Chapter Four

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Tubbo had experience in fights before, not that his father knew, but he got in many fights at school. Of course he had won every time but he did not like the fights. Tommy lunged a punch at Tubbo's chest which he easily dodged, then Tubbo landed a kick right on Tommy's stomach. A loud grunt escaped Tommy and then he lunged again, and again Tubbo dodged. This went on for minutes. Tommy lunged, Tubbo dodged and landed a hit. A never ending cycle, Phil watched as the two fought. "Wow I've never seen Tubbo like this before," The father muttered as he saw Tommy get hit over and over again. "Well he really likes this Ranboo guy. He made an entire cottage for him." The pink haired male responded watching the fight intensely for any clue on how Tubbo was so good at fights. "He what?! That explains why he is so buff, he fucking builds houses!" Wilbur exclaimed in awe of his younger brother.

"I'm getting tired of beating you Tommy, just surrender and this can be over." He hit Tommy again leaving yet another bruise on his stomach. "No! I will beat you!" Tommy lunged missing again and panted. Tubbo was done with the fighting and grabbed Tommy's shoulder and the back of his leg and flipped him onto his back. 

He then lifted his leg up, it was going to drop right on Tommy's stomach "You can't beat me Tommy" and his leg dropped. It landed in dirt spewing it everywhere. Ranboo had pulled a panting Tubbo back before things got too gruesome. "Tubbo! Calm down, you could have almost killed him!" Wilbur was in shock about what had just happened. 

Was this the same Tubbo he had been raised with? "Yeah, I know that Will. Why do you think that I pulled- ugh!" Tubbo caught Tommy's fist that began heading towards his face, "-Ranboo off to the side? I told him if he ever thought that I would kill Tommy to pull me off. As much as I am pissed at him, he's my brother and I wouldn't want to kill him." The boy chuckled and stared at Tommy. "If you wish to defeat me, train another hundred years first and then I'll fight you again. Next time you start a fight with me I won't hold back, and Ranboo won't be there to pull me off." He dropped Tommy's fist and went back to Ranboo's house with him.

Techno was just standing there, and although he saw the whole fight go down, it felt like he didn't know who Tubbo was. His Tubbo wasn't a fighter, his Tubbo wouldn't hurt or threaten Tommy like that, his Tubbo was sweet, kind, innocent to an extent, but he would never willingly hurt anybody or anything. "I'll talk to him tomorrow," the old man sighed and went inside the home. Wilbur had helped an awestruck Tommy to his feet and began taking him inside to ice the bruises, while Techno wanted to go and find his brother, he knew Tubbo needed some time to cool off.

Holy shit this was a short chapter. Only 518 words D:

Well he didn't die as promised, but we'll get some beeduo fluff soon ok?

Also yes I had to quote Techonblade with the "If you wish to defeat me train for another hundred years" :D

Anyways you know the drill! Have a good day or night you lovely people. Make sure to drink water! <3 Love you all!

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