Chapter Eighteen

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Hey I'm back, I may be discontinuing it but I don't think so since I have something big planned for the end. ANYWAYS
Fact of the chapter: A single human male produces enough sperm in two weeks to impregnate every fertile woman on the planet.

okay chapter

Once the three got home they were horrified by the sight they saw. Everything was gone. Everything.

Blown to ashes, Phil's house, Tubbo and Ranboo's house, the entire town, gone.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" The blonde started running around looking for his family. What could have caused this destruction?

"Tubbo... that nuke wasn't fake was it..?" The monochrome boy turned to Tubbo in fear. The brunette slowly shook his head. "B-but I didn't launch it! I left it- I left it where it was!"

"Maybe you didn't but someone did."

Tubbo's eyes widened.. Only one person would do this... Schlatt

"I know who did, but we need to find my family." The pair began running around looking for the same people Tommy was looking for. "PHIL!"




Hours passed and they could not find the trio.. Had they been lost in the explosion..? No, they couldn't be. Right..?

"Guys it's been hours.. Shouldn't we take a rest..?" The tallest of the trio looked at the other two. He wanted to find the others as much as they did but he knew they needed rest. "No! Not until we find them!"

Tommy's face was stained by the tears now but he wouldn't give up, not now, not ever. He will find his family. "T-they have to be here somewhere! They c-can't be dead!"

The brunette hastily wiped a tear from his face, not wanting to show weakness. "Tommy, they aren't dead. We will find them but Ranboo's right, we need rest or we won't be thinking straight." He lightly grabbed his brother's arm and lead him towards a clearing where they'd be able to rest.

In all honesty, Tubbo wasn't sure if they were alive either... The only way they could've been alive was if they were out of town when the explosion hit. Almost everyone died... Tommy ended up falling asleep due to the stress of everything. "Hey, love I'm gonna go for a walk. Mind staying with Tommy...?"

The enderman nodded and the ram left. He wanted to stay with Tommy, but he knew he had to do something.. He knew who did this and he was gonna make them pay.

By the time he got to his house, it was nighttime, and he knew Tommy would be up by now.

This is for my family you sick, sick fuck.

He barged in the house looking for his father. "Where are you, you sick bastard?" He opened the bedroom door to find Schlatt reading. Wait, reading? Was he seeing this right?

There's no way HIS father would be reading, unless he's trying to change.. "S-schlatt..?" The man looked up from his book and saw his son. "Tubbo? What're you doing here?" Tubbo looked around the room. It was clean and didn't smell like cigarettes or alcohol. Was he... sober?

The brunette stared at Schlatt, confused. "Are you sober..?" The man nodded and went back to his book. He wanted to change for his children, but to do that he had to limit contact with them. "What's up kiddo.. You shouldn't be here."

"Did you- did you set off the nuke..?"

...Schlatt's eyes widened, and he aggressively shook his head. "Tubbo! I would never! I may be a shit father, but I would never set off a fucking nuke in your town!" He set his book down and stared at the young ram. "Did someone set off- Oh my god they did.."

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