Chapter 38 : Voices

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Xiphos POV:

"KAAT! Where did she go? I turned around for one second." After getting back, Kat handed me her things to put in our cabin, and as soon as I finished, she was gone. After wandering the camp for 20 minutes, I sighed in defeat, knowing I wouldn't find her. "Can't help but wonder what she needed to do that she couldn't have just told me before leaving." I started to walk back toward our cabin when I heard someone speak. (Maybe she's telling a specific someone about your "sickness.") I stopped where I stood and immediately started looking around. "Who said that?" I asked myself in confusion. After waiting for a moment, I shook my head and said, "Maybe I'm just going crazy and this sickness is affecting me more than I thought. Maybe Kat's right and I shouldn't go to Atlantis." (Or she's paranoid and overthinking things. She does tend to do that a lot. Doesn't she?) I felt a chill run down my spine as I heard the voice again. I pulled out my sword and walked to my cabin with caution. I asked, "Who's there? SHOW YOURSELF!" I stopped where I stood and watched the trees. Something felt off. Something felt wrong. I looked up into the sky and the sun looked as if it was being covered by the moon. "Why is a solar eclipse happening? It shouldn't be happening now." As the area I stood in got darker, I could feel dark auras growing. (Xiiiphoooos) I spun around and pointed my sword out in front of me. Standing in front of me was Zeratino, still as ice. "OH, GODS! Zerry, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I asked frantically as I sheathed my sword and checked him for anything. Zeratino stuttered, "U-Uh, y-yeah. I'm good. D-Doing great. Just came back from the trip with the Son of Aphrodite and Beastly. Heh, and then we ran into your human once we came back." He strained a smile and then I noticed Xo and Kat standing behind him. "Oh, hey Xo. Kat, where did you go? I only turned around for a second." Kat strained a smile as well and laughed awkwardly. Xo only stared at me with caution in her eyes. It felt like she was judging me. " three okay?" Kat then spoke nervously. "Don't worry. We're fine. Zeratino and Bryan just ended up running into one of the Titans though. So we're just a little on edge from that." My eyes widened in shock and I put my hands on Zeratino's shoulders. "Zerry.........Are you okay? Which of the Titans did you run into? Did they hurt either you or Bryan?" Zeratino stared at the ground and shook his head. It was then I noticed a bracelet with a single charm on his right wrist and cracks were inching out from under the gold bracelet on his left arm. My expression turned serious and my tone was that of a worried parent. "Zeratino. What......happened?" Zeratino pushed my hands away from him and when he looked up, it was then I noticed how bloodshot his eyes were. He said, "We just ran into Iapetus. I'm fine. He told me and Bryan somethings and I ended up needing a lot more time to process them. I'm gonna head to my cabin for the night. We just have tomorrow and then Atlantis." Zeratino started to walk past me when I grabbed his wrist. I said in worry, "Zerry, talk to me. If it's something bad, then you shouldn't keep it a secret if it's hurting you." Zeratino laughed. "Oh, that's funny. That's really funny. Considering it's coming from the person that hid something hurting him." Zeratino looked at me, and his eyes weren't normal. They were like SRs. I let go of his wrist and took a step back. "Zerry. What's going on?" Zeratino glared at me, and his expression went from pure hatred to fear combined with guilt. His eyes became glassy and it seemed as though he was going to start crying. Zeratino mumbled, "I...It" Zeratino took a shaky breath and wiped his eyes. "Why should I tell you? When you never tell me." He wrapped his arms around himself and walked away from the three of us. When Zeratino wasn't in earshot, I turned to face Xo and Kat. "What happened?" Xo wouldn't make eye contact with me, and Kat kept glancing between us. I stood there waiting for an answer until Kat said, "Xiphos. Have you felt......different lately? Other than your cold." I stared at the two of them, feeling dumbfounded and still trying to process what just happened. (I bet Kat said something to Zeratino. No wonder he's upset.) I tried my best not to react to whatever voice was speaking to me. But my eyes widened slightly as I glanced at the ground. I asked, "Kat, did you tell him?" She looked up at me and then glanced away. Not making eye contact, and not saying anything either. "Kat, this is the first time in centuries that I've seen my brother actually happy. I didn't want him to worry. And it's just a cold. It's not like I'm going to die in a day or something like before." Xo flinched as I said that. Noticing that, I asked, "Xo. Is something going to happen?" Xo was silent before she sighed and said, "I don't know.........Just, today's been a long day. And I'm staying with Rosey tonight. I don't trust his hope at the moment. Nor do I trust him by himself." Xo began to walk in the direction Zeratino went before she stopped. She turned to face me and said, "Xiphos, if you hear anything. Please, ignore it. We don't know what the future has in store, and we don't need any extra demons." Xo walked off and I turned to speak with Kat. "Hey, Kat? What was up with the cryptic message?" She looked at me and I could tell what she was feeling the second I saw her eyes. Kat was afraid of something. But what? (Maybe it's you.) I raised my right hand to the side of my head and let the tips of my fingers rest on my temple. (Why would she be afraid of me?) I rested my hands on top of Kat's shoulders and said with desperation in my voice, "Kat. Please, if something's going on. I need to know. Is something hurting my brother? Is something hurting you? Please, tell me what's wrong." The fear on Kat's face changed to guilt and sorrow. She grabbed her left elbow with her right hand. Kat began to say, "I...Xiphos" Kat looked down and sighed. She said, "We think another part of the prophecy was thrown into motion. But we don't know which part. So we're a little cautious at the moment. Considering I think Zeratino also ended up having a panic attack. But as Xo said, it's been a long day. Xiphos......I didn't mean to tell him, it just happened. And maybe like you said, it's just a cold and you'll get over it. Y-Yeah, it's probably that, and I'm overreacting. It's fiiiiinnne." I let go of Kat and backed away while crossing my arms. I spoke in a tone that showed I was suspicious but was still obvious to Kat that I wouldn't push anymore. "Alright, just tell me if you're leaving next time. Bout gave me a heart attack. I don't trust you being alone in this camp. Especially with what happened last year." Kat smiled. "I know. But don't worry, besides I wanna focus on the ball. That's what we should all focus on. Right?" After staring at Kat for a moment, I nodded my head and smiled. "Yeah, right. I'll see you back at the cabin?" Kat gave a thumbs-up and began to walk away. When she was far enough, I quietly asked myself, "Why did they lie?" (They don't trust you. Of course, why would they? Keep so many secrets, and you are such a threat in a way. They're scared of you.) I looked around, and like before, nothing was there. I mumbled. "Who keeps speaking? And why would they be scared of me? They shouldn't have any reason to. Right?" (Right?)

Bookpu POV:

One more day. Oh, how fun this is. Maybe we don't have to have total silence, just yet. Let's have some entertaining fun first.

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