Chapter 17

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"Love to me is something telling me, 'I want to be with you for the rest of my life, and if you needed me to I'd jump out of a plane for you." - Jennifer Lopez


I composed a piano piece for Seijuro. Behind the sheet is a letter. I was planning to play it for him on his 17th birthday which was on December 20th. I know it's still a bit early but I just feel so uneasy. Actually, composing has never crossed my mind until now so it was also my first time. It took me a whole week to compose the music, it was easier said than done. But in the end, I managed to perfect it. All there's left to do is cross my fingers and pray that he'll like it.

When you're in love, you just focus on the happy moments with your loved one. The thought of what might happen in the future slips through your mind. Because I didn't care what the future held, as long as Seijuro is with me.

There are also people who wanted to defy your happiness.

It was dinner time when my parents said something that caught my full attention, for the first time.

"Marriage is also part of your career, Yuri," My father suddenly stated, breaking the silence.

I stopped chewing on my food and shifted my gaze to look at my father, who was across the table, in front of me. I prevented the urge to raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean, father?"

"I guess it's time for you to prepare for the next step of being the heiress," He continued and that confused me even more. I waited patiently for the next words of my father. "You will transfer out to Osaka and finish high school there."

My world stopped spinning for a moment. I choked on my food and took a long sip of my water before facing my parents who had an impassive expression. "What?" It barely came out as a whisper. I heard them loud and clear but I dare them to say it again.

"Yuta Kiryuu is there," My mother joined and stated a name I was not familiar of. "Your fiance,"

Oxygen seem to leave the place I was sitting on. My pattern of my breathing became rapid as I felt tears prick my eyes and I quickly blinked them back. I should have thought about this sooner or later. I never thought that my parents would come to this point... interfering even with something so personal. I was supposed to be the one to choose my partner. I was supposed to be the one to choose my own fate. Instead, they arranged me to someone I completely have no idea whose identity was. I should have expected this... I should have known that this would happen. I didn't had time to prepare for it. No, I never made time. And it was a mistake.

But they are still not aware of something.

I swallowed and took deep calming breaths, thinking of a lucid response. I was close to hyperventilate.

They didn't know about me and Seijuro. Not yet.

"I'm just 16," I pointed out and bit my lower lip. "Isn't marriage still too early?"

"That's why you'll transfer to Osaka, to get to know Yuta-kun and get married once you graduate."

I bit my lip hard and just found myself curling my fists into tight balls on my lap. "Why did you decide without even consulting me?" I asked, my voice shaking.

Calm down, Yurika. Calm down... don't lose it. Don't.

"It's for your sake too, Yurika." Father said. And I mentally laughed. "If you marry someone that's not worthy for you, you'll regret it." He explained then took a sip of his wine. "But with Yuta-kun, you'll have nothing to worry about. He excels in both sports and academics. A family well-known for being organized and excellent in everything."

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