Chapter Twenty Six

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Helloooo moon is back and moon has a chapter for you gremlins <3
just a possible tw towards the end-- fighting, not physical but more of a very passionate argument with loads of screaming

Ranboo set their phone down and laughed to themself. Techno will have this all under control, he's called The Blade for a reason. "Who was that? Is everything okay?"

The enderman smiled at Tommy and nodded. "Yuh huh, just Techno. Said that Drista got loose and he had to knock her out. All good now."

"Knock who out?" A new voice came from the entrance of the room and Tommy and Ranboo's heads turned to see Tubbo. "I know she tried to kill me but like knocking her out again? She could get hurt."

Ranboo sighed and motioned for his fiancé to come over. Tubbo compiled and sat next to Ranboo on the couch. "Tubs, that's the point. She's dangerous. Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, your sister has changed.." Tubbo sighed and leaned into Ranboo's side.

"I know, just give me the benefit of the doubt Boo," he turned to Tommy and smiled, "but I never said hi to Toms yet. Hey Tommy!" The blonde smiled and stood up to give his friend a hug. Tubbo smiled back and returned the hug with just as much force.

Ranboo looked at the two and smiled softly. They really did have a great relationship. His phone began ringing so they excused himself and answered the call outside. "So it's done?"

There was a rustling on the other end and a huff. "Yes. I finished it. When do I get paid kid? This isn't all for free." The enderman gave a quiet chuckle and smiled to himself.

"Of course it isn't. We can meet up tomorrow and discuss your payment. I'm busy right now."

The woman on the other end scoffed and reluctantly agreed. "You better fucking pay me or that girl won't be the only one after your fiancé."

"Say that again and I'll kill you myself Flores. I'm a man of my word, you'll get your money." The woman sighed and hung up. Ranboo rolled their eyes and set their phone away. He looked up at the sky and groaned. Why does everyone have to want to kill his fiancé?

Tommy walked out and heard the last sentence his friend said, furrowing his brows. Who was Flores? Why is Ranboo getting them money? Why are they threatening Tubbo? "Ranboo? Whatcha doing?"

"Huh? Oh hi Toms, where's Tubbo?"

The blonde could tell that his friend avoided the question and sighed quietly. "In the bathroom. Who was that on the phone?" Ranboo forced a small smile and shrugged.

"Oh no one, just a friend."

A friend, hm? Tommy scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Liar. Who were they? Why are they asking for money from you?" Ranboo's brows furrowed, and he sighed. Tommy didn't need to know about this, no one did to be fair.

They shrugged and gave Tommy a look. "Tommy it's no one. Drop it. For your safety and Tubbo's, leave it be." Ranboo put their phone away and walked back inside to see Tubbo. Tommy was left alone outside, with many questions.

He quickly followed Ranboo and saw them chatting with Tubbo on the couch. The two looked at each other like no one else mattered, Tommy wished he could have that kind of love. Platonic or romantic, doesn't matter. Tubbo smiled and playfully elbowed his fiancé, rolling his eyes.

Tommy just stayed in the doorway, watching the happy pair with a smile on his face. "Hey Ran, where's Tommy? He went out to get you, didn't he?" Ranboo nodded and looked towards the door, noticing Tommy.

"Oh there he is, come sit doofus." Tommy walked over and sat next across from the pair in the other chair. Hey that rhymed we're so cools.

Tubbo threw a pillow at his friend who caught it and laughed. "C'mere lil bitch!!" He stood up and began chasing Tubbo around the house with a pillow. "Get back here!"

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