Chapter Twenty

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Halloo i'm back! Just want to say hi and give a warning on this chapter
TW: gore (extremely descriptive in my opinion), blood, implication of panic attack, possible main character death, angst, also fluff in the beginning :D

If any of this triggers you feel free to skip the chapter and read the summary I will be putting at the bottom. 

Michael had gotten more comfortable with the pair and they treated him like their son. "Mister? Can you play wif me?" The piglin boy walked in the room and saw Ranboo sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone.

He looked up and smiled at the little boy, motioning him over. "Mhm! C'mere Michael." Tubbo had already left, visiting his family. Michael waddled over to the monochrome and plopped down on the floor in front of him. Tubbo had brought some toy cars from his old house when he and Tommy were little so the piglin would have something to play with.

"Vroom vroom!" He pulled out the cars from under the coffee table and started rolling them on the floor. Ranboo laughed and sat next to him, his legs folding in a weird way, trying to sit comfortably. He took another car and rolled it next to Michael's. "Wanna race the cars Michael?"

"Mhm! Mhm! Mhm!" He smiled and turned around to face the same way Ranboo was facing. "Free! Two! One! Gooo!" Michael pushed his car to the other side of the room and started giggling because Ranboo pushed his obviously slower to let the little one win. "Yayyy! I win!"

The enderman smiled and stood up again, his legs already hurting from the position he was in. "Hey Michael, would you like some food?" The boy nodded, standing up as well and grabbing Ranboo's hand. "I help!"

"Alright bud! Let's go to the kitchen then." They walked into the kitchen and Ranboo got a step-stool for the piglin and put some water in a pot. "Do ya want pasta?"

Michael cocked his head to the side, not knowing what pasta was. "Wut dat?" Chuckling, Ranboo smiled and showed Michael what pasta looked like. "It's this noodle and it tastes really good, trust me." The boy nodded and reached his hand out toward the uncooked pasta. Grabbing a fistful he brought it to his mouth where Ranboo quickly grabbed it and set it down.

"No no no, don't eat that Michael." He laughed, "It isn't cooked yet buddy, you can't eat it until it's soft." Michael made an 'o' with his mouth and let go of the remaining pieces he had that Ranboo didn't grab. They waited for the water to boil and the enderman looked down at the little boy. "Michael, do you want to put the pasta in the water? You just have to be careful not to splash anything."

The piglin nodded and took a fistful of the pasta again, this time dropping it in the water and it splashed out a bit, landing on Ranboo. The enderman hissed in pain as the boiling water hit him. "Ouch- I mean, okay Michael now we set a timer and wait!"

He turned down the heat so the water wouldn't boil over and set a timer for 10 minutes. They both walked to the living room and Ranboo flicked on the tv. "Wanna watch some cartoons Michael?"

"Car-toons?" Oh, yeah Michael doesn't know what most of this stuff is. Ranboo laughed and put on some Adventure Time. Picking the piglin up, he sat on the couch and set Michael next to him. "Look at the screen Michael."

Time skip to after lunch and Michael is asleep since I have no ideas


Ranboo was on the couch, just watching some cartoons when the door burst open and a bloodied Tubbo walked in. It all seemed to happen in seconds. Tubbo looked around at his house and his eyes landed on his fiancé.

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