Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Once Ranboo passed out, everyone -mhm we think you mean Tubbo- began to panic. Tubbo rushed over to Ranboo's side and shook their shoulders. "Ranboo, Ranboo wake up. Wake up dammit! I'm not fucking losing you, you still need to take care of Michael with me!" Techno glanced at Phil and ran to grab the first aid stuff that was in the bathroom.

Phil dragged Tubbo away from Ranboo, needing to take a better look at the wounds as he waited for Techno to come back with the first aid. "Techno help me lift Ranboo onto the table so we can get a better look at him. Tubbo, stay with Michael. I'll call Tommy for you once we address the severity of the wounds." Tubbo furrowed his brows and shook his head.

"What? Fuck no! I'm not leaving him Dad, they- I'm not-"

"Tubbo go."

Distraught, hehe distraught is funny to say, anyways Tubbo reluctantly agreed and went to Michael's room where our little boy was crying. "What happened to Boo? Why was he smoky?"
Oh shit

Tubbo didn't know how to respond and just hugged Michael. "Hey hey hey," he sniffled and wiped Michael's teary eyes, "Boo's gonna be okay Mikey. He just got.. hurt." How was he supposed to tell his son what happened? It's too much for the kid to understand.

Michael nodded and buried his face in Tubbo's shoulder. "He's gonna be okay? Promise?"
"Pinky promise," Tubbo held up his pinky for the boy and Michael lifted his head. They locked their pinkies together, and Michael gave a small smile. "Now do you want to go and play with Tommy?"

Once again, the kid nodded and Tubbo stood up, holding Michael in his arms. "M'kay let's go." They left through the back, as Tubbo didn't want Michael to see Ranboo again. It wasn't a long walk, but it was still raining so it took a bit longer than usual.

"Bee, will you stay with Uncle Tommy and me?"

"Sure, I just need to stop and talk to Uncle Wilbur after I drop you off. Alright?" Michael nodded, and Tubbo knocked on Tommy's door.
Tommy opened the door to see the pair soaking wet and ushered them inside. "What the fuck were you two doing in the rain with no coat?" Tubbo gave a halfhearted laugh and set Michael down. "I'll tell you later. Can you watch him for a moment? I need to talk to Will and then I'll be back." Tommy huffed and grabbed the kid's hand, motioning for Tubbo to leave. "Thanks Toms!"

Luckily, Wilbur still lived with Phil, so it wasn't a far walk. Tubbo ran to Phil's house and pounded on the door. He was pretty cold from the rain, maybe going without a jacket wasn't a good idea.

Wilbur opened the door and dragged Tubbo inside. "What are you doing here? I thought you hated me."

"This isn't about us." Tubbo dropped his gaze to the floor, wincing at the venom in Wilbur's voice. "It's Ranboo.." He whispered, even mentioning their name was almost enough to make Tubbo start to cry again.

He had no way of knowing if they would live or die. "What? Speak up." Wilbur rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. In his mind, he had every right to be upset with Tubbo. Well, he was banned from his brother's wedding and from seeing his nephew? That's not fair according to Wilbur.

Tubbo subconsciously stepped away from Wilbur. "It's Ranboo. He- he's really hurt and I- I wanted to try and make amends with you... maybe re-invite you to the wedding..?" Tubbo spoke louder and looked up in Wilbur's eyes. He was met with a cold, hard stare.

"Why do I care? Never liked the guy anyways." Wilbur sighed, "Why are you even here? Don't you have a dying fiancé to take care of or are you so useless that you're gonna let him die? Besides, I don't want to go to your stupid wedding." Tubbo's eyes widened and began to sting as tears pricked the corners of his eyes.

"Wilbur I-" Tubbo took another step back and grabbed the door handle behind him. "Fuck you Wilbur. You've hated me since Dad brought me in from the woods and for what? What the fuck did I do to you that made you hate me so fucking much?" The boy wiped his eyes, ridding any tears that would have fallen. He's not wasting tears on this man.

Wilbur just scoffed, glaring down at the boy. "I'm not entertaining your little rant anymore. Get out," he seethed, pointing to the door. Tubbo stood his ground though, refusing to leave. "Tubbo get the fuck out."

"No. Tell me what I did to make you hate me. Dammit Wilbur! All I wanted was for you to accept me!"

"Toby, get out!" Wilbur shouted at his brother, walking towards him. "Get the fuck out of my house!" He slapped Tubbo and shoved him out the door.

Tubbo stood outside the door, shocked. What the fuck just happened? He brought his hand up to his face where Wilbur had slapped him. "Wilby-" He turned away and walked back to Tommy's house, caressing his cheek as it began to turn red. There was a visible handprint when he looked in his phone camera.

Wilbur leaned against the door, angry. What right did Tubbo have to just barge in his house and talk like he did nothing wrong? He heard Tubbo call his nickname.. no one was allowed to call him that but Tubbo. Maybe slapping him was a bit out of line..


Tubbo had just burst through the door of Tommy's house, completely ignoring his twin's calls. "Tubbo! What happened? Are you alright? Are you-" Tommy set Michael down and whispered something to him. He rushed after Tubbo and saw Tubbo drop his hand, revealing the mark. "Don't tell me.. Wilbur..?"

He just nodded, wiping his tears. There was nothing to be said. He wanted to try and repair his relationship with Wilbur. He regretted everything he said.. Wilbur was just too fucking stubborn. "Why did I even fucking try? You know how he gets.."

"Hey at least you tried. Now, go hang with your kid. He's worried. I have something to do." Tommy patted him on the back and smiled. That something definitely didn't involve Wilbur. Definitely..

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