Chapter Thirteen

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"Fuck. That's bad."

Tubbo tried to get up but when he put weight on his ankle he fell into Ranboo. "Uhmm ok well-"
The enderman stared at Tubbo's ankle in shock. It looked like a broken bone in a cartoon, bent all out of shape. "Tubbo!" He teleported the boxes to Tubbo's house and picked his partner up bridal style. Yuhhh get it. Sorry i like the idea of ppl being held bridal style, it makes me laugh
"Oi! Put me down, I can walk!" Tubbo tried squirming out of the taller boy's grasp but failed. His partner just shook his head and headed towards the village.

Tubbo took this as prime cuddling time and nuzzled his head into Ranboo's chest, only letting out a few muffled 'ow's when his ankle moved. "Ranbooooooo" He drew out the 'o' in his partner's name trying to get his attention, but it was still muffled.

"What Tubbo? I need to get you to the doctor." They had reached the village and Ranboo headed to the local doctor, surely they had something for Tubbo's ankle.
"I don't wanna go to the doctor!"

Ranboo looked down at the boy in his arms. Is he really acting like this?
Does he not know how bad his ankle is? I'm 90% sure it's broken.

The taller boy knocked on the doctor's door, hoping they were awake. The door opened to reveal a short pinkette who greeted them warmly until she saw Tubbo's ankle.

"Why hello there! I'm Ni- oh my gosh! What did you do to your ankle?" The girl ushered them inside and motioned for Ranboo to place Tubbo on the medical bed idk what they're called
She took off Tubbo's sneaker and took a look at his ankle. "Now what did you do to make your ankle like this? It looks serious."

"He tripped on a root while carrying boxes to our house." The enderman sat down in the chair next to Tubbo's 'bed' and sighed. This boy was gonna be the death of him.
The doctor examined Tubbo's ankle and said it was broken. She gave him some crutches and one of those boot thingys. "Well that should be good, if it starts to hurt too much please come back."

"Thank you so much.. Sorry we didn't get your name."

"Oh it's Nikki, and anytime!" She turned to the small brunette "Try to lay off that foot for a while, you banged it up pretty bad. Might take a while for it to heal."
The boy nodded and Ranboo gave him his crutches, helping him off the medical bed. "We should get going now. Thanks again Nikki!"

The pair left the doctors office and headed home. The trip took extra long due to Tubbo's crutches but they didn't mind. The smaller boy loved the outdoors and tried to be outside as much as he could.
"Ok Tubbo, Nikki said you can take it off when you sleep so when you get tired I'll help you take it off."

Nodding Tubbo limped to the front door and opened it. "I'm gonna watch some tv if you wanna join." He sat on the couch and rested his busted foot on the ottoman, putting on Netflix.
Ranboo followed behind and closed the door. Joining his partner on the couch, he put his arm around Tubbo pulling him closer. "Only a few episodes, ok?"

"Ok mum" dragging out the 'm' and rolling his eyes Tubbo started the show.
A few hours later Tubbo had drifted to sleep and Ranboo teleported them to bed after taking off his boot. The brunette's ankle already started looking better and when they got into bed Tubbo immediately cuddled close to his partner.
Ranboo wrapped his arms around the younger and rested his head on Tubbo's. He looked down at his partner and smiled.
How can you be so cute and destructive at the same time?

Time skip brought to you by my sleep deprivation


"HOLY SHIT WHAT WAS THAT?!" Tubbo jumped out of bed forgetting about his boot and landed on his bad ankle. "OWWW"

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