Chapter 18 : An old memory

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Third POV:

"DAFFODILS ARE BETTER!" "NO ROSES" "Would you two please stop fighting?" "I'm worried, are they okay, should I hug them to make them feel better" "Sorry Xiphos, I don't think that would work, Xo and Zerry are really into it today." The group of friends was standing in a field full of flowers by the town. Zeratino and Xo had once again started to fight over which flower was better, the rose, or a daffodil. "Hey, Zerry." "Yes, Drannus, what do you want?" "W-well, I was thinking that if the both of you can't choose between roses and daffodils, since you can do things with plants I thought." "Silver-tongue." "Yeah, sis?" "I think this is one of the first times you've come up with a smart idea. Rosey, make a daffodil combined with a rose grow." "WHAT?! I CAN'T DO THAT! The flowers growing around me just happen." "Rosey, that's a lie and you know it." Zeratino thought for a few moments and agreed. "Fine, but first I need Xo to pick a daffodil, Drannus to pick a rose, make sure both flowers are good ones, and Xiphos, stay here to help me." "Okay, brother." "Aye Aye captain." "On it Zerry." Xiphos had stayed with Zeratino to help form a circle of rocks while Xo and Drannus went off to find the best rose and daffodil. "Good thinking silver-tongue, although, I noticed something while me and Rosey were fighting." "W-what?" "You were BLUSHING, weren't you?" Drannus turned red and started to fluster. "I-I. NO, I WASN'T!" "Drannus and Zeratino sitting on a bridge, K-I-S-S-I" "Xo I don't like him! Not in that way." Xo didn't like how Drannus denied it. She then got an idea. She turned around to look for a healthy daffodil and grinned, (This is going to be the best idea I've ever had) When she and Drannus completed their task, they went back to find Zeratino and Xiphos both glowing and rocks forming a circle while floating with flowers blooming and the ground rippling. "Xo, should we" Zeratino snapped out of his trance. He stood up and walked towards Xo and Drannus. Zeratino was still glowing, but he was aware. "Beastly, Drannus, could you give me the flowers?" "Of course Rosey, Drannus, take my daffodil and give both flowers to Rosey." "Um, sure?" Drannus gave both flowers to Zeratino. Zeratino then went back towards the circle and twisted the 2 stems together. He then put the flowers between him and Xiphos and Xiphos opened his own eyes. "Brother." "Yes?" "You're glowing." "You are as well. Now do what I do." They both put their hands over the flowers and the roots of the flowers grew into the ground. A blinding light appeared, "OW! Rosey and Big guy are bright." "You okay Xo?! Are you blind?" "NO, I'm not. But let's check up on those 2." Xo and Drannus both went to see Zeratino and Xiphos. The brothers looked fine but had strands of green magic on their skin. And in-between the two of them was a red and yellow flower. Its outer petals were like those of a daffodil while the inner petals were like a rose. It has daffodil leaves with vines full of thorns. Xiphos fell to the ground while Zeratino slowly opened his eyes. "Did, it work?" "I think it did Rosey. I think it did." "Zerry, is Xiphos going to be alright?" "My brother should be fine, just needs rest. As do I." Zeratino lost his footing and almost fell, but not before Drannus had caught him. "Oh my Zeus, ARE YOU ALRIGHT! D-do I need to get a healer, do." "I'm fine, that just took a lot of energy out of me." "Are you 2 going to kiss or not?" Zeratino and Drannus both turned red and backed away from each other. During this Xiphos started to stir. "Is brother okay?" "I'm fine Xiphos." Xo suddenly remembered her idea. "Hey, Big guy, come here." Xo leaned up to Xiphos's ear and whispered. Xiphos's eyes started to glow with excitement. "Okay, I will do that." Xiphos walked to Zeratino and pushed him into Drannus. Drannus fell onto the ground with Zeratino landing on him. "Um, hey Zerry." "Now will you 2 kiss?" "Will you stop with this if we do Beastly?" "Maybe, maybe not." "Fine." Zeratino kissed Drannus, making him turn red, and then got up. "Come on you idiot, your sister should leave us alone now, RIGHT?" "Oh don't worry, I'll leave you alone. I have my evidence. You both like each other." "I DO NOT LIKE MISTER POLITICIAN OVER HERE!" "But brother, your cheeks are red, doesn't that happen if-" "NOPE, now can we talk about the thing that started this mess? Like the no named flower over here?" Drannus got up over and over again thinking, (Oh my gods he kissed me. OH MY GODS HE KISSED ME!) "Hmmm, what should we name it? What do you think Big guy?" "I don't know, maybe a combination of rose and daffodil." Xo thought for a few minutes and paced back and forth in the process, she grabbed the flower to think. "I GOT IT!" "Spit it out Beastly, what is it?" "How about, the Rosadil." "That's genius Xo. It's a great name, what do you think Xiphos, Zerry?" "I LIKE IT!" "The name's elegant, like me." "That's Rosey's way of saying he likes it." "But, now that I have a visual of the flower and know what kind of magic it needs, I can make more." Zeratino put his hands on the ground and it glowed with more Rosadils appearing. "They're pretty brother." "Yeah, they are. Like, mother." Zeratino's eyes narrowed as he cross his arms. "Does Zerry want a hug?" "Not right now Xiphos." "Well this is awkward but, I bet that you can't reach the bridge before I do Rosey." "Oh, you're on Beastly!" They both ran laughing with Xiphos and Drannus behind them trying to keep up. Such a happy memory. I wish that it would have lasted longer but alas, time must move forward, as the prophecy comes to pass. My little rose, I believe, it's time for you, to wake up, your friends are waiting for you.  

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