Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Tubbo froze and looked over at Michael who was crying behind the wall. "Oh Mikey- I'm so.." He walked over to the boy and crouched down to his level. "Hey buddy.. I'm sorry you had to see all that.."

"Are you gonna leave him? Is Boo not coming back..?" Michael looked up at Tubbo with teary eyes, searching for some sort of answer.

Tubbo on the other hand froze and looked away, grabbing Michael's hand. "I'm not gonna leave him kiddo, I just don't know if they want to come back." It was true, Tubbo did not want to leave Ranboo. In fact, he regret shouting at them in the first place. He was just scared.

"You should go find him Bee.. I think it's gonna rain.." Michael hugged Tubbo tightly and sat on the couch wiping his tears. Tubbo nodded and hugged the boy one last time. "I'm sorry Bee."

Tubbo's gaze softened and he sat next to the piglin. "Hey buddy it's not your fault. Boo was completely right for getting you. I was angry and scared.. it's my fault not yours." He flashed a small smile and began tickling the boy. "Now turn that frown upside down!!"

Michael was laughing a lot and his tears had stopped coming. Tubbo smiled and stood up, leaving the house after saying goodbye. He decided to check his dad's place first and went there.

Knock knock

Phil opened the door to see a puffy eyed Tubbo. "Tubbo-? What're you doing here?" Tubbo looked around inside and saw Ranboo wasn't there. He said nothing and began to walk away. "Tubbo? What's going on?"

"Nothing Dad, just.. looking for someone."

Onto the next house. Tubbo knocked on Tommy's door next, praying that Ranboo had come here. "Yes? Who is it?"

"Tom it's me." He heard the sound of a door unlocking and Tommy opened the door. "Is- uh is Ranboo here? I fucked up and I can't- I can't find them.." Tommy looked at his brother, who was a puffy eyed wreck. He shook his head sadly.

Tubbo sighed defeatedly and turned away, going to look elsewhere. "Tubbo, maybe he just needs time. They might just need to blow off some steam. I know he'll be fine, he'll come back if that's what you're worried about. They love you so much, no matter what you say he's gonna come back."

The ram nodded and smiled at his brother. "Thanks doofus." He left and decided to listen to Tommy's advice and let Ranboo be. He went home to his son and stayed with him.

With our beloved enderman

Ranboo was somewhere we have never seen before, leaning against some tree. They were clearly crying, he had every right to. "Dammit dammit dammit! I can't believe I said that.." He was scolding himself, blaming himself for the course of events that happened just an hour ago.

God you're such an idiot. Why would you ever say that? It's clear that he hates you now. You just have to go and screw everything up.

Ranboo scoffed and sat down, head resting on their knees. He didn't know what to do. There were two options.

Option one: Go back to their house and apologise to Tubbo, praying that he'll forgive them.

Option two: Stay in the far away forest forever, not letting their heart get broken any more.

Option two seemed pretty nice right now. Ranboo had already turned off his phone so no one could text them. It was simple, he could live his own life out here. Never having to worry about anyone but himself again. Wait.. did they really want to do that? Was it worth it, leaving their fiancé because of some argument? Couples fight all the time, that doesn't mean they hate each other.

Ranboo was stuck, what should they do? He banged his head against the tree, angry at himself. Why did They have to say that? They knew it was a dick move, he wasn't thinking. Angry tears were welling up in their eyes, not angry at Tubbo, but angry at himself.

They missed Tubbo, alas, his fiancé probably hates them now. He had every right to hate them after what they said. Ranboo needed to talk to Tubbo though, talk it out. He knew he loved Tubbo, no matter what he would always love Tubbo. "Yeah but that doesn't change the fact that he hates me.. mysterious narrator."

Yeah? Well sometimes Ranboo you gotta man up and talk to him. You do know that he is currently bawling his eyes out silently in your shared room while your son sleeps, wondering if his fiancé is coming back. No matter how much you fuck up, you have to at least try to make it up to them.

"Okay well what if I'm too scared? I know he hates me, Michael.. well I can't.. I love both of them, I really do. It's just I don't want to have to face Tubbo after what I said to him.. I don't want to see that hurt look on his face again." Ranboo sighed, what was he supposed to do?

Soon the rain opened up in the sky and Ranboo had nowhere to go. He just sat there, letting the rain burn him as little droplets of water seared their skin. He thought he deserved it. In the eyes of a stranger, he did deserve it. They brought up their fiancé's sister's alleged death and blamed said fiancé for it.

Ranboo simply stayed there in the pouring rain, hating himself for what they did. "I'm sorry Bo.."


A faint shouting was heard, Tubbo heard the rain and bolted out of the house, making sure to leave a note for Michael. He had been searching in the pouring rain for the past hour, praying his fiancé was still alive. "RANBOO PLEASE I'M SORRY." His raw voice made it clear he had been crying for a while, but he didn't care. He needed to find Ranboo.

What is he doing out here?

Ranboo stood up and walked out towards Tubbo, limping as the pain from the rain was almost unbearable. Their whole body was smoking from the burns and when Tubbo saw this he almost cried again. "OH MY GOD RANBOO!"

The ram sprinted to his beloved and hugged them tightly. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!" He repeated, not letting go. "Are you okay?! Oh my god we need to get you out of here." He let go, only to grab Ranboo's hand and sprint back home, trying to make sure Ranboo was okay.

The entire time, Ranboo was in shock that Tubbo found him. He was in shock that Tubbo cared enough to take them out of the rain. They were dragged inside a house and he collapsed on the floor. The pain had just begun to set in as his body was smoking, deep gashes where the raindrops hit them.

"What the fuck were you doing out there?! Were you trying to get yourself killed?!" Maybe they were.. Tubbo was pacing back and forth, worried for his fiancé. What was Ranboo thinking? "I need to call Techno. He can help you okay? You're not gonna die, I'm not letting you."

Ranboo just let out a strained sigh, every small movement hurt like hell. They glanced down at himself, grimacing at all the gashes on their legs. "Tub- Tubbo.." He croaked out, "why'd you- why'd you look for me? I was such a dick.." They only whispered, as anything louder would hurt like a little bitch. Tubbo didn't answer, he just whipped out his phone and called his brother.

"Yello? What's up Tubbo?"

"Techno help- it's Ranboo, they were caught in the rain." By now Tubbo would have been crying, if he had any tears left. His voice was raw and scratchy when he spoke. "It's really bad, he can't move. Techno he might die, please help me." His brother said nothing, just mumbled an "alright" and hung up. If it was as bad as Tubbo said, he'd need help.


Techno ran to Phil's office and burst in, no knocking. "Dad, we need your help." There was a sense of urgency in his voice, something Phil had never heard. Techno's voice was always monotonous, no emotion was portrayed by his voice. Right now, it was clear that he was scared and worried. What happened?

Phil stood up and nodded, not asking any questions. "Let's go then." The two quickly made their way out of the house, Techno leading the way to Tubbo and Ranboo's house. Wait, Tubbo and Ranboo's house? Did Tubbo get hurt again?

It was still pouring, and Techno didn't even knock. He just burst in and saw Ranboo slouched in the corner, giant ass gashes all over them. His body was still smoking, and they looked half dead. "Ranboo?! What the hell happened to you?"

"Ahah- uh.." He winced, giving a light laugh, "long story." And the bitch died. Jk they didn't, he just passed out, making everyone THINK he died. 

1.4k words

I got nothing to say so bye bye i offer a chapter <33

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