Chapter Six

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It has been a few months since Tubbo had met Ranboo and by now they were as close as friends could be. Phil, Techno and Tommy finally had grown to like Ranboo and treated him as family. Wilbur on the other hand was sceptical about this new enderman and did not trust him. But whenever one of the two smiled or laughed the other's heart started racing without an explanation. Tubbo thinks he knows why. 

He was falling for Ranboo and he couldn't stop. "Hey Boo! Come check this out!" They were on another one of their adventures and they always explore the nearby forest. "Coming, coming!" Ranboo rushed to Tubbo's side and saw what he was excited about. A beehive. "A beehive?"

"Yeah! Isn't it so cool! Bees pretty much keep the planet alive because they pollinate flowers and saplings to make them grow. Plus they make delicious honey!" Tubbo had been obsessed with bees for years now, but he had just found this hive and was ecstatic. Ranboo saw the look of pure joy on Tubbo's face and yet again his heart sped up ten times its normal rate. This time Ranboo had an explanation, he was falling hard for Tubbo. But he was scared that Tubbo didn't feel the same way so he suppressed these feelings, which only made them double in size.

That was it, Ranboo was done hiding his feelings and wanted to express them but he didn't know how. He wanted to ask Tommy for help but the boy would not be of any assistance for he would be denying the fact the entire time. He was on his own. Tubbo was called home for lunch, giving Ranboo time to plan out what he wanted to do. He'd take Tubbo somewhere he'd enjoy like a waterfall by a flower field, maybe bring a picnic basket, and they'd stay there for a while. As the sun would start to set they would sit on the blanket and watch the sunset over the cliffside. This is when Ranboo would confess. He would tell Tubbo how he had admired him since the day they met, and how every moment after he was the happiest he had ever been. He would then say how over the months spent together those feelings grew into something else. Then he would explain how he knew Tubbo won't feel the same but he needed to get it off his chest, finally he'd confess his feelings and ask Tubbo to go out with him. Easy, right? Yeah, sure. (Get it Ranboo! Get yo man <3)

The next day Ranboo had it done and polished. He prepared the picnic basket with a blanket, some juice, a couple sandwiches, some fruit and set it up at their favourite cliffside that was perfect for watching the sunset. They met up at their normal time which was noon and Ranboo looked at Tubbo. "I have something special planned today, ok?"

"Ooo ok! Where to big man?" Tubbo was already excited as they left.

"Well just follow me!" And they were off! They began heading through the forest admiring all the birds and flowers when they began climbing. "Are we headed to the cliffside by the river?" Tubbo questioned his friend who just smiled and replied "You'll have to find out!" After climbing for a few minutes they were at the set up. "Is this a picnic? You know how much I love picnics!" Tubbo was even more excited, and hungry. "Well it's lunchtime now, so how about we dig in!" Ranboo looked at Tubbo and laid out the blanket on the grass, taking the paper plates and putting some food on it. "Here you go sir!" The fake formalities was something Ranboo always did and it never failed to make Tubbo laugh.

They began their picnic and were enjoying themselves, chasing each other around on the grassy cliff, tackling the other when they finally caught up. Soon enough it was sunset. "Hey Tubbo look! The sun is setting!" Ranboo was finally going to do it. "Wow, it looks so pretty!" Tubbo sat down on the blanket and watched the sunset. The sky was brilliant shades of pink, orange, and red. "Hey Tubbo, I know I've only known you for a few months, but I've been meaning to tell you something."

"Well whatever you need to tell me go ahead, I'm always here."

"You have to promise me you won't run away in disgust or look at me any differently than you do now, ok?"

"Ranboo what's this about" Tubbo was now getting worried for his friend, and hoped everything was ok. "Just.. promise me. Please?" Ranboo was very scared, and when he saw Tubbo nod he took a deep breath and began. "I have admired you ever since we met. You were so kind and compassionate that I could only hope to be like you. Over these past few months that admiration grew into something more... I know you probably don't feel the same, and things will never be the same again but I'm done hiding my feelings." Ranboo paused and saw the look on Tubbo's face shift from worried to confused to shock. "Tubbo, I have fallen for you. I have fallen so hard that I couldn't hide it any longer. I know that you'll say no but I have to ask anyway, so Tubbo? Will you go out with me?" (YESSS SLAY KING!!! WE ALL LOVE #BOLDBOO)

Tubbo's eyes widened and tears swelled up in his eyes as he batted them away. "Oh my- yes! I like you too Boo, I just didn't think that you'd like some embarrassing little goat boy like me" Tubbo laughed and then Ranboo laughed. This was the beginning of something beautiful, they just didn't know it yet. "Yes?!" Ranboo smiled, larger than he'd ever smiled before. He lifted Tubbo in the air and spun him around. "Haha hey! Put me down! Woooah!" For the rest of the night they laughed, danced, and cuddled. This was the best day ever, but soon they'd have to tell Phil and the others. How was that going to go down?

Well as promised here is your confession/first date with 1k words.

I don't think I put enough fluff in it though so I'm gonna have to work on that. Also little spoiler at the next chapter, when the two tell Tubbo's family, one person disagrees completely and makes a snarky comment that'll lead to much fluff in the upcoming chapter. 

If you read the "Info and Disclaimer" chapter in the beginning of the story you might know.

Have a great day or night! Remember to stay hydrated, and you are loved! Love you all! <3

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