Chapter 26 : Starting Doom

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Zeratino POV:

Okay, new day, possibly further trauma, what could go wrong? I walk through the camp to find Xiphos, the Rosadils bloomed throughout the night. And they were beautiful. I saw Xiphos standing by the dock, talking with what seemed to fit Moros's description. I started to run towards them. Moros noticed me and pointed. Xiphos turned to wave and Moros waved as well. Once I reached them, I was out of breath. "Zerry, you could have walked or flown. Why did you run?" I took a deep breath and stood straight up. "Well, is there something wrong with me running? From what I remember, we used to do it quite a bit. And besides, if we can't use our wings in an area we have to get away and we can't teleport, we might as well build up our stamina to run." They both stared at me until Moros said, "Blindfold here does have a point. You, Drannus, Xoseme, and Zeratino all have wings, and I don't think any of you exactly teleport. Drannus and Xoseme might since they were embodiments for millennia, but that's still a long stretch." Xiphos sighed, "Fine, you win Zerry, just don't exhaust yourself." I grinned, "I won't." Moros then walked past us into a field and picked one of the Rosadils. It withered the second he touched it. "We don't have much time. If we want to get this done, it must be today. I want you two to make a ring of flowers. Got it?" "Whatever you need us to do Moros," Xiphos said in a tired tone. I looked at my brother; it seemed like he hadn't slept in years. (Is he alright? You know what, after this, I'm knocking him out.) Once we made the ring of Rosadils, Moros appeared behind us scaring us both. "Sorry, you two. I forget how no one's exactly used to me being around." Once getting himself situated, Xiphos said, "It's fine. Trust me, Zerry is really good at scaring people, me included. I'm used to almost having a heart attack." Eyeing Xiphos I said, "At least I know that I'm good at it. But Moros, what do we need to do now?" Moros looked in the direction of Momiji's shrine. She was willing to let Drannus and Xo use it for today. "They should be done with their ring by now. Zeratino, I need you to step into the center of our ring. And Xiphos, I need you to send energy through and into the Rosadils." "Hold on, what will happen once I step in?" Moros was silent for a few moments. "The chains will begin to break, and your sorrows will stop hiding. The past won't affect either you or Drannus the way it does now. It will hurt, but the pain is necessary for you to succeed." Xiphos looked at Moros, and then at me. It didn't look like he was fond of this idea. But he nodded, "You can do this, don't worry." I smiled, his encouragement was all I needed. (Alright Zeratino, it's now, or never.) I looked in the direction of Xo and Drannus. (Good luck Drannus, I believe in you.) Feeling the same nervousness I had when I was given Elysium, I stepped into the ring of Rosadils.  

Author note:  Sorry if this chapter is short, but heads up.  But since it's short, it means that things are only going to get harder from here.  Because now, there's no going back.  

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