Chapter 11 : Nightmare

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Zeratino POV:

I woke up in a black void and I had no idea what was going on. "Hello, is anyone there?" But no answer. I walked until I stopped and couldn't move at all. (Why can't I move? What's going on?) I felt something wet and I looked down at my hands. There was blood all over them. I suddenly knew where I was. Soon the black void had faded and I was in a place that was ravaged with destruction. I knew where it was. It was Argos, the city where I made the deal with Hera. I felt something in my hand and it was my sword, I threw it as hard as I could, not wanting to be near it. There were bodies everywhere and fire over the buildings burning them to the ground. I walked through the destruction, (Maybe if I go through it I can find an exit. I'm just walking down memory lane right?) I felt something and heard it crack. It was a mirror. I looked down and saw myself but, as the Seductive Rose. I looked just like how I did after I absorbed the mirror of Amaterasu. It wasn't a reflection illusion, because I had the armor on and my bracelet was gone. I started to run because I wanted to get out of there as fast as I could. "What, trying to run from yourself." Spoke a demonic voice. I ignored it. I didn't want anything to do with whatever it was. "You should know by now that you, out of all people, can never escape the past." It appeared right in front of me and it looked like a shadowy version of me as the Seductive Rose. "Who are you and what do you want?!" I was trying to not freak by the voice coming from me, since I looked like SR, guess I need to sound like it. "Man you're stupider than you look. I'm you, just.....better." "The Seductive Rose is a better version of myself? Really, I was horrible as SR, and I don't think a monster is a better version of myself." "Feisty now aren't you." "I guess that's one way to put it. Now, you didn't answer my second question. Why are you here?" "Why am I here! I'm here to make your life hell and to make sure you become the Seductive Rose again to truly rule." "Truly rule?! I don't need to be SR to do it. The prophecy doesn't say. Which before you ask, yes, I am putting my faith into a very confusing, mysterious, prophecy." "You read my mind." "You did say that you were me. But I need to call you something other than SR so, any ideas?" He thought for a moment and for being me but as the Seductive Rose but "Better" he was pretty calm. Maybe he's me from after I reunited with Xiphos because after he found me, I wasn't as, bloodthirsty. "How about Skia?" "You want me, to call you the greek version of the word shadow?" "Got any better ideas?" He looked at me waiting for an answer. "No guess not." "Great, now I can get back to giving you your nightmare." "Wait WHAT?!" The scenery changed and I was on a battlefield. There were bodies that I recognized. Bryan, Inpu, all the demigods. I walked around and I was horrified, worried that this would be the future. Me and Xiphos may rule together or it would be one of us with this as the cost. I saw something farther ahead. I couldn't believe it. Drannus, Beastly, and Xiphos were all on the ground dead. I fell to the ground and broke down into tears. "You see Zeratino, your existence only brings pain. You will be the reason they die. And I will make sure of it." I blinked and I was back in the void but this time I was chained by the wrists and I couldn't break them. I saw everyone at the camp and I was holding the sword. I wanted to help them, but I couldn't. I slaughtered all of them, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop. The chains wouldn't break, and soon, the battlefield from before was shown. I saw the version of Inpu that came with Bloodmoon. He was smiling and I killed him, I killed him and he didn't care. I screamed, but no one heard. I was alone in that void unable to do anything but watch, as I killed everyone that never would have deserved to die like that. "A win for me. You see. You exist to hurt, you exist to only cause pain and destroy people that you care for. And people that care for you. I should let you wake up though, I think I've had my fun. Have fun at the Atlantis meeting, Zeratino."

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