seems as though the bracelet you made isn't working as well as it should. The bracelet was made to dampen the Seductive Rose to almost nothing. And if it were to come off it would depend on how far it is from Zeratino. And if it breaks? ................ You know that bracelet won't last forever. I'm surprised it didn't crack or break because of his current state. It won't break. I strengthened it to make it as strong as Pandora's box, which if you remember is almost unbreakable. Right, only Hope and Doom pressing both magiks onto it would break the box. So what can break the bracelet? ............. Don't tell me it's him. Yep, only Zeratino can destroy it. But I don't see him doing it. Does he know? ... DRANNUS! Yes, he knows. If he was going to wear the bracelet 24/7, he had a right to know how I made it. But you've made it in a way we could lose him. You do realize that if he breaks it, there will be a high chance of no coming back, RIGHT? I know that Moros, but he'll be fine. I'll make sure of it. You'll keep him safe? Yes. Are you sure?) "OH MY GODS, YES!" I yelled out in anger, throwing my arms up in the air. "Um, hello? Are you okay, sir?" My entire body tensed the second I heard the voice. It belonged to someone I had purposely been avoiding the second we entered the camp. I glanced to my right, and there stood the son of Hephaestus, Dranne. He gave a small wave and smiled. "Hi, I don't think I've seen you before." I didn't make any eye contact as I spoke, "Yeah. I'm "new". You're a fire spirit, correct?" Dranne nodded. "Yep. I'm the son of Hephaestus. I died a few years back and Elphis brought me back." (Yes, I know that. I remember being angry about it last year. Calm yourself Drannus.) "Um, sir." Dranne snapped me out of my conversation with Moros. "Sorry. I tend to space out." Dranne seemed surprised for a moment, but he smiled and said, "Oh don't worry. I have those days too sometimes. But...I didn't get your name." My left eye twitched and I strained a smile, "Oh right." (Well, you might as well rip off the bandage now. Please no. Do it, or I'm explaining. And I don't think either of you would like it if I'm speaking through you for this conversation. .........Fine.) I took a deep breath. Hesitated for a moment, I looked out into the fields. But I turned back to face Dranne and spoke, "My name is Drannus. Nice to see you again, Dranne." You could hear how irritated I was and there was suddenly an awkward silence between us. "Oh...well. That's.........Unexpected." Dranne lifted his hand to his chin and scratched it slightly. You could see how his bubbly mood went away in a snap. Knowing that Moros would have taken control of me if I didn't say anything, I began to say, "Dranne, look I-" "It's fine." "Huh?" His interruption took me by surprise. "I'm okay. Besides, I was sort of waiting for when we would talk. I heard you were back. Just wasn't expecting it to be like this. Maybe I was. Was I?" Dranne started mumbling to himself. In turn, the dirt on the ground began to smolder. "Um, Dranne?" Dranne looked off to me and I pointed at the ground. He looked down and looked panicked. Dranne tapped his foot against the ground a few times and the smoldering stopped. Now the ground just looked slightly charred. Dranne nervously laughed and glanced at the charred ground. "Whoops. Even after six years. Still can't get the hang of this." I glanced at the fields and said, "Yeah, sorry about that." Dranne smiled. "I-It's alright. Really." "No, it's not. I literally killed you, used you as a puppet, and traumatized you for a whole summer. It's not alright." I crossed my arms and looked down at the ground. I was feeling fairly annoyed about this. Dranne was about to say something before he stopped himself and thought for a moment. After a few minutes of this silence, Dranne said, "You may not think it's alright yourself. But I don't mind being a fire spirit now. Besides, I heard about what happened to you." I looked up, "You...did?" Dranne nodded and continued, "Yeah, I guess it wasn't entirely your fault." I looked back at the ground, "I still can't tell if most of the things I've done were me or Moros. It's leaning on me though." "Are you sure?" Asked Dranne. He seemed concerned, but he seemed concerned for me. Which was different. I nodded. "Mhm, the odd thing is. Some things I did, I do regret, like the destruction of places like Vela. But, I don't regret the rest. Don't know why. I don't regret killing you, I don't regret causing all that chaos 6 years ago. I don't regret whatever I was doing last year." My eyes narrowed, and I stared at the charred ground. Somehow finding the ashes comforting. "Drannus." Said Dranne. I hummed slightly. Dranne suddenly had a determined look on his face, and his eyes glowed. "I don't care what you feel about the past. Okay? I did want to ask you something though." Puzzled, I asked, "What did you want to ask?" Dranne walked up to me and held out his hand. "I won't burn you if you touch me. But we haven't really introduced ourselves to each other yet. Or get to know each other. My name is Dranne, I'm a fire spirit and a son of Hephaestus." I stood there, frozen in shock. (He's not actually serious. Is he? I don't think he's playing a joke. Dranne isn't that sort of person. What do I do? Isn't it clear? Introduce yourself. But- Ah-Ah-Ah. Not shaking his hand or not doing anything is rude. Go on. Why are you being my parent? I might as well be at this point. Fine, now leave me alone.) I shook Dranne's hand and said, "My name's Drannus and I'm the physical embodiment and host of Doom." Dranne grinned, and he said, "Nice to meet you Drannus. Wanna be friends?" My eyes widened at the question. "R-Really? You wanna be friends...With me?" Dranne nodded. "Mhmm." Dranne's hand slipped from my grasp. He stood still, waiting for an answer. He seemed so calm. So happy to be with me, yet I couldn't understand why. But, I knew that if I wanted to get anywhere now. This would be one of the first steps I needed to take. Giving a calm smile, I said, "Sure. We can be friends." Dranne suddenly glowed with joy and jumped into the air, "YES!" I winced slightly at the bright light. But, a burden felt lifted. I felt better now. About being around Dranne, and even a little bit about myself. When Dranne landed, the glow dimmed, but you could still see an aura around him. "Sorry for getting so excited. I'm just glad you said yes." I laughed, "I could see that." Dranne looked at the sky and he suddenly looked rushed, "OH GODS! What time is it? I still need to open for the day. I'm sorry Drannus, I gotta go." I stepped to the side and said, "Don't worry. Just make sure you work hard." Dranne's stress dissipated and he said, "I always do. I'll see you the day after tomorrow." (Right, he can't go to Atlantis.) As Dranne started to walk toward the Egyptian camp, an idea popped into my head. Just before he got too far, I yelled, "DRANNE! WAIT!" He turned around and just as he did, I grabbed something from my pocket and threw it. Dranne caught it, and confused he asked, "What is it?" I smiled with pride, "That Dranne...Is a protection ward. A small stone with a rune carved into it. Once the rune is carved, the stone is unbreakable. Just find some fireproof string, make either a bracelet or necklace, and then you're protected from water, magik, etc. Maybe I'll see you at Atlantis then?" Dranne smiled, sniffled, and wiped his eyes, "Thank you, Drannus." No other words were exchanged between us. And instead of heading back to Kat and Xo, I sat down at a bench and explored my thoughts, Moros joining me. (That went differently than I expected. I'm glad you listened to me. Only because you said you would be in control. You needed motivation. And besides, it's good you're speaking with Dranne. Really? I know he says he's fine with me. And I just felt like a burden was lifted. But I still can't understand. Understand what? Why? ............ Moros? Sorry. Just thinking. But why is it that you're thinking this way? I hurt Dranne in more ways than one. I even said I don't regret it. Yet he still wants to be my friend. You do realize Bryan and Zeratino have the same relationship, correct? If Bryan can forgive Zeratino, who says Dranne can't forgive you? I never thought of it like that. The four of you are a lot more similar than you think. I guess. No. Not "I guess" you are. Okay, okay. Why have you been so pushy? I have my side of the oath to fulfill, don't I? Besides, I genuinely wish to help. ............... What, surprised to hear I can give compassion? A little, yes. The only reason I'm not like this most of the time is that everyone expects me to not be compassionate. Oh, well maybe they should. The only reason the mortals and gods do so well is that doom exists. They should worship you more. They don't worship me because they fear that if they do it wrong something disastrous may happen. And most of the time something bad happens right after they worship me because some random god doesn't want anyone to believe in me. Oh, well, maybe we can stop that. You know, new management coming soon. We can stop the hypocrites. Perhaps. We'll just see what they think. Don't worry, I'll ask. Consider this me paying you a debt you're owed. Really? Mhm. Hm, thank you, Drannus. Perhaps it's a good thing I chose you. Perhaps.)

Author Note - Edit: Forgot to add this.  But to those who aren't currently reading my hide-and-seek book, I'm going to start adding art to specific chapters if not all.  It's all made by me, so please credit it and ask if used.  

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