Chapter Twenty-Three

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Holy fuck i'm alive
yes it's been three months shut up
im like so sorry guys 😭 

y'all might wanna read the last chapter again to understand whats going on, or don't
this is mainly a filler chapter so I can get to other stuff. 

(moon is just big procrastinator)

It had been a few days and Tubbo's wound had been healing well. Michael had been bonding with Tubbo well as he had nothing to do. Currently Michael was out playing with Tommy since it had gotten a bit boring. Ranboo had been talking with Tubbo, seeing if they could send Michael to a daycare a couple days of the week so he could interact with other kids.

"But what if he doesn't like it? We've never even met the person who runs the daycare, how do we know if they're even a good person?" Ranboo set his hand on Tubbo's and assured him that it would be okay. "Listen, if Michael doesn't like the daycare, we can pull him out. I've talked with some of the other parents in town and they've all said the lady who runs it is such a nice person." The ram laughed, his fiance had it all figured out even before he had started to worry. "Plus the lady who runs it offered to have a meeting with us before we send Michael in." Tubbo just smiled and nodded, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. "When can we meet with her?"

They had talked it out and Ranboo called the daycare owner to schedule a meeting. It was scheduled for an hour from now so the pair got ready. "Hey you ready to go? I wanna be a little early." The monochrome laughed and shook his head. "We're not going an hour early Bo, slow your roll."

"Ahaha, sorry I'm just... anxious I guess." He shook his head, "I just don't know what we can do with him. It's not like we can take care of him. We're kids Ranboo, not even legal adults." The enderman sighed, he knew Tubbo would say this. He's always been more of a realist than Ranboo.

"Tubbo, listen to me." Ranboo grabbed Tubbo's hand comfortingly and rubbed circles on it with his thumb. "If you really think we can't take care of him, I know a person who would love to. I just think that if we gave it a shot, we could be great parents." The younger smiled up at Ranboo and pecked him on the cheek. "I knew you'd be a great parent."

He stood up and walked out of the room, leaving Ranboo sitting there, smiling like an idiot. The taller shook his head and sighed. God he loved that boy.

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"Well hello there!" Ranboo and Tubbo had arrived at the daycare and were met with a- ram? "You must be Ranboo and Tubbo, correct?"

The pair nodded and the lady led them inside. "Ah my apologies, I haven't introduced myself have I? I'm Captain Puffy but you guys can call me Puffy. I understand you might want to send your son to daycare?"

"Ahaha he isn't our son Ma'am. Sorry we're just taking care of him." Tubbo laughed nervously and tapped his fingers against his arm repeatedly.

She laughed and put her hand on his restless fingers. "No need to worry, he'd be in great hands. I understand if this is a bit much right now so if you want to reschedule-" Ranboo interrupted her and smiled warmly at Puffy. "No, no it's fine. We're just a little nervous. You were saying?"

The three talked for about an hour and had finally come to a decision. "Well I guess I'll see Michael tomorrow?" Tubbo nodded and the pair finalised everything. "Thanks so much ma'am. We'll see you tomorrow." She laughed and waved them goodbye. "Please, call me Puffy, and I'll see you tomorrow!"

They left and made their way home. "Hey I'll meet you at the house, I wanna go pick up Michael." Ranboo nodded and head off in a different direction. The ram walked towards his father's house, the sky already darkening. It was going to rain soon.

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