Chapter Thirty

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Hey y'all, final chapter here, it's amazing to see this story that I've worked on for almost a year come to a close. I am nowhere near done writing, but this is the end of Forever More. This chapter is a heavy one. Enjoy

Tw: graphic torture description, angst (obviously), major character death, suicide, pills
Read at your own risk and stay safe y'all

Right as Tubbo was dragged away, Ranboo began to wake up. They groaned and opened their eyes slightly. "Tubbo..?" Ranboo coughed and tried to sit up.

Phil heard him and ran over, keeping him down. "Don't sit up yet mate, you really fucked yourself up." Techno followed Phil and chuckled.

"No kidding, what were you even doing?"

Ranboo stopped struggling and went silent. So they didn't know about the fight, that's good right? Did he have to tell them? Hint hint we think you should.

Literally shut up right now or I swear to god-

Ranboo what are you gonna do? We're a fucking voice. Anyways tell them, they should know. Besides what if something happened to Tubbo and they didn't know y'all were still being bitchy towards each other?

Ranboo sighed and nodded, we're so smart. "Uhm we got in an argument.. and I said something I shouldn't have said. He got really mad, for good reason, and told me to leave. I did and a few hours after I left, it started raining so I just sat there, in the rain.. Tubbo found me though and dragged me home."

Phil was silent. Ranboo stayed in the rain by choice? What was going through their head? Techno looked at Ranboo and looked away. Why would they do something like that? "Where is- where is Tubbo anyway?"

"He went outside to get some fresh air. I'll get him." Ranboo nodded and watched Techno leave the room. His question was why wasn't Tubbo at their bedside when he woke up? He thought that even though he said some fucked up shit, Tubbo would still care enough to be there.

Techno came back in a few minutes later, holding Tubbo's red bandana that Tommy gave him when they were younger. It was bloody, why was it bloody? What happened to Tubbo?

Phil took one look at the bandana and his expression shifted from confused to scared. "Techno.. why do you have Tubbo's bandana?"

"And why is it bloody? Is he okay? Did Drista attack him?" Ranboo's eyes filled with panic, and he sat up quickly, ignoring the pain from their wounds. "Where is Tubbo? Techno where is Tubbo?" He threw his legs off the table and stumbled to their feet.

Phil quickly held them up and pushed them back down onto the table. "Look, I know you're worried mate, but Tubbo would want-"

"Don't tell me what Tubbo would want, as of right now, I don't care. I need to find him, Phil. This only happened because I said he left Drista for dead! It's my fault and I need to find him."

Techno and Phil went silent. He said what? Ranboo was right, he did fuck up. How does someone say that? To their fiancé no less. Ranboo took their moment of shock as their chance to get out of the house and find Tubbo.

He stood up and ran out of the house, disregarding the screams of protest their body was giving them. "Ranboo wait!" Techno sprinted after them, quickly catching up and grabbing him. "I know you love him but what he needs now is for you to get better."

Ranboo shook his head and fought Techno's grip to run to Tubbo. "Techno I need- he's- I can't-" They couldn't get a sentence out and sighed in defeat, mumbling something incoherent.

Meanwhile with Tubbo and Drista

Tubbo woke up with a start, looking around frantically. He was in a dark room, tied to a chair, with duct tape on his mouth. "MMMPH! MMM!" He could only make muffled grunts, his head was pounding, what the fuck happened?!

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