Chapter Five

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The moment Tubbo and Ranboo stepped inside Ranboo's house, the younger boy collapsed in exhaustion. The adrenaline pumping through his body has finally run its course. "Tubbo, are you ok?" The tall endermen was concerned for his friend, and kneeled next to Tubbo. "I should be fine.. The adrenaline will slowly fade and I'll be asleep. Do you mind if I stay here tonight? I don't think I could bear to see Tommy again tonight." Tubbo sighed, leaning against the wall with his head in his hands. "Of course, there is no need to ask. You built this house after all, no reason you can't stay in it." Ranboo hugged his friend and asked the question Tubbo had been dreading. "Why did you fight Tommy though?"

"I feel like that was kinda obvious Ranboo." he chuckled, but not genuinely. "I was upset. Upset at Tommy for being obnoxious when I was introducing you to them, upset that he was making fun of me for being quote 'weak and scrawny', and upset that he felt like he had the right to talk bad about you! You're the first friend I've ever had besides Tommy and I don't want my twin to ruin that." He looked into his friend's eyes, and lowered his head before Ranboo saw the tears forming in his eyes but it was too later.

"So you did that... for me?" Ranboo hesitated not knowing if it was the right thing to say, but Tubbo nodded. "Well you look exhausted, I went to the store the other day and got some clothes. I could lend you a hoodie and shorts, although they'd be a bit big on you."

"Thanks Ranboo, thanks for letting me stay here. I'll just crash on the couch tonight and I'll be out of your hair tomorrow." Tubbo smiled as Ranboo got up to get him some clothes. This was nice, having a friend to care for you when you're at your low. The tall boy came back a second later carrying some clothes and nodded towards the bathroom. "You can change in there, I'm gonna go get you a pillow and a blanket." He left again, leaving Tubbo grinning yet again. His heart was beating faster every day that he spent with his friend and he now knew why.

Tubbo stayed the night at Ranboo's place and left the next morning. "I have to go back home now, but then again it's only a stone's throw away from here so come over whenever you want."

"Ok I definitely will, see you later Tubbo!" Ranboo hugged him and Tubbo smiled then left, ready to face whatever punishment awaits him at home. Reaching the door, Tubbo hesitated, did he really want to do this? He could always go live with Ranboo. The house was big enough for two. Wait, that little voice in the back of his mind stopped him from turning back. What about Papa and Techno? Do you want to leave them for some little fight with Tommy? No. Of course not, so he opened the door, head down ashamed.

"Oh my god Tubbo, you made me worried sick!" a voice rushed up to him and hugged him tight. It was Papa. "Papa?"

"You can't do that! You left with your friend and we were waiting all night for you to come home. I thought something had happened to you." Philza looked at his son who still wouldn't meet his eyes. "I couldn't bear to come home and see Tommy all bruised up. Knowing I did it to him made me feel sick inside, I crashed at Ranboo's place. I didn't mean to worry you... I'm sorry" Tubbo had not lifted his eyes once yet, too ashamed to even look at his father much less Tommy. 

The boy wasn't lying. After the adrenaline faded, realisation of what he did sunk in. He was crying for a good twenty minutes after he realised what he had done to his brother. Despite all that, Ranboo had stayed through it all, and Tubbo was ever so grateful.

Soon Tommy walked in and although Tubbo wouldn't look at him he could hear the ice packs strapped to his brother and it made him feel sick that he did that. "Oh Tubbo's back. Come to beat me up again?" Tommy knew that wasn't the best choice of words but he was still angry for what Tubbo had done. He had every right to be angry! He was beaten to a pulp in front of his older brothers and father. 

At those words, Tubbo broke and ran to Tommy hugging as tight as could be. "I'm so sorry Tommy! I am so so sorry!" By this point tears were streaming down Tubbo's face as he hugged his brother. "I wasn't thinking, and I was just very mad. I feel sick to my stomach that I did that to you. I know you won't for-" Tubbo was rambling on and on but Tommy just hugged him back equally as tight. "That's all I wanted to hear." And for once the loud boy was quiet as the two twins hugged. No 'I forgive you' was said, but it was there in the air, making it feel much lighter.

Well it was a bit longer, I think the next chapter will be 1k+ but idk this is hardddd D:

Ok so I thought of putting fluff in here but we'll save that for the next chapter where someone may or may not confess his feelings to a someone else?

Have a good day or night you amazing people, make sure to drink water, and see you next chapter! <3 Love you all!

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