Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Hey guys, back again w another update. Might be a bit before my next one bc im about to go to my grandpa's funeral.. yeah.. just thought i'd get this out before I go in so that i dont leave y'all for a while w/out an update

enjoy ig

After Tubbo explained what went down at Phil's, Tommy was livid. Tommy loved his brother, he really did, but what the fuck? Wilbur had no fucking right to do that to Tubbo. He was pissed, he was gonna kill— maybe not kill but punch Wilbur. He'd choose Tubbo over everyone any day though so punching Will was worth it.

He watched as Tubbo sat crisscrossed with Michael, playing with some toy cars. He smiled at the two and went outside. Of course he forgot a jacket and quickly ran back inside to get one. Now with a raincoat, he ran over to his dad's place.

No way was he gonna call it "Wilbur's place," it's his dad's. Wilbur's 26, he should have his own place by now. Tommy is 19 and so is Tubbo, they both have their own places. Why don't Wilbur and Techno? Cringe.

Tommy pounded on the door, already in a mood. His brother opened the door and groaned. Tommy rolled his eyes and punched Wilbur square in the face. The taller was shocked and staggered back, clutching his face. "Tommy what the fuck?!" Tommy said nothing and just punched him again.

Wilbur spat blood onto the floor and grabbed his brother's arm, stopping a third punch from coming. "Tommy what the fuck is wrong with you?!" He was pretty sure his nose was broken as well. The blonde yanked his arm away from Wilbur and shoved him into a wall, glaring at his brother.

"You fucker. What makes you think you have any right to call Tubbo useless? To say you don't care that Ranboo could be dead? To fucking slap him?" Wilbur rolled his eyes and shoved Tommy off him. So that's what this is about. Protecting his twin. Choosing some random kid that Phil found in the woods over his own brother. "Do you have any idea how much that broke him? The brother he always looked up to, slapping him and calling him useless. You're a fucking bitch."

Wilbur just laughed, blood dripping from his nose and mouth. "So that's what this is about? Seriously?" He looked at his brother and scoffed. So Tommy barged in and hit him because he said something to Tubbo. Wowza.
"Is he really that sensitive that he sent you to deal with me since I hurt his 'feewings'?" 

Wilbur made a look of disgust and turned away, heading into the kitchen to clean his face up. "It's pathetic." He grabbed a wet rag and wiped the blood off his face. Jesus, it hurt like a bitch. His nose won't stop bleeding, and he spat a tooth into the sink.

Tommy stood there, staring at his brother. "Christ Wilbur, you know he loved you so much. Knowing Tubs, he still does. Yeah maybe Tech was always his favourite, but you were second. Not me." Wilbur paused. Tommy has to be lying, right? Tubbo never liked Wilbur. "I'm not bullshitting you dude. You fucked up. He'll probably come to apologise for pissing you off later because that's who he is."

Whatever, if what Tommy was saying was actually true, Wilbur will see Tubbo in an hour or so. "Out," Wilbur huffed as he pointed towards the door. He watched as Tommy flicked him off and slammed the door behind him. "This is fucking stupid." He mumbled and pressed the rag to his face.

Where are Phil and Techno anyway?


"Dammit, Techno get me more bandages. There are so many of these burns. What the hell was he doing?" Phil looked at his future son-in-law who had bandages all over them. He applied more burn cream wherever he saw the holes and waited for Techno to hand him the bandages.

Techno hurried and tossed Phil the roll, grabbing his phone to see a missed call from Wilbur. He quickly called back and put it on speaker. "Wilbur?"

"Hey Tech, where are you and Dad? Tommy and Tubbo just came by and I was wondering where you guys were."

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