Chapter Twenty-Two

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Hello you little germs 🥰
I want to just say now THE CHARACTER I MADE STAB TUBBO IS GOING TO BE OF MY OWN IMAGINATION!!! I'm just too lazy to make it an actual person from the DSMP so like they're gonna be imaginary so I can make them however I want. :)

THANK YOU (also I remember how I said how I would put random sex facts at the beginning of each chapter but I stopped so I'M STARTING AGAIN)

Did you know, contrary to popular belief, large boobies do not respond sexually better than small boobies!

haha boobies 😋
Enjoy :)

Ranboo and Tubbo looked at each other and burst out laughing. It was only a matter of time before Tommy found out so they weren't worried. Tommy heard the laughing and furrowed his brows, he thought Ranboo was the only one in the house. Besides Michael now. He made his way to the room Tubbo was supposed to be unconscious in and saw the two laughing.

"TUBBO!" The blonde rushed to his brother's side and hugged him tightly. "You fucking scared me bitch.." He mumbled into Tubbo's shoulder as he refused to let go despite the ram's protests. Tubbo just rubbed his back soothingly, trying to calm the taller down. Ranboo looked at the two and got up, excusing himself to go take care of Michael.

Tommy finally sat up, still holding Tubbo's hand. in a brotherly way He calmed himself down and stared at the wounded brunette. "What happened? Who did this to you?" This was the question Tubbo had been dreading, as he himself didn't even know who did it. Their face was completely covered, well other than those emotionless violet eyes.. The only sign of recognition was the low voice he heard.

Flashback to when Tubbo was stabbed

Tubbo was visiting his older brother in Kinoko Kingdom as he had not seen him in a while. On his way home he stopped by a flower field, as he saw some bees and wanted to collect some. "Aww, hello!" The boy exclaimed as a bee flew over to him, landing on his nose.

He reached in his pocket and grabbed a bee lead that he always kept on him, gently attaching it to the little bee. "You're gonna come with me, is that okay?" He swore he almost saw the bee do a little hop and he laughed, leading the little insect along as he made his way home.


He was almost home as he started to recognise the paths which were leading him to his shared cottage with Ranboo. "Tubbo." His head whipped around at the sound of the voice but was met with nothing but the trees. "Huh.. coulda sworn I heard something. Whatever!" He laughed to himself and continued walking with his bee.

"You're going to die today Tubbo Minecraft." There it was again, the cold venomous voice. He heard the sound of a sword leave it's sheath and stopped completely. Dropping the leash he faced where he heard the voice come from and brought his hands up in a guard position.

The brunette was met with a dark figure holding a sword. They were in all black and their hair was pulled into a tight bun. There was a black mask over their nose and mouth and their eyes seemed to be emotionless. In the blink of an eye, the attacker lunged forward and attempted to stab Tubbo. The boy however, saw this and jumped out of the way so he was only lightly grazed.

He glanced toward his cottage and ran towards his attacker. There way no way he'd let them hurt his family. "What the fuck do you want?!" He shouted at the person but they ignored him, attacking again. Tubbo stepped to the side and grabbed the figure, punching them in the face. He felt their blood run down their mask and knew he had broken their nose.

The masked person hissed in pain and turned around, kicking Tubbo to the ground. "You bitch!" They brought the sword down and Tubbo rolled out of the way just in time. He got to his feet only to be kicked down again. He felt a searing pain in his side and assumed a rib was broken. They kicked his face, breaking his nose as he screamed in pain.

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