Chapter 29 : A talk and spar

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Bryan POV:

One day later -

I wanted to go look for Zeratino and Xiphos so I went into camp, hoping to find them. I wrapped my right hand around the hilt of the new version of Zeratino's sword close as it bumped against the side of my waist. When Inpu and I were finally able to go to bed, I couldn't sleep. I went into my office and stared at the sword as it lay on the desk. The sword stopped trying to fly off and the dark magiks had neutralized with the light magiks. I stopped near the archery area to see the Rosadils were in full bloom. They were so full of color, I almost thought they were glowing. zip Two people flew right by me, at least, I think they were people. I could barely see the blurs of black, gold, green, and white. I turned around to see Drannus and Xo sparring with swords and magiks. A voice yelled, "BRYAN GET OUT OF THE WAY!" I turned back around and Xiphos along with Zeratino were motioning me over with urgent looks. I ran over and as soon as I did, the area I was standing in originally was covered in ash and flame. Xiphos let out a sigh of relief while Zeratino distanced himself from me. I was confused until I remembered why, (Oh, right. He doesn't know what happened and he also doesn't know I have the sword.) "Zeratino it's fine, you can stand next to me." Zeratino walked back and I turned to face Xiphos. "Now I would love to know, what is happening?" Xiphos nervously laughed and pointed at Drannus and Xo. "You see how they're fighting, right?" I nodded and Xiphos continued. "Moros and Elphis have surprisingly agreed on if Xo and Drannus fall unconscious, it would be a good idea if they work on their fighting skills in case they have to take control." I looked back at Xo and Drannus fighting, Xo's eyes were glowing gold while Drannus's eyes were glowing violet. Zeratino then spoke, "Yeah, Moros and Elphis are both in control currently. The fun thing is, they haven't been in control of their hosts for millennia. So this is the first time that we get to see how Elphis and Moros fight. It's very different from Xo and Drannus, and very entertaining to watch, the gods wouldn't stand a chance." He grinned and it was only then I realized he had his blindfold off and wrapped around his neck like a scarf. (I feel stupid for not noticing that anytime sooner. Why didn't I notice?) "Hey Zeratino, I didn't notice you had the blindfold off your eyes, any reason?" Zeratino closed his eyes and sighed, "I don't feel like I have much of a reason to cover my eyes as much. And the cracks aren't here unless I'm angry. Ever since we did the ritual thing with Moros, I've felt better than ever. I feel whole." I looked back at the fighting siblings and back at Zeratino and Xiphos. I sighed, "I was actually looking for you both because something happened the night before you four did the ritual." Xiphos asked, "What happened?" I pulled Zeratino's sword from its sheath and Xiphos's eyes widened along with Zeratino's. "This happened. Your mother showed up and changed the sword. And then your father said to give the sword to Zeratino and say they have been here watching over you both." Zeratino walked up and held his hand out, I handed him the sword, and it glowed a radiant emerald green. I gasped in awe while Xiphos pulled out his sword, glowing a deep sapphire blue. Tears fell from Zeratino's eyes as he smiled and held the sword close to his chest, "sniff Bryan thank you. Heh, Mom and Dad do care Xiphos, they didn't leave us." Xiphos sheathed his sword and wiped his eyes. "Thank you, son of Aphrodite. But, what did our mother say?" I smiled, "She said that she noticed how troubled you both were and I think she believed the world tree had something to do with it. Gaea also said something that I think you both would like to hear." Zeratino and Xiphos both looked at each other and at me, Xiphos asked, "What did our mother say? And do you know which world tree it is?" I took a deep breath and said, "She said that all demigods should learn, from light, comes darkness, and from darkness, light. And, I don't know what world tree it is. It could be one of the great trees of Olympus, but there are quite a few trees from all around the world that Gaea is connected to, it doesn't matter what pantheon as long as the tree is part of the earth. Although, with the Norse book coming into play, I'm not surprised if it's Yggdrasill. The tree represents death, life, and rebirth. If it dies, the Norse worlds would go with it and the gods from every single pantheon would be severely weakened." "That isn't good." I jumped from shock to see Drannus and Xo, correction, Moros, and Elphis hovering over us. Zeratino asked, "Were you two listening to us the entire time?" Moros shrugged, and both he and Elphis landed on the ground, "We really got interested when you said your little darkness and light thing. We haven't heard anything like that in centuries, only the wisest of sorcerers and sorceresses along with gods knew it. And they've kept the words to themselves until they find someone with worthy ears to hear." Xiphos, Zeratino, and I looked at each other and then back at Moros and Elphis. Zeratino asked, "Do you guys know what happened to the sword then?" Moros and Elphis nodded. I could feel their eyes staring right through us. "We do, we believe Gaea has made it safe for you to hold and use. The sword lives off of the energy of the user and the user lives off of the sword. Now, neither would depend on the other. But we can tell what type of magik the holder has depended on who's holding it. Although, what is the book? If Yggdrasill dies, doesn't that weaken whatever the book is as well?" I shook my head, "No, the book is an ancient, corrupted artifact with a mind of its own. If the book is around, then it will find or know a way to keep its strength. Plus, from what Inpu's gathered, destroying Yggdrasill would destroy all Norse realms, and if the creatures and gods are lucky, they can escape. Also, gods are weakened from this, not artifacts. And even if whatever the book has possessed is a god, it won't affect the book at all." Everyone was silent until Xiphos began coughing, "BROTHER?!" "cough I-cough cough. I'm fine, Kat got a little sick and I think I caught it. cough cough" Elphis touched Xiphos's arm, "That doesn't sound like a normal cold. When did this start?" After taking a few deep breaths Xiphos spoke, "Kat got sick a couple of days ago. I started coughing after the rituals were complete. Trust me, I'm not coughing blood this time and I can breathe easily, I'm fine. I'm also not lying about it this time around." Zeratino hugged Xiphos and didn't let go, "Don't leave me again, please." I could hear Zeratino's small, quiet cries as the flowers dropped and petals fell. Moros walked towards Rosadils which had weak stems and watched as they wilted, "Careful young son of Gaea. Your emotions may be small, but the earth reacts harshly. Make sure you control yourself." Zeratino looked in the direction of the dying flowers, he looked down and whispered, "I'm sorry." I walked towards the flowers and knelt, pouring healing magiks into the earth, the flowers immediately began to grow and become what they once were. "It isn't your fault, I understand how you feel currently. I could help you control your emotions so you can use them in your fighting, and you can direct how you feel away from the plants. If you'd like." A small smile came onto Zeratino's face and he nodded. Xiphos spoke, "Thank you for this talk Bryan, I should check on Kat, make sure she's not getting worse, or get her something if she needs it. You wanna help Zerry?" Zeratino looked up and nodded. Elphis smiled and said, "That sounds like a great idea, although, Moros and I should continue our sparing. It's only been an hour." I smiled and wondered how Xo and Drannus will be feeling once Doom and Hope were done. Everyone left and I thought about how things have been going the past few days, (Other than Xiphos and Kat catching colds, things have been going pretty well. Maybe we'll be fine, and we can fight off whatever happens without losing anyone.)

??? POV:

That's what you think, Bryan. It is too bad that I couldn't use Drannus or Zeratino, and Xoseme's too full of hope, but Xiphos. He's already mine.

Author note:

Sorry for being late.  Lots of things have been going on, not dead though.  Just be patient, the real fun is about to begin.  

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