Chapter Two

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It had been twelve years since that day Phil found Tubbo in the woods, and the family, better known as SBI, had grown closer than before. Tubbo now one of them. "Bitch. Bitch. Bitch. Bitch." Tommy was poking at Tubbo's cheek, extremely early in the morning. "What do you want, gremlin? It's," Tubbo checked the time and sighed, "it's six in the fucking morning! Why do you need to wake me up?"

"Because I need to show you something! Come on and get dressed!" The blonde boy ran out of their room and closed the door quietly. 

"I swear Tommy is going to be the death of me." Tubbo groaned and got dressed to meet his brother downstairs. He saw a cow in the living room. He saw a cow in the living room. "TOMMY WHAT THE FUCK?! WHY IS THERE A CO-"

"Shut the fuck up! You'll wake up Dad and the others!" Tommy shushed his brother and looked at the cow. "His name is Henry, and he is my cow." Tubbo stared at his brother. He knew his brother was odd, but he didn't think he would bring a cow in the house. 

"You need to put him outside Tommy."

"No! He'll get eaten by the wolves outside!" The blonde boy hugged his cow and shockingly the cow nuzzled back. Tubbo sighed, "I'll build you a pen for Henry. Don't tell Papa I helped you, or I will deny everything." He went outside and started building a little pen/hut for Henry. Tommy silently cheered, he knew Tubbo had a soft spot for animals and wouldn't refuse. If it meant not telling Dad, then so be it. 

Around an hour later Tubbo came back all sweaty and dirty. "Your pen is done. Take the cow outside and put him in there. I put a basin of water and a pile of hay for him, so he should be fine. Change the water every week and refill his hay when he finishes it. Now I'm gonna take a shower. Do not bother me." Tubbo went upstairs and hopped in the cool shower.

Meanwhile not that far away a young enderman hybrid was getting very lost. His name was Ranboo, and he got stranded in the Overworld with no way back to his home in the End. Well, stranded meaning they got kicked out by their mum.

Ranboo had been walking for days and was getting very hungry, being in the Overworld for three days now he had not eaten. Not knowing what was edible and what wasn't, they didn't want to try anything that could kill them.

Looking up ahead, he saw a fairly large cottage and decided to knock.

Tubbo heard a faint knock on the door and sighed knowing Tommy wouldn't get it. He threw on a shirt and some shorts and went downstairs to open the door, seeing a very tall man? No, he looked like an enderman. "Can I help you?" Tubbo looked up, making sure he didn't look the enderman in the eyes. He knew how they got. 

"Uhm... hi. I was wondering where the nearest end portal was. I got stranded in the Overworld with no way back, and I've been walking for days." Ranboo looked down at the short goat-like man who was staring right back at him. 

"Sorry dude, but we don't have any end portals." Tubbo felt bad for the guy because twelve years ago he was in the same predicament. Well not exactly, but he was lost and didn't know where to go. "How long have you been stuck here?"

"About three days or so." A nervous laugh came out of the enderman and Tubbo's eyes widened.

"Well have you eaten anything?" When the enderman shook his head, Tubbo sighed. "Why don't you come inside, and I'll make you something. You don't wanna starve to death. Because if you ask me that's a pretty shit way to die." Tubbo took the enderman's hand and brought him inside. "Oh, I never asked for your name," Tubbo giggled, "that's not being a very good host, is it? I'm Tubbo, and you are?"

"Oh, I'm Ranboo, is this your house?"

"Nah, this is my Papa's house. I live with my Papa, Philza Minecraft, my oldest brother and my favourite, Techno, my second oldest brother, Wilbur, and my twin, Tommy. Do you have any family?" Tubbo questioned the strange man and headed to the kitchen to make him some food.

"Well, my mom is from the end, and she kicked me out so..." another nervous laugh came out of Ranboo and they looked down. "I don't know who or what my dad is."

"Oh well, same here," Tubbo tried to comfort his new friend. "My real dad took my sister and brother and left me with my biological mom when I was three. I don't really know who either of them was, but Phil is a much better Papa." 

Ranboo looked at Tubbo apologetically and felt ashamed. "I'm sorry for asking, then."

"Oh, it's fine Ranboo! Your food is done, I just made some salad. I hope that's ok." Tubbo gave the tall enderman a bowl of the salad and a fork, leaving some for his family. 

"I hope your family doesn't mind that I'm here, I don't want to be a burden."

Tubbo laughed and looked at Ranboo realising he was serious. "Oh, you can't be serious Ranboo, if you'd like I could build you a smaller cottage next to this one. Then we could become friends!" Tubbo seemed very excited for this was his first friend besides Tommy. Ranboo saw this and couldn't bear to say no. 

"If you really want too then ok." Tubbo jumped up in excitement and looked at Ranboo. 

"Do you not like salad? You haven't taken one bite." Ranboo looked down and realised that he didn't eat. 

"Oh, sorry I got distracted." He took one bite of the salad and his eyes widened in shock. "Holy cow you're a great chef Tubbo!" The enderman kept eating and soon finished it. 

"Alright, well come with me so we can start the cottage." The two friends went outside and Tubbo started building Ranboo's new home.

Only 1k words for this chapter, sorry! 

I kind of ran out of ideas, but I promise to try and make the next chapter longer. Also, should I start putting their POVs in too? Like at the start of each chapter put Ranboo's POV or Tubbo's POV?

I don't know but have a good day or night wherever you are! <3

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