Chapter 1

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It was a day of blue skies and cherry blossoms danced together with the wind. I can't even believe that it was already spring.

My name is Sendo Yuri. I was born in January 14. My height is 160 cm and I refuse to reveal my weight, thank you. I am 16 years old and I'm just one of those ordinary teenage girls that everyone sees everyday.

What kind of ordinary girl, you ask me?

The kind of girl that'll strive hard for victory and success. The kind of girl who will do everything for the happiness of the people she love. The kind of girl who loves deeply and true. The kind of girl who has perfectionist parents. Yes, I'm one of those kinds of girls.

I graduated middle school at the top of my class due to my parents' high expectations. And I didn't let them down. And I also aim to be at the top this school year.

But I guess it's easier said than done.

I decided to walk on the way to school that day, just to admire the sight of dancing cherry blossoms all over me.

Just as I finally arrive at the school's front gate, a black limousine stopped by in front, making my feet come to a halt as if I had stepped on glue. A man came out of the car and marched to open the backseat door. A boy stepped out, his hair as the color of blood that complemented his eyes, which were heterochromatic.

He noticed my stare and he looked at me. His eyes were like knives, seeping through me and piercing my soul. He was the type of boy that I should avoid.

His lips twitched up to a smirk and I looked away, feeling embarrassed and my feet struggled to get away from the imaginary glue on the cemented road. I bet I looked like a mad woman at the moment. I start to walk inside the school, passing by him. I can still feel holes through my back, he was still gazing at me. I just feel it. Is it even possible?

Akashi Seijuro. The student council president and team captain of the basketball club. And the one I'm competing with through academics and extracurricular activities. Although it was clear that I was no match for him. He was the perfect epitome of perfect. He was a genius in every way. No more, no less.

While 99% of the female population of Rakuzan High was head over heels on him, I was the only one who find him mysterious. I didn't like his presence at all due to his overwhelming aura. I was that other 1%.

And only today, just today that he and I interacted using our eyes.

I arrived at the classroom and I saw my friends, Yukari and Eri.

I waved at them with a smile to which they returned. "Good morning," I greeted.

"Good morning, Yuri," Eri greeted back then looked through me. "Oh, my God." She breathed then blushed.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"A-Akashi-kun is looking at our direction!" Eri whisper shouted then the two girls held hands and squealed in unison.

I raised an eyebrow in disbelief then sighed. "It can't be helped then." I mumbled to myself then chuckled.

I put my bag aside then sat on my seat, pulling out my novel to continue reading that was halfway finished.

But then I felt strange. I feel as if someone was watching me. I looked at my friends who was chatting and laughing amiably then to the crowd who was minding their own business.

Then I met, once again, those heterochromatic cold eyes that was piercing my hazel ones. With his hands rested on the side of his chin, his eyes narrowed and lips twitched up again into a tightlipped smirk just the same as earlier. It was suddenly haunting me.

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