Chapter Fourteen

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"I- uhm I"

The brunette stumbled with his words, too scared to say anything. Was this too early? What if Ranboo doesn't say it back? What if-
"Tubbo? Are you ok?"
"Idontknowifyouaregonnasayitbackbutiloveyouranboo!" For those of you who didn't wanna try and read that it said "I don't know if you are gonna say it back but I love you Ranboo"
He managed to get it out in one breath but immediately looked away.
Ranboo stared at his boyfriend, what did he just say? Wait, did Tubbo say he loved Ranboo?!
"Tubbo I- did you just say what I think you said?"
A small nod came from the smaller boy, leaving Ranboo in shock.
Oh my god he just said he loved me
"I" he took a deep breath and turned Tubbo's head to face him. "I love you too Bo"

Cw: kissing- just like a little kiss no make out session bc no.

He smiled softly and pressed his forehead against Tubbo's. This was an amazing feeling, he couldn't describe it if he tried.
"Tubbo? Can I do something?"
The boy nodded, hoping that it was what he thought of and not something else. Before he knew it, Ranboo's lips were pressed against his own.
FUCKING YES! *slams desk in excitement* if you get the reference you get the reference
Ranboo felt Tubbo smile against his lips and pulled back. "You're very cute, you know that?"
"No, no I'm not so fuck off." Tubbo grinned cheekily and gave the enderman a quick peck on the lips.
Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit
For a moment, the two sat there in shock. They just confessed their love for each other, and kissed.
This was the perfect evening, sitting on the cliff, watching the sunset, and confessing love. It couldn't get any better than this, right?
The brunette boy grabbed Ranboo's hand and laid his head on the taller boy's chest. A normal thing that he did, but it still made the enderman happy every time.
"Tubbo, I'm glad I met you. You flipped my whole world upside down and I love it. Thank you"
"I'm glad I met you too, without you I don't know what I would be doing. Probably still making fun of Tommy."
The two chuckled and watched the sun set over the water, hand in hand.
Now this time Tubbo made sure to put his phone on silent but little did he know, someone was blowing up his phone. Bro this sounds like an ending for a chapter- wtf
Time skip brought to you by my plummeting grades
Ranboo carried Tubbo back to their house and they laid on the couch. With nothing to do the smaller boy put his boot on to make dinner. "Boo what do you want for dinner? I'm thinking tacos but I don't know."
"Sure tacos are good! Besides, you're the only one who can cook besides your dad so you should pick whatever you want to eat."
Tubbo rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen. Like a half hour later he was done and called Ranboo over to eat.
"This is delicious Tubbo, you need to make tacos more often. You should make tacos more often."
The boy took a bit out of his taco and shrugged. Not bad for his first time making tacos.
The pair continued to eat and talk about random things such as how Tommy needed to pay Tubbo back for what Henry did to their house.
For the first time since they got to the cliff, Tubbo checked his phone and sighed.
[30 new messages from Gremlin Bitch]
Hey Tubbo?
Something uhhhh happened
More like someone is here
Hey I know you're mad at me for blowing up your phone but it's important
It's about your dad!
Not Phil
Your biological dad!
this is actually fucking important please answer
What's going on?!
Tommy, what is it about my dad?!
He is here
I don't know!
He said he wants to talk to you and that he has Drista Oh shit- whats gonna happen?
He has WHO?!
I can read you dumb shit I was shocked.
Is he still there?
Yeah, he won't leave until you speak with him
I'm on my way now.
(Read at 9:38pm)

Tubbo grabbed his crutches and motioned for Ranboo to follow him.
I'm gonna fucking kill him.
He ran/limped out of the house as fast as he could and walked in his old house to see his father, no, Schlatt sitting on the couch.
He doesn't deserve to be called a father.
The man on the couch grinned at the brunette who walked in. "Hey kid, miss me?"
"You bastard, what have you done with my sister?" Tubbo glared daggers at Schlatt and looked as if he was about to beat him to death with his crutches.
"Now Tubbo, is that how you greet your father?"
"You are no father of mine." he seethed through his teeth and leaned forward on his crutches. "What do you want?"
Schlatt sloshed his drink around and simply replied, "I want you to come home. I missed you, son." He grinned at the word 'son' knowing it would set Tubbo off. Leaning back he watched the boy shake with rage.
"I AM NOT YOUR FUCKING SON SCHLATT. You tell me what you did to my sister and leave." His knuckles began to turn white with how hard he was gripping his crutches.
Tommy was with his brothers and father in the other room, watching it all unfold. The only time he had seen Tubbo this mad was when kids were picking on him in primary school.
Not even during their fight was he mad. This man had done something terrible to make Tubbo this upset.
Schlatt got up angrily and set his drink on the coffee table. "You have no right to speak to me like that child. You are coming home with me and that's final!" Oo dramaaaaaa
"No. No I am not. You listen to me here, you will tell me what you did to Drista, you will then leave this village, and never come back. Do you understand me?" Tubbo was fuming at this point and began digging his nails into the palm of his hand to prevent himself from punching Schlatt in the face
"I am tired of this disrespect Tubbo. You are gonna fucking come home with me whether you like it or not. I am your father and you will treat me like I am. This is ending. Now." He slapped Tubbo across the face you fucking bitch (bro I feel like one of those gacha dsmp creators with the drunk abusive dad and the dead mum- it's sad really) and grabbed his wrist.
Tubbo took a second to realise what was happening and then dropped his crutches. "You messed up big time." He used the older man's momentum to flip him onto his back and then he pressed his boot on Schlatt's chest. "Don't fucking touch me or my family again you bitch."
Schlatt saw what happened and laughed. He fucking laughed. "Ha, you're good kid, but what happens when someone does this?" He grabbed Tubbo's boot and flipped Tubbo off of him.
"Don't. Touch. My. Son." Philza stepped in and spread his obsidian wings in front of Tubbo. "Leave this house and never return Schlatt."
Ranboo rushed to his boyfriend who was on the ground clutching his ankle. "Shoot," he muttered and looked Tubbo in the eyes. "Do we need to go see Nikki again?" The taller boy whispered quietly so the fathers couldn't hear.
A slight nod came from the brunette and Ranboo picked up Tubbo bridal style and teleported outside Nikki's office.
With the SBI and Schlatt (I'm sorry for making him like this- IT'S FOR THE PLOT I PROMISE HE CHANGES)
"Where did that brat go?!" Schlatt saw Ranboo teleport out with Tubbo and stared at the spot they were before.
"None of your concern. Right now your concern is not to die." Phil lunged at the man standing before him and the other three boys ran into the room to help their father.

1.3k words
Well they said it :D
Also how do y'all feel abt schlatt? I promise he will change but rn it's for plot purposes
Anyways I'm back
people please comment I am lonelyyyy I get so happy when people comment on this so please
Also because I am being held at gunpoint to make something (not really but it feels like it) I am making a DreamxReader story :/
I'll post it later adios
Remember to eat and hydrate! Love you guys <33

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