Chapter Twenty- One

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YEAHH I'M BACK BITCHES (sorry for the long wait for this one, if you read the an you should know 🥰)

anyways i wanna change my wattpad username. "PersonWithASpatula" Is a mouthful, imma just change it to something cringe like mo0n_LiGht
ahaha cRiNgE


Ranboo heard his name and his eyes widened. He immediately stood up, setting Michael's toys down. "Michael.. stay here for me." And he ran out, straight to Tubbo's room where he gasped in horror.

Tubbo's wound had opened up again and his blood was spilling everywhere, certainly too much blood was outside of his body. A distinctive metallic smell filled the room as Ranboo stood there, petrified. "I- uh- wh-" The poor boy couldn't even make out one word as he saw his lover covered in his own blood. "Don't just stand there Ranboo! Help me dammit!" Phil snapped him out of his shock and instantly the enderman grabbed loads of gauze. 

The next moments went by in a blur. Phil patched his son's wound again, making sure it couldn't be undone. He then lifted the boy out of the bed and Ranboo changed the sheets, trying not to gag at the smell of his fiancé's blood.

Once Ranboo finished cleaning the bed and adding new sheets, Phil set Tubbo down again and flew out to get more help. "Oh my god.. please be okay Tubbo." He sat in the chair next to his bed and held Tubbo's limp hand as silent tears streamed down his face. By now Michael had sort of grasped what was going on. Tubbo was really hurt.

The piglin walked in and held his caretaker's other hand. "Mister okay..?" His tone implied that he sorta knew what was going on and he hugged Ranboo. The enderman choked back a sob and hugged the young boy, picking him up and sitting him on his lap.

The pair just sat there for a bit, Ranboo silently crying while Michael hugged him. "WHERE IS HE?!" A loud, strained voice startled the two as Ranboo stood up with Michael in his arms. It sounded like Tommy and just as Ranboo expected, the blonde burst into the room.

"T-tubbo..?" He choked out a sob and rushed to his brother's side. "What ha-happened?!" Tommy faced his enderman friend, not noticing the small boy in his arms. Ranboo tried to speak, one word, one small noise, but nothing came out of his mouth. Instead he just shook his head and held Michael tighter.

"Ranboo. What happened to hi-him?"

A hoarse whisper came from the enderman, a voice he himself didn't recognise. "Stabbed.. he lost- he lost too much blood.. I don't.." his voice hitched and he choked back a sob. "Tommy I don't know if he'll wake up.."

This one sentence was devastating for the younger boy as his eyes widened. "No... you- you're lying! He's not- he can't! What the fuck happened?!" Ranboo set the little piglin boy down and brought Tommy in for a tight hug. "I'm sorry..." The blonde boy clutched at Ranboo's shirt and sobbed into the hug, accepting that his brother might not wake up.

By now Phil had left, presumably so he wouldn't be seen crying in front of the boys. After a few minutes Tommy left because he couldn't stand to see his brother in the state he was in. Ranboo gave him one last hug before he left and went right back to Tubbo's side. Michael went back to his room, not really knowing what to do.

I really don't think I need to say this but THIS IS NOT A SHIP!!! I stated that Tubbo and Ranboo ARE LITERALLY FIANCÉS, but some of you goofy asses don't get that. Stop shipping two characters who ARE NOT SHIPPED in this story. You can ship them anywhere else idfc, ship who u please (unless it's like siblings or like a minor and an adult) just don't bring their ship into my story. Thank you for your time.

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