Chapter Twenty-Four

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Woah.. moon didn't die for three months??
who is this?

where did moon go?

By the end of the day, Ranboo, Tubbo, and Michael had made three flower crowns and proudly wore them all around the house. Tubbo was currently making dinner in the kitchen since everyone knows Ranboo can't cook for shit.

"HEY I CAN COOK." Ranboo shouted and and the other two stared at him.

"Boo, no one said you couldn't. Calm down please." The ram sighed and returned to his cooking. It's fun to mess with Ranboo when he's the only one who can hear us :]

Ranboo rolled his eyes and waited for Tubbo to finish dinner. The enderman walked over to Michael and picked him up. "Boo! Boo!" The boy looked up at the person who just picked him up and poked his face.

"Yes Michael?"

Michael poked Ranboo's face again and pointed to the high-chair the couple bought for Michael. "Wanna sit." Ranboo nodded and set the boy down into his high chair.

Tubbo walked out tediously balancing a bowl on his arm while both his hands were holding the other two. "Wait lemme help you with that!" Ranboo grabbed the bowl on the ram's arm and set it down in front of Michael.

Smiling, Tubbo thanked his fiancé and sat down. "Well dig in, hopefully it's edible." Ranboo scoffed and took a big bite to prove it was delicious. Honestly he's just jealous that he can't cook.

Ranboo's fist clenched under the table and he smiled at Tubbo with his mouth full. "Bo, 's great!" He said, voice muffled with the food.

"Oh shut up and eat," Tubbo laughed, "ya big buffoon."

Time skip to next day (like 3pm) because I can't think of anything and I am dying over here

Ranboo and Tubbo were chilling on the couch when they heard a knock on their door. "Come in, it's unlocked." Tubbo called out and received a chuckle from the man at the door.

"That's how you're gonna get yourself killed dude." It was Techno, he was back from his trip.

Tubbo grinned and ran over to his older brother, going in for a hug but stopped last minute. Didn't wanna seem like a little kid anymore, no need for big random hugs.

Techno scoffed and pulled the ram in by his collar and gave him a big noogie like any big brother would. "What, are you too cool for hugs from me now?"

Tubbo shook his head and squirmed out of his brother's grip. "Sorryyy! I didn't wanna seem clingy or whatever." He laughed nervously and mumbled the next part. "I missed you, okay?"

His brother smiled and gave him a nice hug. Ranboo stood there and noticed Phil and Will behind the two. He motioned them inside and went to the kitchen to make some tea.

"Welcome back you guys!" He called out to them as he boiled the water in the kettle.

"Good to be back Ranboo. How's the wedding planning going?" Tubbo blushed and elbowed Wilbur.

"Shut it Will, and we haven't really thought of anything. Focused on Michael recently."

Wilbur and Techno furrowed their brows and Wilbur nudged him back. "Who's Michael? Are they new in town?"

Ranboo shot Tubbo a glance and took the kettle off the stove, pouring it into cups with the tea bags. "Not.. necessarily." They chuckled and handed Tubbo's family their cups of tea.

"Then who is-" Techno was interrupted by Michael who ran into the living room, grabbing Tubbo's leg.

"Bee! Bee! Guess what I did!" Tubbo froze and looked down at the child, forcing a warm smile on his face to mask the panic. He wasn't ready for his brothers to know about Michael. Sure Phil knows, but he was dying when Phil found out.

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