Chapter Ten

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SORRY FOR NOT POSTING!!! I was like really stuck and had no idea what to write for the kidnapping scene. Wait sorry Tommy's not a kid so the uhm "adultnapping" scene ig


Tubbo kept running. He ran and ran, not slowing down until Ranboo teleported in front of him.

"Let me go! I need to get Tommy! I... I need to get him!" Ranboo grabbed the brunette by the shoulders and stopped him. "I need to.. I need to save him!" Tubbo stopped pounding on Ranboo's chest and gave up.

"Tubbo we don't know where he went, we need to prepare to look for him first." Techno emerged from the trees and sighed. "C'mon Tubbo"

"I- I couldn't protect him.. This is all my fault. I need to fix it." He waited for Ranboo to let go and then he bolted again. Techno looked at Ranboo and just ran after Tubbo.

"C'mon Tubbo! We need to work together to save Tommy! You can't keep doing this!" The pinkette called after Tubbo and the brunette paused just enough for Techno to grab hold of him.

The boy was now crying and he gave up letting Techno carry him home. Ranboo was anxiously waiting for the brothers to return.

Phil was standing next to Ranboo and saw Tubbo in the pinkette's arms and sighed. His youngest had been taken and his second youngest had chased him until his legs gave out.

"Do we have any idea of where Dream may have taken Tommy? Any home, or base of some sort that he would go to?" Techno set Tubbo down and stared at the brunette. Actually all of them did, making him really uncomfortable.

"Well I think I know where he might be. I found this club that he uh 'works' at and he might be holding Tommy there.

The group had taken some time and planned a way to find Dream and take Tommy back. Tubbo lead them to Dream's house (shocker right? I thought he was homeless /hj) and then showed them the club where he 'worked'.

With Dream and Tommy

Dream sat on a couch in a small room staring at a certain blonde, watching his every move. "So uh.. You just gonna stare at me or?" The child laughed. The man across from him just cocked his head and sighed.

"Ok this is boring, you wanna play uno?" Tommy widened his eyes at the man's question.

Did this guy seriously just ask me to play uno? He was holding an axe to my throat just an hour ago.

"Hello? Kid are you deaf?" Dream tossed the uno pack to Tommy and nodded towards the table. "Deal out the cards if you wanna play."

The blonde laughed and gave both of them seven cards, putting the rest in the middle. "You know, I didn't think you would offer to play uno with me. Considering how you acted at Tubbo's house." He started the game off and they played back forth for a few minutes while the masked man thought of a reply to Tommy's statement.

"Well I really am a nice guy, it's mainly an act to scare people." Dream placed a Plus Four card down and laughed. "Take that child!"

"Ok first of all I'm not a child. I'm the same age as Tubbo! Second of all, was that card necessary? We just started the game." Tommy drew four cards and then placed down another card. "Why do you hate Tubbo by the way? Aren't you two brothers or some shit?" Dream didn't have the right card so he drew one and Tommy put another card down.

"Yeah, we are. I don't hate him, he stole something from me that was very important. I don't know why he stole it, but now we're good." Tommy had placed down a Plus Four card just as Dream was going to get Uno. "Dammit child!" The masked man drew four cards and then placed down like three skips, a reverse, and his last card. "KARMA BITCH!"

We love Uno don't we my gays?

"WHAT HOW?!" Tommy threw his remaining three cards at Dream and stood up. "This is bullshit. You shouldn't have won, you kidnapped me."

"Well I didn't really KIDnap you if you're 'not a child' and besides it was kinda just to get on Tubbo's nerves for stealing my book." Dream started picking up the cards that Tommy threw when all of a sudden the door burst open.

It was Tubbo, Phil, Ranboo, and Techno (idk where will went guys- i'll bring him back next chapter) and they were staring at Tommy and Dream who were cleaning up Uno.

"Tommy?" Tubbo ran to the younger blonde and hugged him. "You're ok! I thought he hurt you- wait are you playing Uno?!"

"Ok chill Tubs, Dream here was just chilling with me. He's cool." Tommy hugged Tubbo and then nodded towards Dream who stood there awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. "He's cool? Did you forget what he did this morning?" The brunette let go of Tommy and stared at the masked man who had taken his twin captive.

"Yeah Tubbo, about that-" Dream was cut off by a very angry Philza.

"You son of a bitch! You took my son hostage?!" The winged man slapped Dream right in the face (Yeah go dadza😍) which left a red mark. The older blonde stood shocked and stared at Phil trying to explain himself.

"S-sir! I only took Tommy to piss off Tubbo! I was going to bring him back I swear! I didn't even hurt him, ask Tommy himself!" He blurted out in one breath and rubbed where Phil hit him trying to soothe it.

Tommy chuckled quietly and turned to Phil. "No no dad. Dream's right, he hasn't hurt me and he's actually nice."

"Mhm ok well let's go home." Tubbo took Tommy's wrist and led him away from Dream, and left him in the back with Ranboo. (guys i kinda forgot abt him for a bit even though he is like one of the main main characters)

The brunette boy turned to his brother and just stared at Dream. Not angry, ok well kinda angry, but more like he just wanted his older brother back.

"Dream.. Why did you leave..?"

1.1k words


But anyways i'm back and alive :D I did go on a trip and that was fun bc yk surfing and shit. I do have some idea for the next chapter like Dream explaining why he left and then they are gonna leave. 

Don't worry guys we'll have some beeduo fluff soon- I just wanna get the backstory out now and then i'll put an entire chapter of just fluff. How does that sound?

ANYGAYS THANK YOU FOR READING I THINK WE'RE AT 85 READS NOW WHICH IS AMAZING (i mean compared to stories with 100k reads it's not a lot but it means the world to me to tysm) Stay hydrated! Eat food! Love you guys! MUAH!

Comment any mistakes or anything like that so I can fix them pls :D ily! -sam

(lil' nickname reveal for yall :D)

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