Chapter Eleven

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"Why did you leave your little brother? I was three years old when you left me. After you guys left Mama killed herself. I was three and taking care of myself." (because 3yr olds can definitely take care of themselves ok? Leave me alone)

Dream stood there in shock of what he just heard.

Mother is.. is dead?

"Tubbo I- you know I didn't want to leave! Father made us leave! I was five and Drista was four. We had no choice but to go with him!" He walked towards his brother and pulled him in for a hug.

Dream whispered something in the brunette's ear that was inaudible to the others and Tubbo hugged his brother tighter. "I'm sorry.." were the only words that the others could hear.

"Ahem-" Techno coughed in the background breaking the hug between brothers. "Hate to ruin the moment but we do have to head back." He checked his watch. "It's already 7pm and we need to eat dinner."

Tubbo laughed and turned to the rest of them. "I guess we are leaving." He walked towards Ranboo and Tommy, waving to Dream as they left. Noticing that Dream had a sad look on his face. "Wait guys give me a second ok?"

The brunette walked back to his brother and whispered something that made Dream's face light up. The masked man nodded and gave his brother one last hug.

Time skip bc this author is one lazy bitch 😍

"Alright you little shits we're home." Phil called out as they reached their cottage, already walking inside. "Now if any of you get kidnapped again I'm not saving your ass because I'm tired."

Techno had already left, doing his own thing and Tommy was playing with Henry. Soon Wilbur walked outside and saw Tubbo and Ranboo. "Oh you're back! Where'd you guys go?"

"Well Tommy got kidnapped by my brother and we had to go and rescue him."

"He WHAT?! This kid I swear to god is going to get us killed one day."

"Eh you're not wrong on that one Will." And on that note Wilbur ran off to scold Tommy for getting kidnapped.

Ranboo chuckled at the chaotic family and grabbed Tubbo's hand. "Let's go back to my house, it'll be quieter there."

Tubbo nodded and they walked to Ranboo's cottage which was more secluded than the brunette's. Once they got in Tubbo went to the kitchen to make food for dinner.

"What do you want for dinner? I'm making it now so we have it ready by eight."

I just realised that most people have dinner at like 5pm- THAT IS SO EARLY WHAT?! My roommates have dinner between 7:30-8:30 depending on what time I get home from work. If they wait for me ofc (i'm the only one who can cook lmao)


"I don't care, whatever is fine." Ranboo went to his laptop and opened up a game to pass time while his partner made dinner. A few minutes later Tubbo called for dinner and the enderman walked in.

"Mm smells good, whatcha make?" He sat down across from Tubbo and saw some steak on the table along with some cooked veggies.

"Hope you like it, it was kinda short notice."

"That's fine, when has anything you cooked been bad?" The enderman scooped some food on Tubbo's plate then his own. "Looks great Tubs. Now if you don't mind I'm gonna dig in!"

~~After Dinner~~

"That wasn't too bad, for the amount of time I had." Tubbo chuckled and started to bring the plates to the kitchen.

Ranboo laughed along with his partner, "You need to give yourself more credit, this was great!" He walked over to Tubbo and rested his head on the brunette's shoulder.

"You tired?" The boy set down the rest of the dishes and turned his head to face Ranboo. The enderman just gave a small hum in response and teleported them to their room. "Alright well give me a sec to get changed ok?" Tubbo grabbed some pyjamas and went to change in the bathroom while Ranboo changed in the bedroom.

When Tubbo came out Ranboo was waiting and hugged him, placing his head back where it was. "Well someone's clingy, what's up?"

"I'm just tired, ok?"

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry" He walked to the bed and layed down. "Would you like to cuddle?"

Walking over to his partner, Ranboo laid down next to him. "Yes, yes I would."

The two just layed there, cuddling each other, and talking. Tubbo rested his head in the crook of Ranboo's neck "Hey Ranboo?"

"Hm? What's up?"

"About the thing you said yesterday.. Did you mean it?"

"Oh, you moving in with me?" He moved his arms around Tubbo, pulling him closer. "Yeah I'm serious, only if you want to of course."

Tubbo thought about it and looked up at Ranboo. "Uhm you know what? Sure!"

"Really? That's great, are you sure I'm not pressuring you into this?"

"No, no you're not. I just didn't know what to say."

"Oh, ok. Do you want to watch a movie or?"

Nodding, Tubbo got up and grabbed Ranboo's hand, leading him to the living room. They sat on the couch and started browsing through movies to watch.

"What kind of movie do you wanna watch?"

"Oh um I don't care."

They decided on horror, and lucky for someone Tubbo was very jumpy. Every jumpscare or loud noise, Tubbo would jump into Ranboo's arms.

"AHH HOLY SHIT" At this point the brunette was on top of his partner burying his face in Ranboo's chest.

"Tubbo, this is the third time that has happened. It's pretty predictable now."

"I don't care, it's still scary. Why did you have to pick a scary movie?"

Ranboo ignored the question and wrapped his arms around Tubbo. The movie was about two thirds done and Tubbo had enough, practically begging Ranboo to turn it off.

Tubbo tried to get off of Ranboo but failed. Giving up, he placed his head back on Ranboo's chest. He muttered something inaudible and drifted to sleep.

Seeing that Tubbo fell asleep, Ranboo didn't want to risk waking him up by teleporting to the bedroom. Resting his head on Tubbo's, the enderman soon drifted to sleep as well.

The next day, light seeped into the room through the open windows waking the sleeping boys on the couch. Tubbo groaned and moved Ranboo's arms off him so he could go make breakfast.

Ranboo stirred when Tubbo got up and then went back to sleep. The brunette started making pancakes and bacon, and soon the house filled with the smell of bacon.

"Mmm is that bacon?" Ranboo had woken up to sizzling bacon and pancakes, so that was a great start to his day.

"Oh you're awake, yeah it is. It's almost ready, so whenever you wanna eat we can."

Ranboo nodded and got up. He went to the room to get changed and when he came back out he saw the table set and food on the plates. "Thanks, I was a bit tired last night" He sat down at the table and looked at Tubbo. "Sorry about that"

"Ha ha I could tell." Tubbo laughed and sat down next to Ranboo. "That's fine, for now let's eat. I have a big project to start later, so I wanna start it as soon as possible."

They ate their food quickly and Tubbo went outside to gather some materials. He wouldn't tell Ranboo what he was doing, so Ranboo just watched.

1.2k words :D

I'M ALIVE (sorta) sorry it took like ten days to update, I was busy and had like no motivation lmao

This was mainly a filler chapter bc i need ideas- please comment some ideas for the next chapter

Have a great day or night! Remember to stay hydrated, and you are loved! Love you all! <3

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