Chapter Twelve

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"Can you tell me what you're doing now?" Tubbo shook his head and went back to collecting materials for whatever he was doing.

He had been doing this for a few hours now and Ranboo was getting bored. "Ok then I'm gonna go hang out with Tommy, bye!"

"Yeah ok bye!"

Walking over to the cottage Ranboo saw Tommy arguing with Wilbur yet again.

God do these two ever quit it? They're always bickering about something.

"Hey Tommy!" The blonde turned around to see the tall enderman waving him over and he was thankful that he could leave the argument with Wilbur that he was losing.

Tommy ran over to Ranboo and flicked Wilbur off one last time before high-fiving Ranboo. "Sup big man?"

"Nothing really, Tubbo's working on this big project of sorts and won't tell me what it is."

Shaking his head, Tommy laughed. "Well you'll know soon enough. Tubbo was never really good at keeping secrets, he'll get bored and tell you. Anyways, what do you wanna do?"

The two walked into town and started walking around. Tommy dragged his tall friend to a store and they started walking around.

"Why did you bring me here again?"

"Because, you need to get Tubbo a gift for his birthday. It's in a few days."

"Wait really? Why didn't he tell me it was soon?"

The blonde sighed and started walking towards some clothes. "That's for him to tell you.. It's not my place to say. Let's just get him a gift, ok?"

The tall boy nodded and they went browsing through shops looking for the perfect gift.

Time skip

The boys made their way back to the cottages after buying the perfect gift. They couldn't decide on something basic so Ranboo got a customised hoodie that said 'R&T' in black and yellow on the front.

Tommy took the hoodie because he didn't want Tubbo to see it before his birthday and they went their separate ways.

"Hey Tubbo I'm back!" The brunette was nowhere to be found. Ranboo looked for his partner everywhere but couldn't find him. "Tubbo? Where are you?"

"BOO!" Tubbo snuck behind Ranboo and jumped on his partner's back, effectively scaring him.

"AAAH" Ranboo placed a hand on his chest and chuckled "You scared me Tubbo, don't do that" He walked to the couch and dropped Tubbo on the cushions. "Will you tell me what you were doing today or am I gonna be kept in the dark?"

"Hmm only if you tell me what you were doing with Tommy." The brunette pulled Ranboo down next to him and rested his head on his partner's shoulder.

"We didn't really do anything. I mean we went into town to browse through stores but found nothing interesting."

"Well you know how my siblings have to live with my sorry excuse of a father?"

Ranboo nodded remembering what Tubbo told him about their living situation. "Ok well I might be making a house for them to live in so they don't have to deal with his crap."

"Really? That's great Tubbo, how soon do you think they'll move in?"

Tubbo shrugged, he still had to gather more materials. "Maybe next month, I don't know."

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