Chapter Nine

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Angst warning ig? idk prob not but still

Tubbo looked at Ranboo and followed his gaze to see a tall masked man holding Tommy with an axe to his throat. Ranboo couldn't see the man's face because it was completely covered by a smiley mask.

"Well well look who we have here." The man spoke in a deep voice and Ranboo shuddered. How could someone wearing a smiley mask be so intimidating?

Tubbo stepped in front of Ranboo and glared at the man. "What the fuck do you want.. Dream" So this was Dream, Tubbo had told Ranboo about him once before. He was not a nice person, and that he, his sister and his father all left Tubbo with their mother.

"Oh you know, I want back what you stole from me!" Tubbo didn't seem phased by the yelling but was more concerned for Tommy's well being. "I didn't take anything you bitch! Now let Tommy go, he's not involved."

"Well I would.. if I wasn't using him as leverage."

"I swear I don't have your stupid book Dream! Let him go!" Tubbo then realised what he said and covered his mouth mentally cursing at himself.

"Hm I never said it was a book, Tubbo. Give it to me and your friend won't get hurt." The masked man inched the axe closer to Tommy's neck drawing blood now and Tubbo panicked. "Ok ok I'll give it to you, just let him go." Tubbo then went to his room and brought out a glowing green book.

Ranboo stared at the book and then saw what the book was. It was the Revive Book. How did Tubbo get his hands on that?! And more importantly why did Dream want it? Staring closer Ranboo let out a small gasp. That wasn't the Revive Book, it was a fake.

The masked man held out his hand and took the Revive Book from Tubbo, looking at the book he sighed. "Tubbo you know I'm not dumb, so why try to give me a fake book?" Dream again brought the axe closer drawing more blood "Get the real one and Tommy here will leave with only a scratch. Don't and Tommy won't leave here at all."

"How did you know it was a fake?" The brunette sighed and got the real one, handing it to his brother.

"Ok, now because I'm a man of my words here is your friend back." Dream then let go of Tommy and pushed him forward. "See you soon.. 'Little bro'" Then he left.

"HOLY SHIT THAT WAS YOUR BROTH-" Tommy yelled as Dream let him go but Tubbo shushed him. Ranboo was still standing in shock after what happened. Tubbo had said his brother was not the nicest but he never said that he was violent!

"Yes he was my brother. Now let me heal that cut, Phil will kill me if he sees that." Tubbo went to get a bandage and Ranboo walked over to the blonde boy.

"You ok? That's a pretty deep cut."

"Yeah I'm fine, Tubbo! Hurry up!" Tubbo then walked back in and tossed Tommy a bandage. "Patch yourself up Tommy. I need that healed before Phil visits or I'll never hear the end of it."

"And why's that? I'm not a baby you know." Tommy caught the bandage and put it on.

"Oh well I'm older than you and have had more uh what was it? Oh yeah 'more life experience' than you, so I'm responsible for protecting you when we're alone."

"This bitch- I am in no need of protection! Big man Tommy here can protect himself!" (says the one who was used as leverage) He tossed the wrapper back to Tubbo and stood up. "Whatever I'm leaving!" The blonde then got up and left.

"I swear he is going to get himself killed." Ranboo looked at Tubbo and got serious, "How did you get the Revive Book Tubbo?"

"Well I stole it from my brother." The enderman gave Tubbo a look that said No shit sherlock. Explain how.

"I went on these little 'adventures' so to speak when I was fifteen and sixteen. Phil knew about them because I was gone for days, sometimes weeks at a time. In truth I was looking for my brother.

I found them after the fifth or so adventure. I learned that my father became a sloppy drunk leaving Dream to take care of my sister, and my brother had gotten into many fights at school and with my father. Drista, my sister, was stuck in the middle of all their fights and was crying most of the time.

I saw that my brother had this glowing green book and he took it out late at night. Of course I decided to follow him because what kind of nosy little brother would I be if I didn't?

Turns out he would go to this underground fight club and revive anyone who got killed in the fights so no one would get sued. He got paid handsomely for that too.

The people he was reviving were bad, bad people who were criminals. Not petty theft either, it was murderers, hitmen, rapists, et'cetra.

I obviously had to stop him from doing that so one night while he was asleep I snuck in the house and took the book. I don't know how he thought it was me or how he found me, but he did and now he's going to want revenge" Ranboo stared at Tubbo and was about to say something when Techno bursted through the door.

"TUBBO COME QUICK DREAM'S GOT TOMMY AGAIN!" They ran out just to see Dream pearl away with Tommy knocked out.

"DAMMIT! I knew I shouldn't have let Tommy leave!" Tubbo stomped on the ground and before anyone else could move he started running towards where Dream threw the pearl. "TUBBO WAIT! WE DON'T KNOW WHERE- and he's gone." Ranboo sighed and teleported after his partner.


I had no idea what to write so here- I need ideas for the next chapter pls


Btw i won't update for the next couple of days bc ima be away- sorry

Anyways have a great day or night! Stay hydrated and drink water! Love you all! <3

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