Chapter Three

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It took a few days, but Tubbo finished the cottage for Ranboo and furnished it for him. Phil and the others still hadn't found out about Ranboo but it was only a matter of time. "Hey Ranboo! It's done!"

"Really? I can't thank you enough Tubbo! You are the best person ever!" Ranboo ran over and hugged his friend, he did this often and Tubbo was getting used to it. "Haha I wouldn't say the best but thanks Ranboo." Tubbo hugged the enderman back and was savouring the moment until a familiar voice interrupted them.

"Want to explain what this is Tubbo?" The voice was unmistakable. It was Techno, he had heard Tubbo yell to his friend and went over to check it out.

Techno was the one who understood Tubbo the most despite the age gap. Maybe it was the fact that Phil had found them both and saved their lives or maybe it was the fact that they were both hybrids, one a piglin, one a goat, no matter. They knew each other better than they knew the others and that's all that mattered. "I said, do you want to explain this, Tubbo?" There it was again, the monotonous voice that broke the silence between them. "Well, I- uhm this is my... friend Ranboo. He got stuck here from the End with no way back so I made him a little cottage not far from our house so we can be friends. I hope you're not mad." Tubbo lowered his head and let go of Ranboo. "Now why would I be mad?" The piglin questioned Tubbo genuinely confused on why he would be mad. "You're just helping out a friend in need. I can see he is a hybrid, what kind?"

"I-I'm half enderman, half unknown. Tubbo has told me loads about you sir."

Techno chuckled and looked at the pair "Only good things I hope. Also no need to call me sir. I'm only twenty-three, not fifty like my father."

"O-oh my bad, and yes he speaks highly of you." Ranboo replied awkwardly. The tension between the three was almost visible, as Tubbo stepped between them, "Ok well Ranboo why don't you go inside your new house and get yourself situated. Then we can introduce you to the rest of the family."

"Ok well thanks again Tubbo!" Ranboo was about to go in for a hug but then realised that Techno was there and decided against it, going inside his new home. Soon after he came back out and said he was ready to go

Techno sighed as the three started walking back to their house "So how long have you been keeping him here?"

"Uhm, about five days?" The boy counted and nodded "Yeah five days. I started the cottage the second day, so I finished that in four days." Techno stopped and stared at his little brother. "You're saying that you built a whole damn house in four days time?"

"Yeah? It's not that hard. Just gather materials on the first day, build on the second and third days, and furnish on the final day. Pretty simple if you think about it." Tubbo laughed as Techno stared at him in confusion. "Holy shit you're good." Techno smiled as his younger brother's face lit up at the compliment. They reached the house and Tubbo stopped. "Techno?"


"Don't tell Papa, Tommy, or Will please. I want to tell them." Tubbo looked at his older brother and pleaded with his eyes that Techno would listen. "Yeah, sure kid. Don't tell Tommy that I let this slide, or he'll never let me see the end of it that I've 'gone soft' got it?"

Ranboo stared at the two wishing he had a brother like that.

"Got it." Tubbo said softly and turned to Ranboo. "Can you stay at the door until I open it please? I want to tell them that they're meeting someone so they don't freak out." he hugged his friend and assured him not to worry.

"Ok, I'll be here." Ranboo was still very worried despite Tubbo's reassurance.

Then the brothers walked in the house to see Phil, Will, and Tommy in the living room waiting for them. "Where have you two been? It's already 7pm!" Phil scolded, but his children knew he didn't mean it. Tubbo put on his best 'Papa's boy' face and looked at Phil. "Sorry Papa, we didn't know what time it was. I wanted to show Tech something that I was making and we lost track of time. After we saw it getting dark we started heading home." Tubbo looked down, playing the part perfectly. "I hope you're not mad at us" and like always, Phil caved. "I'm not mad Tubbo, just try to be home earlier next time." Phil sighed and sat on the couch. Staring at Tubbo, Techno stifled a laugh and whispered. "Damn, I'm bringing you everywhere now. He totally caved when you did that." The young boy laughed and then got serious. "Papa?" Phil looked up from his book and cocked his head giving Tubbo the go ahead to talk. "I need to tell you something. Actually all of you." He glared at Tommy who was yet again bickering with Wilbur. "Tommy quit it!"

"Sorry Tubbo!" Tommy and Will stopped fighting and listened to Tubbo. "I'm going to tell you guys something and you need to promise me you won't freak out. I'm looking at you Tommy."

"Hey- oh ok." Tommy got the look from Techno and shut his trap. "You are going to meet someone in a second and you can't stare at him. He is someone very dear to me and I don't want you," he glared at Tommy, "to scare him off. He is my friend, so you will be nice to him. Ok?"

"Tubbo, why would we stare at him?" Wilbur spoke quietly for the first time that evening. "Because he is a hybrid like Techno and I. He is part enderman, part unknown. You will not question him about his life unless he allows you to do so. You will not gawk at him, you will not yell at him. His name is Ranboo and you won't bombard him with loads of questions like you did to me when I first got here. Ok?" Phil looked at his son who became very serious all of a sudden when telling them about this person. "Ok Tubbo. We won't do any of that, we will respect your friend." Philza assured his son and nodded to the door.

Ranboo who heard everything became very happy that Tubbo cared about him in such a way that he lectured his family, including his father, on how to treat him. All of a sudden his heart started beating very fast and he couldn't explain why. Tubbo then opened the door to show his family a very tall, awkward enderman standing before them. He waved, "H-hi I'm Ranboo. Nice to meet you all." As always Tommy forgot everything Tubbo had said and stared at the tall man in the doorway. "HI! I'M TOMMY! TUBBO'S BRO- OW" Tubbo had hit the obnoxious child in the back of the head and left a large bruise. "Tommy! What did I say?!"

"Tubbo it's ok" Ranboo had to stifle a laugh after Tubbo had hit Tommy, but he felt very...happy that Tubbo had done that for him. Yet again his heart was beating fast and he still did not know why. "Hello? Ranboo you ok?" Tubbo was waving his hand in front of Ranboo's face to catch his attention. "O-oh yeah sorry! I just spaced out for a second."
"Ok well you know Techno, so this is my Papa. His name is Phil." Tubbo pointed to the older man on the couch that had large obsidian wings. "Ah hello sir, Tubbo told me much about you." Ranboo tried his best to be formal, not knowing how the man would react. "No need for formalities, Ranboo. If Tubbo likes you we do too." Philza laughed and nodded for Tubbo to continue introducing them. "This is my older brother Wilbur, but we all call him Will."

"Or Edgy Emo Boy!" Tommy chimed in earning another hit but this time from Wilbur. "I am not emo you gremlin child."

"Hello Wilbur" Ranboo tried to keep the conversation between Wilbur and himself to a minimum. Will had been staring at him funny and didn't know if he had done something wrong. "Hello Ranboo." Wilbur gave a curt nod and went back to arguing with Tommy. "And this leads us to Tommy."

"Your twin right?" Ranboo recalled Tubbo saying that they were twins the first time they met. "Not exactly but we're the same age and we look sorta alike so we just say that we're twins."

"Hello Tubbo's friend! I'm Tommy" Tommy shook Ranboo's hand vigorously and grinned. "This friend of mine has a name dipshit." Tubbo was too tired to deal with this shit right now.

"Ok and? I call him what I want to. Big man Tommy doesn't listen to rules he makes the rules!"

Tubbo seemed completely done with Tommy's shit and was about to hit him again until he saw Ranboo smile at him after meeting his family. This time it was Tubbo's heart that was racing with no explanation. "How about you head home Ranboo? I think if Tommy keeps this up I'm going to beat the shit out of him." Tubbo laughed, barely.

"Pfft- as if you could. You're so weak and scrawny." Tommy retorted, laughing at his twin's comment and then saw Tubbo's face. "Aww is someone mad that I'm not being nice to their new friend?" He asked this in a mocking baby voice and Tubbo had it.

He took off his jacket because he was wearing a tank top underneath revealing that he was ripped. "Alright Tommy let's go then. Outside now." Tubbo walked out and dragged Ranboo with him. "If things get too out of hand like I look as if I'm going to almost kill Tommy, you need to pull me back alright?" Tubbo looked serious about this and Ranboo nodded. Soon the others came out ready to fight, and they headed onto the grass to begin the fight. "I'm gonna kick your ass bitchboy." The blonde boy grinned and they began the fight.

Well I did promise a longer chapter, but 1.7k words is kinda a lot.


I don't know I just wanted to say guess what. Well the fight is next chapter and uh Tommy doesn't die I can say that much

Well good day or night you lovely people! <3

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