Chapter Sixteen

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im back bitches <333 ok now ima do a little fun fact at the beginning of each chapter

Did you know that married people are more likely to masturbate than people living alone :)


A few days later Tubbo finished his siblings' house despite Ranboo's protests and got them moved in so they could live closer.

Currently the pair was just talking for a bit until Tubbo suddenly got up and explained he had to go.

"Sorry I forgot about something Boo. I gotta go."

And he rushed out of the house. Ranboo was left sitting there confused until he got up and headed to Tommy's to hang out.

"Oi you're Ranboo right" A man spoke from behind him, questioning the boy. The enderman turned around and was faced with a masked man, recognising him as Tubbo's brother.

"Yeah! You're Dream, Tubbo's brother aren't you? What's up?"

Dream motioned for the boy to follow him and they headed to his house. "I'd like to speak with you about something if you don't mind."

Shrugging, Ranboo followed and they sat on the porch of Dream's new house. The man took his mask off and stared at the enderman in front of him.

"I'm assuming that you're Tubbo's boyfriend, am I right?" He received a nod and continued. "I'm gonna talk to you about my brother, and what will happen to you if you hurt him in any way."

Ranboo sighed internally and listened to his boyfriend's brother. He had already gotten this talk from Tommy, Phil, Techno, and Wilbur. He didn't need it a fifth time but he listened anyway. After all, he doesn't want to be rude.

"My brother is the sweetest person ever and you break his heart, I cut your dick off."

Heard that one before

He just nodded and continued to listen, already knowing what he was gonna say.

"Dream? Why're you talking to Ranboo?" Drista had walked out in the midst of her brother's lecture and shook her head. "Sorry Ranboo, he knows you'd never do anything to Tubbo. Mother fucker's just trying to act scary, you can go now."

"What the fuck did you just call me?" And they ran off, Dream put his mask back on and began chasing his younger sister.

The enderman just sighed and began walking to Tommy's house again.

Knock knock

"Come in! It's unlocked!" A man yelled from inside the house, too tired to get up. When Ranboo walked in he saw Will at the piano, just playing random stuff.

"Oh hey Ranboo, Tommy's upstairs."

"Woah I didn't know you played piano Wilbur. That's cool, can you play me something?" Ranboo sat down across from the brunette and looked at the piano. He had always wanted to play an instrument but never had the time to learn. Maybe Will could teach him.

"Oh uhm sure. I've been working on a song that I might publish if you wanna listen."

The taller boy nodded enthusiastically, wanting to hear the older boy play some songs for him.

Wilbur took a deep breath and began playing some notes. Soon he started singing and much to Ranboo's surprise, his voice was very soothing.

I'm living the dream

It's just one of those dreams where you're losing all your teeth

And if you think that it gets better

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