Chapter 6

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"Are you really sure, young miss?" Tadashi asked for the nth time.

I brushed my shoulder-length hair using my fingers and glanced at Tadashi, who was driving swiftly. "Yes, for the nth time, Tadashi," I grinned at him.

"It's just that... This might become an issue for your parents." Tadashi muttered, worried.

I shook my head. "Don't worry about it. You, at least, need a break from driving me around."

"It is my job, Yurika-sama," Tadashi politely retorted.

I pouted. "Well, as your master I order you to stop driving me to school and home from now on."

Tadashi stiffened. He must have been really afraid of my parents. I don't blame him.

"Look, exams are over and I no longer have problems regarding the matter. I want to at least breathe the fresh air of the morning and look at the beautiful cherry blossoms." I explained, half pleading. "Don't worry about my parents, Tadashi. I'll explain everything to them."

Tadashi was silent for a moment, pondering about my request. Then I heard him sigh to himself. "As you wish."

I threw my hands in the air in triumph. "Yay! Thank you so much! You are the best, ever!" I exclaimed, happily.

Tadashi chuckled. "My lady, I'm honored."


"Yuri," Yukari and Eri approached me in my desk whilst I look at the test paper results. "You perfected the exam!" Yukari exclaimed with a smile.

"I don't understand how English can be a piece of cake to you," Eri wondered, like it was the most difficult mystery in the world. "I barely got a C and B in almost every subjects." She sighed.

"Yeah," Yukari agreed. "I got B minus though,"

I gave them a sympathetic smile. "It's alright guys, I'll tutor you two next time."

"You'll really do that for us?" Yukari asked, her mouth ajar.

"Of course," I said simply, offering them a grin.

"Yay!" The two freaks attacked me with a strangle hug. "You are the best, Yurika Sendo!"

I rolled my eyes then hugged them back.

My eyes stopped at a familiar multi-colored eyes that glanced at me, his lips formed in a tight line. I suddenly couldn't breathe and my chest tightened. I don't know if it's just because of my friends practically strangling me or if it's just Akashi...

But still, I tried to pull away. "I can't breathe," I complained and they pouted.

"We are not even hugging you at max," Yukari giggled. "You're so fragile."

Akashi also perfected the exam so I wasn't that happy. Akashi got the satisfaction. I was always below him. I guess I just have to accept the fact that I will never win against him.

While my friends were bickering which brand of bag is more elegant, I stared at the window, it's partly cloudy. It seems that it was going to rain.

After class, it started to drizzle. Considering the fact that I was always the one left after cleaning duty, the school corridors were already deserted the moment I hurried my way out of the school but before that I passed by the gym again and the sound of dribbling balls, making me remember Akashi, once again.

Just a quick peek won't hurt, right? This will be quick that no one would even notice me.

I took a peek at the ajar door and saw them practicing layups. But the person I wanted to see wasn't there. Akashi wasn't there-

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