Chapter Fifteen

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Haha im getting good at this- also MY IRL FRIEND FROM SCHOOL FOUND MY STORY HELP

If you're reading this (yk who you are) I am not who u think  this is- ANYWAYS ON TO THE STORY

Turns out Tubbo's ankle was fine and he didn't need the boot anymore anyways. Nikki wrapped his ankle up lightly and sent him on his way.

"You don't need those crutches anymore, but I'd recommend using them for a little while longer. Come back two weeks from now so I can check up on you."

"Thank you so much Nikki! See you then!"

"Bye guys!"

The pair walked out of Nikki's office and Ranboo teleported them back to Phil's house only to see Schlatt on the floor bloody and bruised.

"Holy shit what did you guys do?!"

Tubbo laughed and walked over to his 'father' standing over him. "Karma's a bitch, aint it?"

"Fuck you. Help your father up right now you- FUCK" Tubbo had kicked Schlatt in the stomach with his good ankle and walked to Phil. "You are no father to me. Nor are you one to Dream or Drista."

He flicked off Schlatt and turned to Phil. "Well what are we going to do with him? He does not deserve to go home to my siblings, but their house isn't done."

"House?! What the fuck do you mean by-" Schlatt got kicked again and Tubbo continued. "Should we turn him in?"

Tommy shook his head and laughed, "To what authorities? The town sheriff literally does nothing. I say we keep him here and beat the shit out of him."

"We can't do that dumbass. Just let him go, Dream and Drista can stay here. We have extra rooms." Wilbur smacked the blonde on the back of his head and turned to the bleeding man on the ground.

Everyone shrugged in agreement and Tubbo called Dream. "Hey."

"Hey Tubbo! I need your help! I can't find Drista!"

"Oh shit- hold on" He turned to Schlatt and kicked him. "Oi rat. Where is my sister?!"

The man got to his feet shakily and leaned on the porch railing. "Well I'm not gonna tell you that easily. What's in it for me hm?"

"Let me remind you that you are in no position to make demands." Techno had been standing in the back for some time now, and grabbed Schlatt by his neck. "You either tell us where the girl is, or I am going to beat the shit out of you until you cry for your mommy. Is that clear?"

Schlatt hastily nodded his head and grabbed at his neck, making the pinkette let go of him. "Fine, fine! She's in the basement. But not the main part."

"What does he mean by not the main part? There is only one bit of basement we have and I already checked there." Dream was worried for his sister and he didn't know what on earth his father was talking about.

The man continued to explain, saying that there was a secret section of the basement only accessible by him because of a password that had to be spoken by his voice.

"Well what's the password you dumb fuck?" Tommy recorded the next few seconds to get the password on his phone so they could go without the sorry excuse of a man in front of them.

"It's" fuck idfk what to put as the pw-

"Uhhh it's- oh shit I don't remember." Haha problem solved Everyone stared at him in horror. He forgot the password, and Drista was stuck.

Tubbo slapped the man and shouted at him. "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU FORGET THAT?! You know what? Fuck it, tell me where the entrance is and I'm breaking in."

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