Chapter Eight

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Phil looked at his son and hugged him. "No Tubbo, you never let us down. You are what makes us happy. Whenever you smile the rest of the room lights up. Don't worry about Will, it'll get better." Techno's face darkened and he glared at the door which Wilbur slammed. "I'll be right back." And he left the same way Wilbur went.

A few minutes later Wilbur came back in the room running with a black eye. "I'm sorry Tubbo I didn't mean what I said I was just upset!" Right after Techno came back to stand next to Tubbo and whispered "Problem solved." Ranboo looked at the tension in the room and wanted to break it. "Well I think we are going to head out, see you guys later" Tubbo let out a relieved sigh and sent a silent thanks to Ranboo. "Yeah we better get going. We have to do something." And they left the room leaving Phil and the others to deal with the tension. "Thank you! That was too awkward" The boy let out a nervous laugh and looked up at his partner. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that Boo, usually he's much nicer."

Tubbo still thought about what Wilbur had said though. 'I always knew you were going to let us down from the day you walked in this house.' Tubbo couldn't help but feel as if he was right about that. He had let them down too many times. "You know, if you want you can crash at my place. You've done it before. Also I want you to know, you have not let anyone down." Ranboo looked at Tubbo and saw his facial expression change. Tubbo looked... sad. He may have had a 'smile' on but his eyes told Ranboo everything.

They got to Ranboo's cottage and Ranboo pulled Tubbo into a hug. "It's ok" Two simple words, It's ok. No matter how simple they were, those words are what cracked Tubbo and he buried his face in Ranboo's chest. "I have let them down though. I let them down many times before as well!" Ranboo walked them inside and sat on the couch. He wanted to ask Tubbo what he meant but he knew he should let Tubbo calm down a bit, so they just sat there.

Tubbo was partially laying on Ranboo, and Ranboo was just holding Tubbo. It started thundering outside and Ranboo slid Tubbo off of him so he could go close to the windows. "Mm where're you going..?" Tubbo slightly stirred and lifted his head towards Ranboo. "Just closing the windows, I'll be right back." Lightning flashed outside and thunder cracked. "Ack!" Tubbo jumped at the noise and Ranboo who was in the corner chuckled. "Scared of the thunder?"

"Piss off." The boy grumbled, glaring at his partner who made his way back to the couch. Ranboo sat back down and Tubbo instantaneously wrapped his arms around his torso, settling his head in the crook of Ranboo's neck. "Can I ask you something Bo?"


"What did you mean by 'I have let them down many times before'?"

"Oh I'd rather not talk about it."

"Well ok then. Also I've been meaning to ask, do you want to move in with me full time? You've been staying at my place most nights anyway." Ranboo looked down at Tubbo who widened his eyes at the question. "You want me to live with you?"

Ranboo nodded and teleported them to his bed so they'd have more room. "I just think that it would make sense if you moved in with me since you're barely at home but it's your choice."

"Uhm I'll have to think about it." The brunette didn't know if he was ready to move in with his partner. I mean they've only been dating for a few months now, is that the time when people start to move in with their partners?

Tubbo didn't dwell on that fact and instead thought of something else. Looking up at his partner he met Ranboo's eyes who were staring down right back at him. They just layed there for a moment staring into each other's eyes until Ranboo looked away and put his arm around Tubbo.

The short brunette just laid there and soon they fell asleep. Tubbo knew he was clingy in his sleep but didn't realise how clingy he was until that night. Sometime later that night Tubbo had pulled himself closer to Ranboo and tightly gripped onto his shirt, legs intertwined with Ranboo's. The enderman rested his head on Tubbo's, one arm under Tubbo supporting his back, and the other was over Tubbo, holding him in place.

The next day Tubbo woke up first and realised where he was. A deep red blush dusted across the bridge of his nose, and he was thankful that Ranboo was asleep. He tried to move but Ranboo just somehow pulled him closer.

The brunette sighed and stayed there until his partner woke up, which seemed to be an eternity but was only fifteen minutes. Ranboo started to stir and looked at Tubbo. "Oh, g'morning Tubbo." The enderman's eyes were still half-closed but he could feel that Tubbo was awake by the pace of his breathing.

"G'morning sleepy head. Can I get up now?" Tubbo laughed a bit but Ranboo just stared at him. "Mmm no. I want to stay like this for a while"

"Ugg I wanna get up!" Ranboo ignored Tubbo's protests and just laid there not letting his partner go. "No."

"Ranboooo! Let me get up!" The brunette whined and tried to squirm out from his partner's grip but failed and gave up. "Fine. Fifteen more minutes and then we're getting up."

"I win" Ranboo just grinned and they laid there, cuddling for a bit.

Like a half hour later Ranboo let Tubbo get up and his partner glared at him. "That was not fifteen minutes bitch." Ranboo just laughed and gave Tubbo a look that said Well you enjoyed it though. "Piss off" Muttered the boy and he went to the bathroom to change. "I'm taking your hoodie by the way." He called from the bathroom and Ranboo just sighed. "Another hoodie gone."

He got up and threw on some jeans and a shirt and waited for Tubbo. "You're slow!" Tubbo got out of the bathroom in a VERY oversized hoodie that he took from Ranboo's closet. (Ah yes we love the oversized hoodies)

"Fuck off bitch. You're the one who made me wait until fucking NOON to get up!" Ranboo just laughed and walked out of the room. The brunette boy followed him only to bump into Ranboo who was standing in the living room eyes wide and jaw dropped. 

1.1k words

Slowly getting better lmao, also sorry I didn't update yesterday- I was tired .-.


Btw angst warning for next chapter since I'm gonna forget to say that at the beginning.

Anyways have a great day or night, you are loved, and stay hydrated! Drink water! Eat food! Love you! <3

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