Chapter 25

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"When you break up, your whole identity is shattered. It's like death." - Dennis Quiad


Grandpa, I really need you right now.

You only left me clues and it was not enough.

I need you to clarify everything to me.

"He was your lover."

Everything just doesn't make sense.

How can I possibly...?

I narrowed my eyes at the duo and clenched my fists on the table. "Do you see me laughing?" I asked them then leaned on my seat. "It's not funny," I drawled.

Yuta-kun wouldn't lie to me, wouldn't he? It's because...

"I love you so much, Yuri!"

And my parents wouldn't lie to me either because...

"We care for you and we're doing what's best for you, Yurika."

Yukari immediately stood up from her seat and slammed her fist on the table. "Yurika, we're not--"

Erika grabbed her arm that made Yukari cut her sentence off then darted her head to the strawberry blonde female which she only shook her head, signaling her to calm down.

She looked at me. "We're not forcing you to believe us, Yurika," She said, her voice was calm and gentle. "But just so you know, we're not going to gain anything from lying to you."

I shook my head then stood up. "Please don't confuse me more than this..." I muttered as I gather my belongings. "I've already wasted enough of my time."

Yukari smiled bitterly then sat down once again. "Wasted... huh?" She emphasized. "This is our first reunion for the past 8 months and I'm sorry because I'm not sorry we wasted our time with you."

I looked at them and sighed. "I'm sorry," I shook my head and massaged my temples. "I'm just so... tired."

"No, it's okay, Yurika." Erika interjected with a sympathetic smile. "You can take your time and think. But if you need us, don't hesitate to talk to us."

I nodded slowly then mirrored her smile. "Thank you," I said sincerely. "I'll see you guys... soon."

They nodded and without another word, I turned on my heels and walked away from my what so called best friends.

"Soon..." I whispered to myself with a simper.

Grandpa, I hope you can read what's on my mind.

I'm so very confused.

"You know you had a lot of practice with your boy. And I must say, he's quite a genius."

"Your boyfriend! Duh."

"Seijuro-kun needs you."

The boy that my grandfather implied as my playmate in shogi and the other boy who needs me... so they're the same boy.

Seijuro Akashi.

So... it's true then?

My feet stopped functioning at the question and I seem to get lost in my own little world.

I don't want to believe this...

They couldn't possibly... no...

No, no, no.

I felt letters being painted in my heart.


I don't want to believe that they had lied to me...

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