Chapter 36

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"My love for you will outlast this beach, this ocean, this planet. When judgment comes and Heaven finally falls, I will take you back with me." - Scarlet Blackwell, I Am Fallen


It was a day of blue skies and cherry blossoms danced together with the wind. I can't even believe that it was already spring.

An involuntary smile of excitement crept to my lips as my feet took its first step on the floors of Kyoto - my home. Yes, I'm finally home at last.

"Yurika!" Someone called out my name, which caught my attention.

I switched my gaze at different directions, finding the source of the sound. And then I found my mother, who was waving her hands to me.

I grinned and ran to her direction, dragging my luggage with me. I gave her a tight hug and giggled.

We chatted the whole while on the way home, catching up. Even though I've always kept in touch with her throughout the years, we never seem to run out of topic today. Maybe that's the result of finishing college in Melbourne and might as well, manage the branch company for a few years. And besides, I missed my family as well. And seeing her today... I can't help but notice the huge change that occurred in her. But that change was in a positive side.

Kyoto had changed a lot. There were many repaired roads, newly opened shopping districts and such. Everything felt so weird yet good at the same time. But it was still the same place that I built memories for years... with a certain someone.

When we arrived at the certain mansion that I used to call home, my eyes sparkled in awe. They had made a few changes and renovations here and there but it's still simple. Simple yet elegant.

I had recovered most of my memories thanks to the help of therapy. However, I never recovered the memories of my childhood. And it saddened me because I will have no childhood moment to reminisce about and I never met my grandfather in person, only in my dreams. He died when I was 12. But I managed to live with it.

Opening the front doors of my home, I was beyond surprised when familiar faces greeted my eyes - my friends of course.

"Surprise!" Yukari was the first one to squeal and attack me in a tight bear hug, which made me giggle and quickly return the favor. There stood the Uncrowned Kings: Reo Mibuchi, Kotaro Hayama and Eikichi Nebuya. Chihiro Mayuzumi and Erika was also there. And she was grinning ear to ear as she held her baby son in her arms.

"Kyaaa~ Yuri-chan! I missed you~!" Reo sang then hugged me which made me laugh. He got even taller though.

"Welcome back, Yu-chan! You've changed a lot!" Kotaro grinned and also gave me a hug.

"Is it the good kind of change?" I asked then returned the smile. He just laughed and nodded.

I shifted my gaze towards Eikichi and grinned at him. "Looking good, Eikichi!" I approached him and gave him a hug, he laughed and hugged me back then spun me around, making me laugh as well.

When Eikichi put me down, I shifted my attention towards the female with the baby. I squealed in excitement. "Oh, my God! Is he already my godson? Hi Subaru-kun!" I exclaimed, happily. Subaru-kun's dull eyes met mine and his lips curled up into a smile.

"He likes you!" Reo said.

I gave Eri my famous puppy eyes. "May I?" I asked Eri.

She giggled "Do you really need to ask that? Of course! He's your godson after all!" She said with a smile then slowly put Subaru-kun in my arms.

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