Chapter Twenty-Five

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broski i'm alive

Tubbo staggered back and slammed the door in the person's face. "Hey Tubbo? Are you-" Ranboo stood up and walked over to Tubbo who had his back against the door, face pale.

"Who was that." It wasn't a question, and Tubbo just shook his head. He stood up on his tip toes and looked out the window on the door. The person was still there, and waved at the window.
Tubbo subconsciously put a hand on his wound and Ranboo knew who it was. "Tubbo go to Michael's room and go out the back door. I'll call Techno." Tubbo shook his head and stayed where he was.

"I'm not leaving you with them dipshit!" Ranboo sighed and went to Michael's room. Grabbing their sleeping son, he went back to Tubbo. "Not your choice." They took Tubbo's hand and teleported them all to Phil's. "I'll be back, I promise."

Ranboo gave a soft kiss on Tubbo's forehead and teleported back to the house, taking out his phone. They rung up Techno and looked out the window to see the person sharpening their knife.


"Yeah uh hi Techno- I need you to uhm- how to I put this.." The person tried to open the door, it was locked. "Crap.. Techno come over now. Back door, not front." Ranboo hung up and grabbed his axe.

Walking to the door the person kicked it open and saw Ranboo with an axe. "Well isn't it the fiancé? Maybe this'll be better than Tubbo." A mask covered their nose and mouth but Ranboo could tell they were smiling.

He scoffed and got into a fighting position. "Try me asshole." The person lunged, faking a stab at Ranboo's left arm and landing a punch on his right. They swept Ranboo's legs and he fell to the ground. They stood over him and held their dagger at Ranboo's throat. "No so confident now are you?"

Ranboo grinned and kicked the person in the chest, jumping to his feet. He grabbed his axe again and held it to the person's throat. "NoT sO cOnFiDeNt Now ArE yOu?" He mocked and pushed down on the axe.

Techno finally arrived and saw a... sight. Ranboo was standing over someone with an axe to their neck. "Ranboo-? What the hell are you doing?" Ranboo looked up at Techno and the person on the ground took this as their chance to kick Ranboo over. They jumped up and stabbed Ranboo in the shoulder.

He staggered back and glared at the person. With his hand clutching the wound he lunged at them, nicking them with his axe. They hissed in pain and glanced at the blood dripping from their arm.

Techno got the gist of what was going on and quickly pinned the person to the floor, foot on their chest so they couldn't get up. "So Ranboo, mind telling me who this is?"

"Ahaha.." Ranboo winced and looked at their arm which was stained with blood. "This is the person who almost killed Tubbo."

Techno glared down and knocked them out. "Problem solved." Ranboo chuckled and grabbed something to stop the bleeding. "So where is Tubbo and your kid?"

"Phil's place. I teleported them there before that person got in." Techno nodded and glanced down at the knocked out kid. "So techno what do we do with it?"

"It? Ranboo that's a- never mind. I mean we can kill them." Ranboo shrugged and looked around for some pain killers. Bro isn't strong enough to go without them. He rolled his eyes at us and gave a dramatic sigh. "What's up?"

They threw a dish towel on the counter and groaned. "Tubbo moved the painkillers and I don't know whereeeee." Techno chuckled and shrugged.

"Deal with it. Now I'm gonna unmask this dude, might wanna get Tubbo." Ranboo nodded and quickly teleported to Tubbo, saying nothing as they grabbed his arm and teleported back. "Got him- who is that?" Techno had unmasked the attacker and it looked like a young girl. Barely older than Tommy. 

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