Chapter 22 : Family troubles

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Inpu POV:

"What am I going to wear for Atlantis? I need to help Zeratino and the kids with their outfits as well as you. What are we going to do about the prophecy? Everything going to be a disaster. Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods." "Bryan, dear, calm down." "INPU, I CAN'T!" Everything that's been going on has stressed Bryan so much, I'm surprised his charm magic hasn't been activating. The last time I saw him this stressed, his magic activated and if he asked for someone to do something, they would do it no questions asked. He hated it, and so did everyone else. That adds to the list of reasons you shouldn't like having Aphrodite as a mother because when you get her magic you can't control it that well. Bryan was pacing back and forth going faster. To make matters worse, Zeratino's sword kept trying to fly out of the room every five seconds. It got to the point where Bryan was able to just grab the sword while it was moving. "Dear, maybe you should sit down and breathe. Either that or you can brush my tails again." "Wait." Bryan stopped pacing and looked at me." "Dear, what's wrong?" "I STILL HAVEN'T MET EITHER OF YOUR PARENTS. Oh gods that's the list as well, your mother wanted a year to get herself situated and it's almost been a year. I still haven't met your dad, I don't think I've seen Magnus at all in the ten months. Uhhhhh. We still need to make supper for the night, I'll go do that." (Now he's worried about meeting my side of the family again. Glad he's never wanted me to say hi to his mom. I don't know what she would think of me and since she's the goddess of love, meeting her would be worse than Bryan meeting my parents. At least, he's worrying about dinner. I should probably check before he cooks a whole feast on accident.) I went to check on Bryan and he was stirring a pot of boiling water with his left hand and cutting vegetables with his right. "What are you making dear?" "Soup" "What kind." "Italian." "Ooooh, that sounds lovely. But why don't I finish cooking for tonight and you get the kids." "Alright but are you-" I raised my hand to stop him, "It's fine Bryan, I love you, but you need to get out of the kitchen." "Fine" "Thank you, maybe the kids can help him calm down."

Bryan POV:

I was stressing myself more and more. I know why Inpu made me leave and get the kids, but I should be the one cooking. Right? "YEAH, CAN'T CATCH ME FEMI AND LOTUS!!" "AAATLLASSS!!!" "NO FAIR! YOU GOT A HEAD START. COME ON FEMI FASTER!" "Kids, your father's almost done with supper." "Ugh, fine." "LOTUS LOOK OUT!" "FEMI OW!" "Sorryyyy." "Really you two, how am I related to the both of you." "Atlas, be nice to your siblings." "Just because you asked Brydad." I laughed. Femi was on top of Lotus and Atlas was standing over the two of them with his arms crossed and shaking his head. "Alright, come on you 3, we don't want to keep your father waiting now do we?" "Alright fine." "Coming, Femi get off." "I'm moving, WAIT!" The kids followed me back to the dining room where Inpu was setting the table. "Hey dear, hope the kids didn't cause you too much trouble." "Heey." "Daaaad." "Wow, thanks for the love, Dad." "Inpu, honey don't agonize the children." "Alright, I won't, they're just cute while they're angry, like you." I could feel myself turning red and I laughed. "So you finally learned how to do one-liners mister romantic?" "Uh, haha. Well, I." "Brydad just kiss him." "ATLAAS, gross." "Yeah, yeah, gross why Atlas?" "Just do it, I know I'm right and nothing Femi and Lotus say will change my mind," Atlas smirked and Inpu was speechless. I laughed again and kissed Inpu. "There, now let's eat before the food gets cold. Alright." "Finally." "Yay." "Yeah, yeah, okay." We all sat down at the table. The kids argued and we both laughed while scolding them, making sure they didn't throw their food at each other. I felt darkness fall and blinked, one moment everyone was still, in a trance. And the next, they were fine, laughing and having fun. (What's next for us? Mother, this is one of the few times I pray to you, please. Help my family stay safe in these troublesome times.)  

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