Chapter Nineteen

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OMG I'M NOT LEAVING FOR A MONTH? anyways im back and here is a chapter. If you don't understand read the important note before this chapter to get it. okay here you go but first

DID YOU KNOW: Contrary to popular belief, large breasts do not respond sexually better than small breasts.

It's been half a year now and the whole town was rebuilt on new land. Dream had moved to Kinoko with George and Sapnap and Tommy built his own house in between Ranboo and Tubbo's and Phil, Techno, and Wilbur's house. Nikki opened her clinic again, Bad opened a muffin shop, and others had some other stores.

Ranboo woke up with Tubbo on top of him again, but this time he didn't lay there admiring his partner. He had some big plans for today. He slowly got up without waking Tubbo and got ready. They've been together for almost a year now and he thought it was time to propose.

Leaving a note behind, the enderman left and went into town heading straight to the jewellery shop. He opened the door and a worker's head looked up. "Hello sir! How may I help you?"

"Hey uh I'm looking for engagement rings, any recommendations?" The worker gasped and motioned for him to walk over. "I always love when people walk in, looking for the perfect ring to give to their partner that they wanna spend the rest of their lives with. We have an entire section of rings just for that. Take your pick!"

Ranboo browsed through the many rings, looking for one that his boyfriend would like. He spotted a beautiful tanzanite ring, Tubbo would love it! If you don't know what that is google tanzanite ring, they're so pretty it looks like this

 He spotted a beautiful tanzanite ring, Tubbo would love it! If you don't know what that is google tanzanite ring, they're so pretty it looks like this

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"This one please!" He pointed to the ring and the jeweller smiled and took it out. "That's a very pretty one sir." They rang him up and bagged the ring. "It'll be $500." Ranboo nodded and handed the worker his card. He had more than enough.

He thanked the person and left with the ring. Easy part's done. Now he had to ask for Phil's blessing, and get everything set up. Walking to Phil's house his hands began sweating. What if Phil said no? What if everything goes wrong? What if- he was here. Knocking on the door he was let in by Techno.

"Oh hey main character what brings you here?"

"Hey is- is Phil home? I need to ask him something." Techno nodded and closed the door behind Ranboo. "Up in his study. Go on ahead." The monochrome walked to Phil's study and knocked on the door.

The winged man opened the door and smiled. "Oh hey mate! What's up?" Ranboo froze, uh this was the scary part. "So uh- well I'd like to- er how do I say this..?" Philza chuckled and patted Ranboo's shoulder. "Take your time! It's alright."

"Can I have your blessing to marry Tubbo?!" He babbled out in one sentence almost, too nervous to slow down. Phil just smiled and nodded, knowing this would come sooner or later. "Of course, he loves you so much."

The enderman's face lit up as he hugged Phil. "Thank you Phil. I gotta go set up everything." He thanked him again and rushed out, he had the perfect idea.

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